The Storm God

Chapter 4111 Thanos transformation! (Please subscribe!)

"I go!"

Seeing the unimaginable scene, Bai Xiaofei was completely stunned: "What's the situation? No, the white hole has come out, it shouldn't be."

this moment.

Someone is confused.

According to Nebula and T'Challa's description, the most obvious effect after using the embers of creation is to spawn endless plants, turning the entire planet into a sea of ​​plants.

Otherwise, Nebula and Thanos don't need this thing to get food, because most of the food is related to plants.

But when I came here, how did the situation become like this?

All right

The stimulation of life energy.

Indeed, to a certain extent, the vitality of the planet was born, resulting in a large amount of green vegetation on the surface, which began to grow rapidly and thrive like mushrooms after rain.

But what the hell is that white hole inside the star core?

Even a realm as strong as Bai Xiaofei's, he couldn't see through it, as if the other end of the white hole was a deeper and higher existence far beyond his cognition.

Bai Xiaofei was left speechless.

"Has it mutated?"

Bai Xiaofei could only think.

After all, the embers of creation are a product of the Marvel universe, but this planet is a product of its own small world, and it is suddenly merged with it, so there is no guarantee that there will be no special changes.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's small world, its cosmic laws and so on, are very different and different in the Marvel Universe.

The fusion of two different products produces some strange changes, but it's understandable.

"Could it be because of the power of good fortune?"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, and quickly thought of the key point.

He speculated that it might be that his own small world contained too much power of the Great Dao, so that after the fusion of the embers of creation and the star core, the power of good fortune contained in it was immediately triggered.

Then the combination of the two different avenue powers produced this series of incredible special changes, and the rest of the changes became bonus gifts, not worth mentioning.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes brightened immediately, and he muttered to himself: "I just don't know how long this white hole can last. If I can keep releasing endless life force like this, then I'll make a lot of money."


Someone is happy too soon.

In just a moment, the white hole in the special space of the star core shrank, and then completely shrunk and annihilated

And at this moment.

The planet has been completely changed.

The surface of the earth is full of green vegetation, some of which are even high into the clouds, as huge as a mountain. The countless vegetation, under the photosynthesis of the sun, quickly produce various gases, and then form a thick ecological circle, the atmosphere


These are still secondary.

The most important thing is the core of the planet. Bai Xiaofei sensed it carefully, and from this brand new star core, he felt a sense of life slowly being born.

"I rely on it!"

"The key to this stock, shouldn't it be Gaia?"

"Do you want to be so outrageous?"


Bai Xiaofei was completely stunned.

Obviously, they never expected that after an ember of creation fused with the star core of a barren planet, it would be so convenient to create a Gaia consciousness in one fell swoop!

Although it is still very weak at present, it is only in the embryonic stage, but if it goes on like this, if there is no accident, it will definitely grow in the future.

This is scary!

To know.

Gaia's potential is extremely terrifying.

Generally, it can only be conceived and born under the blessing of the infinite power of the world. As a result, Bai Xiaofei just created a

Doesn't this mean that he can create Gaia casually in the future?

If this is the case, if he cultivates it well, then Bai Xiaofei can completely form an army of younger brothers composed of Gaia.

It's scary just thinking about it!


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei smiled even brighter.

At the same time, he also realized that the effect of the embers of creation may be far more powerful than he imagined, and the key depends on how to use it.

Just like Nebula.

She and her father Thanos will only be used to create food.

As a result, Gaia consciousness with astonishing potential can be bred in the hands, and this is the gap between the two sides.

It's like a sky and an underground.

Not at all of a magnitude.


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

With a wave of hands, countless high-level intelligent robots have been created on this planet, responsible for systematic cultivation and changing the environment of the earth.

Gaia, the core part, was also separated by Bai Xiaofei to protect him, and taught him by precept and example, just like educating a child, when Gaia was still a fetus, he recited the principles of the Dao that he was proficient in .

It seems that he has regarded it as his own child, and carefully taught it and prepared for pregnancy.

Bai Xiaofei also had no choice.

Although this Gaia was just created by him by accident, he can't just be irresponsible because of it, after all, it is a life, and since it was created, he must be responsible to the end.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei's family has a great career, so this child is not bad.

Maybe this Gaia can still help herself after she is born. Even if she can't help herself, it's a good thing to be with her children.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei is quite Buddhist.

After finishing everything that followed here, Bai Xiaofei left, and then returned to the world of Marvel Universe.

Of course.

The embers of creation were left by him in the small world.

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to proceed with the matter of further in-depth research, otherwise he would create a few more Gaias, which would be troublesome.

You know, Bai Xiaofei has quite a lot of tasks now, and they are quite arduous, but he doesn't have extra time to do other things.

One Gaia is enough for Bai Xiaofei.

get some more

Really run out of energy.

next second.

Bai Xiaofei returned to the planet Zelfa again.

Xing Yun and Thanos were resting and recovering from their injuries. Seeing Bai Xiaofei who appeared suddenly, they felt quite sudden and unexpected, and asked in puzzlement, "Mr. Bai, why did you come back all of a sudden?"


Bai Xiaofei explained with a smile: "I just want to tell you that I have obtained the embers of creation, and the effect has far exceeded expectations. I am here to thank you."


In his hand, there are already two more bottles of eternal life holy water: "This is the treasure I got in other worlds. Drinking it will not only heal your injuries instantly, but also regenerate your bones, cleanse your tendons and cut your marrow, which will greatly benefit you." Improve your strength and lifespan"


Xing Yun and Thanos were stunned when they heard the words.

"This, this is not good, is it?"

"Such a treasure is really too precious, and we didn't do anything. You saved our lives before, how dare we?"


The two waved their hands again and again.

It means that this gift is too expensive for them to accept.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't care about this at all, smiled slightly, and left a sentence: "There is nothing to be embarrassed about, this is just a little bit of my heart."


The whole person disappeared completely.

Leaving Xingyun and Thanos in place, you look at me and I look at you, speechless for a long time.

After a while.

After all, Thanos was the first to speak.

Said: "Xingyun, since Mr. Bai has his heart set on it, let's go ahead. At worst, we will pay back twice in the future."


Nebula wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, they were swallowed back, and finally nodded silently: "Well, maybe this is also a chance for us to make a comeback. Originally, I wanted to go back to the countryside. If this is the case, then we will fight hard again." Give it a go."


He directly picked up a bottle of eternal life holy water, opened the lid, and drank it up.

Thanos is no exception.


The surging power exploded in the two of them in an instant.

The bodies of Xingyun and Thanos were floating out of control, and like human-shaped light bulbs, they emitted endless bright light.

at the same time.

The bodies of the two of them also undergone earth-shaking qualitative changes in an instant.

After all the visions disappeared, Xingyun and Thanos' injuries had completely healed. Although their appearance hadn't changed much, their strength had increased by more than ten million times.

Especially Thanos.

As a member of the Eternal Clan, under the stimulation of the holy water of eternal life, something in his body seemed to be completely activated, and the images of the annihilation and creation of the stars and the universe flashed faintly between the opening of his eyes.

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