The Storm God

Chapter 4108 Don't lose face! (Please subscribe!)

Cosmic starry sky.

The living planet Ego, in the gorgeous and beautiful palace hall.

Zhang Sheng and others of the Sanctuary team just negotiated terms with Yi Ge's incarnation and initially reached a cooperation intention, and they are secretly delighted.

Gain because...

Their movements are still very fast.

The main thing is luck, the other reincarnation teams didn't choose Yi Ge as their partner, which made them cheaper.


Things will not go so smoothly.

However, before they were happy for a few seconds, Zhang Sheng's reincarnation watch suddenly sounded a piercing alarm.

Not only him.

The rest of the team members, Lan Lan, Xiaoxue, and His Royal Highness, were all like this.


Yi Ge was full of doubts, and asked in puzzlement, "What happened?"

Regarding the origins of Zhang Sheng and others, Yi Ge is not very clear, he only knows that these people are very strong, and none of them are weaker than him.

It will be a very good choice to cooperate with each other.

As for the others?


it is not important.

What Yi Ge cares about is whether his expansion plan can be carried out smoothly.

Star-lord had ruined his plan before, which resulted in not being able to find a son with supernatural powers, which made Yi Ge feel annoyed and depressed for a while.

it's good now.

These guys who came out of nowhere, each of them has terrifying strength and massive divine power.

Although he has to pay a certain price, compared to the gains, it is still very impressive. In short, Yi Ge thinks this deal is very cost-effective.


When he saw Zhang Sheng and others looking nervous, his first reaction was to help, after all, we are all allies.

If there are any troubles and problems, it is best to solve them together.

Better than going it alone.

To this.

He has a deep understanding.


Zhang Sheng nodded solemnly, and explained: "The alarm just now means that one of our team members has been killed..."


Yi Ge was stunned when he heard that.

Dare not to believe it: "You are so powerful, who can kill your teammates? Could it be your enemy?"

Regarding the origins of Zhang Sheng and others, Yi Ge also had some guesses.

The biggest possibility is that he is a visitor from other universes. After all, he is a member of the Celestial Race. In this universe, he has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, but he has never heard of it. Who can be like Zhang Sheng and others? People are so powerful.

After excluding all factors, it can only be an outsider.

To this.

Egg didn't reject it.

On the contrary, he is very yearning and yearning, because for him, it will be a bigger stage and more possibilities for evolution.

Therefore, Yi Ge did not hesitate to agree to the cooperation request made by Zhang Sheng and others, just for this opportunity.


Now his teammate was killed.

This made Yi Ge very shocked, and at the same time understood that Zhang Sheng and the others did not seem to be the most powerful, they also had their own enemies, and if they cooperated with them, he would also face targets from lighter enemies.

This is not a good thing.

It was a matter of his own wealth and life, so of course Yi Ge had to understand it clearly.


Zhang Sheng was silent for a while.

Then he explained: "It can't be regarded as an enemy, but some competitors. We have a mission here, and the key to the mission is the infinite stone..."

"If the task fails, you will pay a heavy price, or you will lose your life. Therefore, everyone has exhausted their means and calculations for the infinite gems."

"Our team member probably died at the hands of a competitor. As for who it is, I need to investigate carefully."

"Fortunately, I installed a special communication device on him. It only takes a wave of operation and time to wait, and I can feed back some information at that time..."

"Those who dare to kill me, no matter who they are, I will definitely make them pay the price!"


Said behind.

The tone was already full of murderous intent.


at the same time.

On the planet Zelfar.

Both Xing Yun and Thanos were stunned, not only because of the sudden appearance of Bai Xiaofei, who easily killed Li Gou, who was extremely terrifying to them.

It was even more because after Bai Xiaofei killed someone, he even touched the corpse on the spot.


Also touch.

With a face full of disgust, he complained: "The majestic master of the gods is so shabby. Apart from the equipment on his body, there is not even a single thing of value in the space of the reincarnation watch. What the hell is this guy doing?" ?”

"I've never seen anyone poorer than you."

"It's not ashamed to lose it."


While talking, Bai Xiaofei couldn't stop shaking his head and sighing.

In the end, he just took off Li Gou's reincarnation wristwatch. Although the contents in it were of little help to him, they were still helpful to the younger brothers under his command.

Although there are not many items, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Pay attention to use it.

Better than nothing, right?


Bai Xiaofei stood up.

With a bright smile on his face, he looked at the frightened Xing Yun, and asked in a harmonious voice: "This beautiful lady, are you okay?"

"no no……"

Nebula lay on the ground and opened his mouth blankly.

Although Li Gou is dead, the means of confinement he left on Xing Yun are gradually becoming invalid, but after all, the time is too short, so Xing Yun is still unable to move freely.

Just talking is very front.


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

Then pointed out, the golden light gathered in an instant, and then flew to Xingyun's side like an elf, and submerged into her body.

follow closely.

Xingyun was pleasantly surprised to find that he could move.

The special confinement power that Li Gou left in his body before, under this man's golden light, is like snow under the scorching sun, melting almost instantly.

"Thank you!"

After Xing Yun realized it, he quickly thanked Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand, indicating that this was nothing, and at the same time, with a thought, he immediately rescued Thanos who was suspended in mid-air.

The rope that binds Thanos comes from the space of reincarnation. Although the material of the same grade is not top-notch, it is not an ordinary thing. With Xingyun's strength, it is impossible to untie it.

But for Bai Xiaofei, it was pediatrics.

"Thank you!"

Xing Yun thanked again, and then hurriedly ran to his father Thanos, and asked warmly, "Father, are you okay?"

In order to save Xingyun before, Thanos was beaten a lot.

Especially in order to persecute Xingyun, Thanos directly became the target of Li Gou's abuse. Seeing that the effect was not good, Li Gou changed his target and set his target on Xing Yun.


Before he could make a move, Bai Xiaofei came.

Everything, on the contrary, made Bai Xiaofei cheaper for nothing. After all, saving one's life is not a trivial matter. In addition, he is still an acquaintance with Star-Lord T'Challa. With Bai Xiaofei's identity, he was quickly accepted by Xingyun and Thanos.


Bai Xiaofei didn't mince words with the two of them, and said bluntly: "Actually, I came here this time to seek help from T'Challa, and I also want to get some embers of creation for research, maybe it can help me make a breakthrough..."


The Xingyun father and daughter were slightly taken aback when they heard the words, but they quickly realized that Li Gou was also for this purpose before, and it was reasonable for Bai Xiaofei to want the embers of creation.

after all.

That is an extremely rare treasure.

Xingyun smiled, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai, you saved our lives, and you are also a friend of Xingjue. Logically speaking, we should not refuse your request, but unfortunately, the embers of creation have been taken away by us. Most of the amount was used up, and only a small amount remained, hidden on a special hidden planet..."

"A few days ago, the major forces in the universe suddenly suffered chaos, so that it was almost completely reshuffled. We don't know if that planet survived..."

"So we can't give a specific answer to this request."


When he said this, Xing Yun looked embarrassed.


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