The Storm God

Chapter 4110 The power of good fortune! (Please subscribe!)

There is one thing to say.

Although the Chitauri are a bit of rubbish, they are very useful when used as cannon fodder. The key is to develop, which is very convenient.

Its manufacturing cost is even cheaper than Bai Xiaofei's Terminator Legion.

If not.

at first

With so many civilized races in the universe, it is impossible for Thanos to choose Chitauri as his younger brother. The key is that these guys are easy to use.

No idea.

The Titans went so far as to pick the Chitauri.

Have vision!

Bai Xiaofei sighed slightly.

In fact, not only the Chitauri, but also the Titans' strategic vision is quite acceptable in other aspects, such as the choice of infinite gems.

He just chose the power gem.

Absolute professional counterparts can enhance their advantages to the extreme, which ensures that they can always occupy the upper hand in the next confrontation.

It can be deduced from this that the leader of the Titans is definitely a brain.

And this planet belongs to the forces of the Titans. To be on the safe side, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to cause trouble, especially since there are still embers of creation hidden here.

Just make a fortune with a muffled voice, but don't shoot a gun.

With Bai Xiaofei's ability.

If you want to take away the embers of creation without anyone noticing, then naturally there is no problem. Once wrapped in the space dimension coat, Bai Xiaofei easily escaped all the Chitauri's detection, and then went straight to Huanglong. To the place where the embers of creation were buried.

This is a very deep depression.

Because only a sufficiently thick earth can completely hide the rich and powerful breath of life from the embers of creation. Even if there are some omissions, they will be regarded as the energy of the planet itself and will not arouse people's suspicion.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just wanted to say that Xingyun was really thoughtful.

It's a pity that thousands of calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. If there is no chaos in the reincarnation space, nothing will happen unexpectedly


Bai Xiaofei's luck is invincible, and he came here one step earlier, so it is destined that this embers of creation will be in Bai Xiaofei's pocket.

"Is this the embers of creation?"

Coming to the deepest part of the planet, Bai Xiaofei soon saw the embers of creation that he had been thinking about, which was a can of special substances that had been knocked into a sealed container.

The whole is bright emerald green, and the substance is in the shape of a tablet, as if it has been specially processed. In fact, this is completely its own form.

Just like certain cells in the human body, they are born this way.

This palm-sized container is made by special technological means, it can well isolate the life energy of the embers of creation, and its defense is amazing.

Even in this deep depression, it will not be destroyed by the terrible pressure.

at the same time

To protect the embers of creation.

Nebula also set up several sets of complicated special secrets on the device. If it is forcibly destroyed and opened, the built-in dark matter bomb will be detonated, completely destroying the embers of creation inside.

Even if ordinary people get this, it is impossible to easily take out the embers of creation inside, but Bai Xiaofei has no such worries.

Because Xingyun has already told Bai Xiaofei all the passwords.

Of course.

Even without a password, Bai Xiaofei can easily unlock it without any pressure by relying on the terrifying computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System.

With the embers of creation in hand, it was just in case, Bai Xiaofei did not immediately conduct research, but directly came to his own small world with the embers of creation.

In his own territory, Bai Xiaofei has no worries at all, even if any accident happens, the person who benefits will only be Bai Xiaofei.

in the small world.

Bai Xiaofei came to a barren planet.

The environment here is very cruel, completely unsuitable for the gestation and birth of life, and very suitable for Bai Xiaofei to conduct research experiments on the embers of creation.


He opened the device container.

Immediately, Bai Xiaofei felt the vast vitality emanating from the container, making him almost think that he had returned to the special space where the spirit of the white lamp existed.


The depth of this vitality is much worse than that of the spirit of existence.

But also very terrifying and powerful.

after all.

This thing can be named as the creation of the world, it must have a lot of background.

The energy contained in it is not just as simple as life energy, Bai Xiaofei feels the existence of other more terrifying forces from it.

"This is"

"The power of creation born during the Big Bang? Although it is extremely weak and thin, it is genuine and absolutely unmistakable."

"I really found a baby!"


Feel the special power in the embers of creation.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei smiled brightly, because this special power is very important to him, and will be one of the key factors for him to break through the third stage.

The power of good fortune is complicated to say, but in simple terms, it can actually be named by another name, that is Tao!

Road to Road, very Avenue.

There are three thousand avenues, all of which can be enlightened, and among them, the way of heaven is the most special one.

Bai Xiaofei's own way is also very complicated and special. If he wants to break through the realm and walk out of his own style, he needs to learn from many ways to improve his foundation.

Whether it's the Three Thousand Ways or the power of heaven, it's fine.

And the power of good fortune in the embers of creation made Bai Xiaofei feel the power of the great way contained in the period of the big bang in the Marvel universe.

Although it is very weak and thin, it is also extremely crucial.


This is completely unfamiliar to Bai Xiaofei, and it is a brand new force. If he can fully comprehend it, it will definitely help him achieve a huge improvement.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei was naturally extremely excited and excited.

Afterwards, he calmed down, held the container, and shook it lightly, and a tablet-shaped embers of creation were poured out.

Under the control of Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, this embers of creation were guided and sent into the star core of the barren planet under his feet.

If it is only used on the surface, it would be a bit wasteful.


Bai Xiaofei wanted to be serious, if the energy of the embers of creation bloomed directly in the star core of the planet, what would be the effect?

Previously, he had heard from Xingjue, Xingyun and others that the embers of creation were used most by them to create plants and food to solve the resource problem of the universe's population expansion.

And to operate in this way is absolutely reckless.

This is a fetish that contains the power of the Dao, but you actually use it to make food? Isn't this a waste?

Looking at the container, only about two-fifths of the embers of creation were left, and thinking that most of them were used by Xingyun and Thanos to create food, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but want to kill people to vent his anger.

But in the end, he was serious.

Mind back.

Then I began to feel carefully the changes in the planet under my feet.

And in Bai Xiaofei's spiritual scanning, he soon discovered that the star core of this planet is rapidly undergoing a qualitative change, just like a silent atomic bomb, the internal atomic nucleus is undergoing rapid fusion, and the terrifying and vast energy is constantly releasing and swell.

This special shape change is almost like the singularity at the beginning of the universe, to be precise, it is the singularity when it is about to explode.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but his expression changed, and he said in amazement: "Damn! How could there be such a reaction? This planet won't be blown up, right?"

The voice did not fall.

Hearing a loud "boom", the star core inside the planet actually exploded, but the strange thing is that the space and matter outside it did not seem to be affected.

It was as if the two were in completely different spatial dimensions.

follow closely.

Bai Xiaofei sensed it.

The exploding star core, like a terrifying white hole, began to crazily tilt the vast and abyss of life energy outward continuously.

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