The Storm God

Chapter 4109 Titans! (Please subscribe!)

"No problem."

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, and said, "You just need to tell me where the embers of creation are hidden."


Nebula didn't hesitate at all.

He immediately informed Bai Xiaofei of the hiding place of the embers of creation and the coordinates of that special planet, and also gave him a detailed map.

Of course.

The map was temporarily drawn by Nebula.

After all, he was caught and searched by Li Gou before, if there were such an important clue, Li Gou would have obtained it long ago.

Nebula would not be so careless.

All the key clues were imprinted in her mind.

What's wrong with Xingyun is that although Li Gou is powerful, he doesn't have the ability to search for souls, otherwise Xingyun and his daughter would have suffered a long time ago.


Bai Xiaofei got the map and thanked Xingyun.

Then turn around and leave.

after all

His target is Xing Yun and Thanos, but someone else.

Besides the news about the embers of creation, Bai Xiaofei also learned some clues about Star Lord T'Challa from the two of them.

They were dealing with a chaotic situation together.


A group of guys of unknown origin broke in suddenly, and immediately dispersed their team. Thanos was also injured in this battle.

Afterwards, the Xingyun father and daughter fled to the planet Zelfa, preparing to recuperate first, and then come out to plan the follow-up after finding out the situation.

at the same time.

During this period.

They didn't do nothing either.

For example, looking for materials, making contact communication devices, so as to contact teammates as soon as possible.

Heaven pays off.

some day.

Nebula finally got some news.

Yongdu, Xingjue and the others were arrested during an operation, but the adjutant who had just been summoned by their side gave important clues about it.

The person who captured them was said to be a group of very large monsters.

what is rumored to be titans


There is not much progress.

Because the monsters who captured Xingjue are too strong, and their physical defense is almost invincible. All technological weapons, hitting them, are like tickling.

Unless the super powerful Star Destroyer is used, it is possible to pose a little threat to them, but the problem is that they are not stupid, how could they stand stupidly and be bombarded by you?

And the opponents are still in groups.

How to fight this?


The rescue plan ran aground.

Xing Yun and the others could only be secretly depressed, and at the same time secretly recuperate and accumulate strength, hoping that there will be some major turning point in the future.

Until Bai Xiaofei appeared.

before leaving.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said to Xingyun's father and daughter: "You guys should recuperate well here, I will find a way to rescue Star Lord T'Challa."

"That will trouble you."

Nebula still highly recognizes Bai Xiaofei's strength. She believed that if it was Bai Xiaofei, then Xingjue would be able to be rescued.

As for the embers of creation?

If it's gone, it's gone. The current situation in the universe has made Xingyun and the others unable to take care of other things anymore. Surviving safely is the top priority.

After leaving the planet Zelfa.

Bai Xiaofei didn't go to rescue Star-Lord T'Challa in the first place. According to Xingyun's clue description, if nothing else happens, it should be the Titans from Samsara Space who captured Star-Lord and Yondu.

Not only Xingjue and others, but even the power gem is in the opponent's hands.

And these guys are not easy to mess with.


The Reaper guys.

And the guys from the Abyss Demon team have already come to the door.

The result was that he was still doing well. The only explanation was that the Titans were so strong that the other Samsara teams didn't dare to provoke them easily.

You can only look for other opportunities.

after all

There are six infinity stones.

If there is no special need, naturally no one will fight the Titans guys for a power gem, so as not to be reaped the benefits.

For Bai Xiaofei, it is good to know the clues of Xingjue.

To be saved is of course necessary.

but not now.


Bai Xiaofei just wanted to find the embers of creation as soon as possible.

According to Nebula, they have already used a considerable part of it to create food and solve the population resource problem of the universe.

There are still about two-fifths of the remaining embers of creation.

All of them were hidden somewhere on that special planet. If there were no accidents, no one would be able to find it there.

Just happened to encounter the team battle in the reincarnation space, so that the major forces in the entire universe were completely affected and even reshuffled.

And this planet with the embers of creation was also involved in this great catastrophe by certain forces.

Xing Yun does not know whether the hidden place of the embers of creation has been discovered.

after all

Both she and Thanos are trapped on the planet Zelfar.

The situation was special, so Bai Xiaofei naturally didn't dare to gamble. If someone found out, he would have no place to cry, so it's better to go and have a look early to confirm the situation.


Bai Xiaofei came to this unremarkable red planet.

This planet has no name, only a serial number——ysd3233, which belongs to Xandar's ruling area. There are very few intelligent life forms on the planet, but it produces abundant mineral resources.

Most of the planet is equipped with various mining equipment, as well as intelligently controlled transportation channels, which can support the mined mineral deposits, directly refine them, and then send them to nearby important strongholds.

The reason why Nebula hides the embers of creation on this planet is because there are few people on this planet, so it will not be easily discovered and valued by others.


Things backfired.

With the outbreak of the cosmic war, all major forces were involved.

And the rise of war is doomed to a severe shortage of resources. Unfortunately, this planet should not be included in the scope of competition.

According to the information obtained by Bai Xiaofei, many people came and went to this planet, all wanting to take this planet as their own, and then mine resources to prepare for the war.

In the end, no one succeeded, and the Chitauri took advantage of it in the end.

no way.

Who made the environment of this planet not suitable for life. However, the mineral resources of this planet are not so amazing and huge.

This has caused many forces to be unwilling to use too many human resources for such a small resource, because it is not cost-effective at all.

But the Chitauri are different.

They have all been transformed into mechanical life forms, and they are still controlled by the hive consciousness. The environment of this planet does not matter to the Chitauri at all.

That alone puts the Chitauri at a huge advantage.

In addition, the boss behind it is a group of Titans, which is extremely powerful, and the rest of them are naturally unwilling to take risks for this.

So the planet eventually fell into the hands of the Chitauri.


Many places here have been transformed into the processing and production base of the giant Leviathan, using local resources to forge a steady stream of weapons and equipment for it.

When Bai Xiaofei arrived, he keenly discovered that the place where Nebula hides the embers of creation happened to be occupied by the expanded military base of the Chitauri.


Through the scanning and observation of spiritual thoughts, the buried embers of creation have not been discovered by the Chitauri, but it will be soon. After all, their mining technology is quite good. In just two or three days, they will be able to dig through the final barrier and find the hidden embers of creation.

See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "Fortunately, we rushed here immediately, otherwise, if it was a day or two later, the embers of creation would probably fall into the hands of the Titans."

But having said that, the development of this Titan team is really good enough, and they even subdued all the Chitauri who were under the command of Thanos before.

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