The Storm God

Chapter 4113 Rescue the captain! (Please subscribe!)

"trust you?"

Talos stared blankly.

He glanced hesitantly at the unconscious Captain Marvel, then at the doctor who shrugged and said he was powerless

Finally, he looked at the confident Bai Xiaofei again.


He gritted his teeth and nodded.

With the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he agreed: "Mr. Bai, Ms. Carol's condition is very bad. Since you have the means, please help her!"

"If you need anything, just ask, as long as you can save Ms. Carroll, no matter what the request is, we will try our best to meet it!"


Talos said seriously.


Bai Xiaofei nodded, he was very satisfied with the leader of the Skrulls, and then said with a smile: "In that case, then you all stand aside."


Step aside? What's the meaning?

Several people were stunned, and they didn't understand someone's intention at all.

Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes speechlessly, and explained: "It's too much of a hindrance for you to stand here, stay away, so as not to hinder me from casting spells!"


Talos and the others were suddenly speechless.

But then he left the hospital bed far away, then stared at Bai Xiaofei with staring eyes, obviously wanting to see clearly how Bai Xiaofei treated Captain Marvel.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care what others said.

Walking into Captain Marvel's hospital bed, with a wave of his hand, he unplugged all the medical equipment plugged into his body.

at the same time.

A terrifying special suction formed in the palm of Bai Xiaofei's left palm, like a small black hole, along Captain Marvel's chest, all the way down, swimming back and forth several times.


Visible to the naked eye, there are billowing special particles glowing with strange light, sucked out from Captain Marvel's body by Bai Xiaofei's left palm.

This wave of operations immediately stunned Talos and the doctor. Especially the doctor, seeing such a miraculous scene, kept calling it unscientific.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about him.

Absorbing Captain Marvel's remaining divine power from the enemy was just the first step, and then there was a second step, but before starting, Bai Xiaofei first stored the absorbed divine power of the enemy in the jade slip crystals prepared in advance.

after all.

This is the enemy's intelligence clue.

Studying it carefully will also help Bai Xiaofei better understand the enemy's strength.

After finishing all this, Bai Xiaofei took out some top-quality treasures for healing, mixed with his own strength, and directly poured them into Captain Marvel's body through the body.

As for Captain Marvel's physical trauma, under Bai Xiaofei's manipulation, it quickly returned to its former fertility, just like the dry land that has been raining for a long time.

The most obvious feature is Captain Marvel's complexion, which directly changed from a sickly pale color to a glowing red vitality.

Not only that.

The traits of Captain Marvel also began to restore the self-defense mechanism.

Special photon energy, mixed with special void particle energy, also began to continuously grow in Captain Marvel's body, like a human-shaped white hole, gushing out turbulent power, so that Captain Marvel can completely recover.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Captain Marvel, who was dying just now, recovered as before, and entered the explosive double star mode.

This scene.

Talos, the doctor and others were stunned and shocked.

"Oh My God!"

"What kind of method is this? Just by doing this, Ms. Carroll's injuries were completely eliminated? And it seems that she has returned to her peak strength."

"It's just incredible!"


The doctor was even more shocked, his chin almost dropped to the floor, and the only thing he said over and over again was: "This is unscientific!"


Nobody cared about him at all.

Captain Marvel on the hospital bed finally opened his eyes after a few seconds.


Almost subconsciously.

Captain Marvel's powers unleash a small burst.

But fortunately, Bai Xiaofei was so powerful that he directly suppressed this power with a single thought, and confined this power in a local area. Otherwise, not to mention this room, the entire building might be destroyed by Captain Marvel.

To know.

Captain Marvel is now in double star mode.

It is almost indestructible, dismantling the starship with bare hands is like a joke, even if it is just a subconscious burst of power, it is definitely not something that any building can withstand.

Under Bai Xiaofei's control, the only thing that was affected was the hospital bed where Captain Marvel was just lying on, and was directly blasted to powder by the berserk force.

But it is expected that the captain of the surprise should not need it.

So it's gone.


Bai Xiaofei didn't feel bad.

"Very good!"

Talos was overjoyed when he saw Captain Marvel wake up, and said excitedly: "Ms. Carroll, it's great, you finally woke up."

"How are you feeling now? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"It's all thanks to Mr. Bai!"


Following what Talos said.

Just after waking up, Captain Surprise, who was stupefied, quickly understood his current situation, and then looked at Bai Xiaofei with a puzzled expression:

"Who are you?"

Obviously, she didn't know Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei smiled, and introduced himself: "Ms. Carol, hello, I am Bai Xiaofei, and I come from Earth like you."

He explained his purpose in simple words.

"I see."

Maybe it was because Bai Xiaofei was from Earth, or maybe Bai Xiaofei saved her life. In short, Captain Marvel quickly let go of his vigilance when he heard the words and chose to believe them.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei gratefully, and said: "Thank you this time, if it weren't for you, I might be in danger"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head, and said modestly: "It's just a coincidence, what's more, I came to you this time to ask for help."


Captain Marvel frowned, looked at Bai Xiaofei with a serious face, and said curiously: "Mr. Bai, your strength is not inferior to mine at all, and even superior to mine."

"Looking at the entire universe, I'm afraid there are not many people who will be your opponents, right? But I don't know what kind of trouble it is that makes you feel troublesome and needs help?"

"Is it because of the infinite gems?"


This is the only possibility she can think of right now.

After all, not long ago, she had a crazy battle with a group of unknown guys because of the Rubik's Cube. Unfortunately, Captain Marvel failed to keep the Rubik's Cube.


If it weren't for Talos and others who handed over the Rubik's Cube in time, he might have been killed by those people long ago.

Thinking of this, Captain Marvel felt ashamed and angry.

If Bai Xiaofei really came to ask for help because of the Infinity Stones, then Captain Marvel would not mind repaying Bai Xiaofei, and it could be regarded as revenge for himself.

"You can say yes, or you can say no."

Bai Xiaofei saw what Captain Marvel was thinking, shrugged his shoulders, and then explained: "In short, the Infinity Stone is the cause, but the effect is not just those people you met before, there are also other enemies."


When Captain Marvel heard this, he was immediately surprised: "Aside from those scary guys, there are other enemies? Who are they? What is their origin?"

"Wait, you know those guys I met before?"


Her eyes widened.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, his eyes were full of shock and doubt.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Explained: "It can't be regarded as acquaintance, it can only be said to know their origins, but I know all the information about the other enemy."

"It's called Ultron, and it's an artificial intelligence life, born on Earth"

"I defeated it once before, and resolved the crisis of the infinite universe, but it didn't die completely, and then by chance, it made a comeback again"

"What I'm worried about now is that Ultron will unite with those guys. If this is the case, then things will be super big!"

"So I'm recruiting people so that I can annihilate Ultron in one fell swoop, and the Infinity Gem is one of the key factors in fighting Ultron."


In the end.

Bai Xiaofei finally revealed his purpose: "I heard that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube appeared here before. I don't know if it's true or not? Where is it now?"

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