The Storm God

Chapter 4112 Captain Marvel is injured! (Please subscribe!)

Regardless of what happened to Thanos.


After Bai Xiaofei left.

So he came directly to the Skrull Empire, and the target was naturally Captain Marvel and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. If it's convenient, it's also possible to see the Yuan Devouring Beast.

Bai Xiaofei once heard Xingjue T'Challa talk about this special species of Yuan Devouring Beast, and it was described as a very terrifying creature, rumored to be able to swallow even the Rubik's Cube.

It can be seen from this.

The Yuan Devouring Beast also possesses certain spatial abilities.

As for how strong it is, it is unknown. After all, Captain Marvel's pet cat is generally rarely accessible to people.

The Skrull Empire is one of the three major powers in the universe, but it is the weakest among them. It has been almost always suppressed by the Kerry Empire before.


Captain Marvel's mutiny.

Became the space policeman and maintained peace, which gradually changed the tragic situation of the Skrull Empire. Many people with lofty ideals gathered here to form an alliance of peacemakers.

That is.

Although the current Skrull is still called an empire in name, the actual situation is basically an alliance structure.

Only the core level within Skrull still maintains the ladder level of the empire.

As for Captain Marvel, his status is quite special.

Say it's an outsider.

But to be able to gain a relationship with the core stratum of the Skrull Empire, and even influence and decide its policies to a certain extent, the power is astonishingly high.

But you can say that she is from her own family, but Captain Marvel is also from Earth. In Skrull, she is a proper outsider.

Even so, no one dared to underestimate her.


Captain Marvel is fierce.

Back then, the Kree Empire army headed by tough Ronan, with his own strength, made the other party frightened and fled without a fight.

It is no exaggeration to say that Captain Marvel is like a humanoid self-propelled nuclear weapon, and its deterrent power is absolutely second to none among the major forces in the universe.

Of course.

Captain Marvel is relatively low-key.

If there were no special circumstances, she would generally not make a move easily, and even if she did, she would seldom use all her strength.

after all.

Not everyone has superpowers.

Among the major forces in the universe, except for some with special talents and super combat capabilities, most of them mainly rely on technology.

For these people, Captain Marvel is like a cheating existence.

Those who knew her were extremely afraid and terrifying.



That's the type that really doesn't know, or is just hearsay.

Bai Xiaofei came to the Skrull Empire this time to talk to Captain Marvel. Whether it is the Rubik's Cube or the current situation, Captain Marvel is Bai Xiaofei's indispensable help.

"Who are you?"

Hearing that Bai Xiaofei was going to meet Captain Marvel, the surrounding Skrulls all showed surprise, and there was even a strong sense of vigilance in their eyes.

Afterwards, they asked Bai Xiaofei to reveal his identity.


What kind of identity does Bai Xiaofei have?

He is not an original resident of the major forces in the universe, so naturally he can't show any identification, but Bai Xiaofei is not worried, and replied with a smile: "I am from Earth, and I come from the same place as Captain Marvel. You just need to tell her , she will naturally meet me..."

In theory it is true.

But unfortunately...

This time and that time.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei said this, instead of helping to spread the word, the surrounding Skrulls showed their weapons and completely surrounded Bai Xiaofei.


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was stunned: "What's going on?"


One of the Skrulls snorted coldly when he heard the words: "The last time someone used this excuse to meet Captain Marvel, but it turned out to be a spy sent by the enemy, and the Captain was seriously injured. I don't think you are a good person..."

"To be on the safe side, let's drive him out!"

"You can do it if necessary!"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, completely speechless.

Depend on!

There is such a thing?

Captain Marvel is injured? Could it be the last war?

But here comes the question, with Captain Marvel's ability, how can an ordinary guy be her opponent? Could it be a member of the reincarnation space?

In this way, the rumors are true. The Rubik's Cube was really here with Captain Marvel? what about now? Wouldn't it be snatched away by the Samsara team?

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

But it's a pity that the surrounding Skrulls didn't believe him at all, and they all took weapons and pointed at him, trying to drive him away.

Judging by this posture, if Bai Xiaofei doesn't cooperate, he might do it directly.

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile.

He didn't have the same knowledge as these people, so he turned and left.


That's only on the surface.

In fact, as soon as he turned around, Bai Xiaofei escaped into the void, and at the same time, the power of divine sense swept across, bringing the situation of the entire planet into his induction.


Bai Xiaofei saw the figure of Captain Marvel.

It's just that Captain Marvel at this moment is lying on the bed, looking very weak, and there are several Skrull doctors next to him, busy before and after, treating him.

Looks like it's pretty badly hurt.

"grown ups……"

A white coat looked bitter, shook his head and said: "Ms. Carroll's condition is very bad, and the condition is very special. It is a strange lesion that has never been seen before. With our current technology, there is nothing we can do..."

"how so?"

The Skrulls, who are called adults, could not help but become more gloomy when they heard the words. It was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and their eyes were full of despair:

"Can we just watch her die slowly like this?"


The white coat remained silent.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious, probably that's it, anyway, there was nothing they could do.

"Why don't you let me try..."

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei's voice suddenly came.


his figure.

He also appeared in front of everyone out of thin air, scaring everyone so much that even a few guards beside him immediately drew out their weapons and aimed at Bai Xiaofei.

"Who are you?"

"Hands up, or you'll shoot!"


Talos, the leader of the Skrulls, saw Bai Xiaofei's true face, he was taken aback for a moment, and then had a flash of inspiration, thinking that Bai Xiaofei might be a compatriot from the same planet as Captain Marvel.

So he immediately made a sound, preventing the guards from further actions.

Then asked: "Your Excellency?"

"Bai Xiaofei."

"I, like Carol Danvers, come from the earth. I have some things to do in the Skrull Empire this time. I wanted to ask her for help. I didn't expect her to be hurt by the enemy first, and she became like this..."

"This kind of injury is very special and extremely overbearing. With your current methods and abilities, you can't help her, but I can help her..."

"Do you believe me?"


Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes and said.

In his Primordial Eyes, there was nothing to hide Captain Marvel's injury, and he could see the key in just a split second.

in short.

Captain Marvel's injury was not serious.

But the key point is that in her body, there are still many remaining powers left by the enemy's attacks. These powers are accumulated in Captain Marvel's body. Like a virus program, it expands wildly and continues to destroy everything it encounters.

This is because of Captain Marvel's special physique, amazing defensive ability, and amazing recovery ability, so he didn't die tragically because of this. Otherwise, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to last for an hour.


And that's all.

The power that invaded Captain Marvel's body was extremely domineering and terrifying. As time went by, their harm would only become more and more harmful, and eventually Captain Marvel would be completely killed.


At this time, Bai Xiaofei came.


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