The Storm God

Chapter 4115 Muddy the water! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei withdrew his thoughts.

Although Holy Kaisa is the king of angels, she is taking the path of becoming a god through technology, which should not be the same as the angels of the Order of Light.


Keisha's strength can't be seen on her.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei immediately dismissed the idea of ​​inviting Kesha out of the mountain, and then began to think about what to do, so as to better fish in troubled waters.


The current situation is too chaotic.

Not to mention that there are many different forces in the Marvel universe, which are involved with each other and have constant grievances. Now with the addition of various reincarnation teams in team battles, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Wanting to maximize his own interests in such an environment, the only way Bai Xiaofei could think of was to muddy the water as much as possible.

The muddier the better!

Only in this way can he take advantage of the chaos.

Otherwise, it would be a bit difficult for him to deal with any team. So the question is, how can we muddy the water?

"Infinite gems!"

When Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes, he immediately thought of the key point.

According to what he heard, and Li Gou's information, the Infinity Gem is the core key to this team battle mission in Samsara Space.

In the initial stage, whether the task is completed or not depends on whether each team has infinite gems. If there is more than one, it is considered to have completed the task.

on the contrary.

Those without Infinity Stones will be considered a failure.

However, compared to the previous characters who would be ruthlessly obliterated if they failed, this time, the reincarnation space is rare and generous.

It's just deducting points.

Of course.

The amount of points is quite terrifying. If there are not enough points or assets to offset, the result will still be ruthlessly obliterated.

after all.

The reincarnation space is not for charity.

That is a place of extremely cruel capital exploitation, and it is a special institution specially used by some big bosses to train all kinds of elite juniors and dead men.

Guys without value and potential have only a dead end.

Closer to home.

The key to the reincarnation team's mission is the infinite gems.

So the question is, what if it is an Infinity Stone from another parallel universe? It should also be considered a mission item, right?


Is the task scope of the team battle only this universe, or the entire infinite dimension universe?

If it's just the former, then it's okay, Bai Xiaofei's pressure will be much easier; but if it's the latter, then it's going to be a big trouble.

There are so many terrifying reincarnation teams participating in just one universe. If it is the entire infinite multiverse, how the hell can it be played?

not to mention.

There is also an old man who is more powerful than Voldemort's infinite Ultron.

Fortunately, according to Li Gou's information, at least so far, the reincarnation team participating in the team battle is only limited to this cosmic world.

There is no obvious data to indicate that someone has gone to a parallel universe.


This is not absolute either.

Someone may have gone, but no one has discovered it yet.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

Immediately, he set his target on the living planet Igo. According to the previous plan of the Sanctuary team, they should have reached a cooperation with Igo.

Although Yi Ge's body is a bit weak, the power of the avatar still has some potential.

in short.

As long as he doesn't die, Egg's incarnation can fight endlessly. Even if it is used as cannon fodder, it has certain value.

At the very least, its level is definitely above that of the Chitauri.

To know.

In the movie, the Sovereign team, whose technological strength is completely superior to that of the Chitauri, was easily wiped out by Yi Ge's clone with a wave of his hand.


None of this matters.

In the face of absolute strength, no matter how strong an ant is, it is still an ant.

The most important thing is that this guy, Yi Ge, has gone to so many planets, and he has left seeds on every planet.

As long as the divine power is sufficient, the seeds can be activated to invade and assimilate the planet.

If it is operated properly, it will definitely cause a monstrous disaster and catastrophe in the universe, even with the participation of the reincarnation team.

Unless they can find Yi Ge's body immediately and kill him, those seeds will be difficult to completely remove and will continue to reproduce themselves.

Even if someone is so powerful that they can directly destroy the seeds of the explosion, they are only a minority after all, and compared to the entire universe, they are nothing at all.

In the entire universe, as long as Yi Ge can control about one-third of the number of planets, it can be called an absolute victory.

And in fact.

This is still the minimum insurance estimate.

The key depends on whether the people who help Yi Ge will cause trouble.

Just like Bai Xiaofei.

If it were him, this result would definitely be quadrupled, or even higher. After all, there is still a problem of compatibility with other people's divine power.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

His infinite optimization ability can completely integrate Bai Xiaofei's divine power with Yi Ge's ability, and the increase will explode without any problems.


It is completely possible for Bai Xiaofei to replace it directly.

But for the sake of the overall situation, Bai Xiaofei will naturally not push himself to the front of the stage, hiding behind the scenes, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight is the kingly way.

The premise is that the sanctuary team must be solved first.

If the Sanctuary team really reached a cooperation with Yi Ge, Bai Xiaofei had to find a way to replace them or join them.

Even if it's not the Sanctuary team, it's the same with other reincarnation teams. From a strategic point of view, Yi Ge is definitely the best partner, bar none.


The sooner this plan is implemented, the better.

After all, last time, Yi Ge had already launched the outbreak of the seed invasion, and the civilization forces of the major planets, no matter how stupid they were, should have corresponding research and preventive measures.

But because the time is not very short, the effect is not outstanding. If the delay is too long, it will be hard to say.

Furthermore, the results of the initial team battle in Samsara Space will be settled soon.

And the closer the settlement is, the more fierce and cruel the competition between the various teams will be. Only by making a move at this time can one maximize one's own interests.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped hesitating.

He directly explained his preliminary plan to Captain Marvel, but he didn't mention the key part, not because he didn't believe Captain Marvel, but to prevent Captain Marvel from being caught, read the memory, and gain insight into Bai Xiaofei plan of.

To know.

In the movie, the Cree have similar technological means.

Bai Xiaofei had to defend himself.

To this.

Captain Marvel also expressed his understanding.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei, and sighed, "I think it's better for me to continue pretending to be sick, so that at critical moments, I might be able to help you..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded and agreed: "Yes, if you appear in front of the world right now, there will definitely be people who will continue to plot against you and make the situation even more uncontrollable. It's better to pretend to be sick..."

"Not only that."

"You can still use this time to improve your own strength. Even if you are exposed at that time, you can still have a certain amount of self-protection power."

"I have some divine crystals and holy water here. After taking them, they can enhance the user's physical fitness and divine laws to a certain extent. Take them and digest them well."

"Should be of some help to you."


For the captain of surprise, Bai Xiaofei, he didn't hold back at all.

After all, he is now his teammate, and helping his teammates is helping himself, Bai Xiaofei can understand this truth.


A team of cultivation resources was thrown out directly.

As well as some related cultivation experience and insights, considering that Captain Marvel's power mainly comes from the isotopes of the Rubik's Cube, so most of what Bai Xiaofei provided was space funding, which can be regarded as a professional counterpart.

As for how much Captain Marvel can comprehend, it depends on her own good fortune.

Bai Xiaofei can't help with this stuff.


Captain Marvel is not hypocritical.

He readily accepted Bai Xiaofei's help, then solemnly thanked him, and said that he would not disappoint Bai Xiaofei, and just waited for his good news and performance.


Bai Xiaofei smiled and left the Skrull Empire.


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