The Storm God

Chapter 4116 Instigate rebellion against Yigo! (Please subscribe!)

On the living planet Ego.

In the magnificent and beautiful hall, Zhang Sheng closed his eyes and sat cross-legged. Under his control, the billowing energy was transferred to the core of the planet through the transmission of the soul gem.


It's Egg's real self, with a huge brain.

"So strong"

"Is this the power of the Infinity Gems? The effect is simply beyond imagination. It seems that I underestimated them too much before. I never thought they could improve my strength so much."

"However, thanks to the practice method provided by this person, otherwise, I would not be able to use all these powers with the Infinity Gem."

"It seems that I have made a profit in this wave of business."


Egg was secretly amazed.

I am lucky. Although the last plan failed, at this moment, an unprecedented opportunity has ushered in.

It's all worth it.

The only uncomfortable thing is that I have to obey the orders of these people.

"never mind"

"My current level of strength is not as good as the opponent's, and a large number of terrifying powerhouses suddenly appeared in the universe, so let's bear with it for the time being."

"When I become stronger, I will settle with these guys!"


Egg wasn't a nice guy.

The reason for cooperating with Zhang Sheng and others is naturally for their own benefit.

Whether it is the power of the infinite gems or the miraculous exercises, he cannot refuse. Of course, the most important thing is the strength of Zhang Sheng and the others.

It's impossible for Egg not to cooperate.


He can't beat the opponent at all, and if he doesn't cooperate, he will die.

Do you dare not agree?

To this.

Zhang Sheng and the others also knew very well that Yi Ge must have resentment in his heart, but they didn't care, who made Yi Ge have a fatal weakness.

As long as you grasp the lifeblood of one, you don't have to worry about the other party being dishonest.

Li Gou died.

The members of the sanctuary team became four people.

Compared with other teams, the combat power has dropped a lot. For the sake of the overall situation, Zhang Sheng can only give Yi Ge some benefits.

In addition to appeasing Yi Ge, the main thing is to strengthen the strength of his team.


Yi Ge's ability is also helpful to them.

Just like intelligence.

As long as the seeds planted by Yi Ge on those planets are not cleaned up thoroughly, all of them can be controlled by Yi Ge by using divine power.

You can even remotely evolve it to become what you want.

Such as humanoid.


This is an excellent spy and undercover. As long as you operate it well, you can definitely get a lot of secret information without anyone noticing.

In fact, Egg did the same thing.

after all.

Not showing enough value.

It is also impossible for Zhang Sheng and others to directly share so many benefits with him.

Although this will speed up the consumption of Egg's divine power, from a long-term perspective, the effect is still very good.

At the very least, Yi Ge had acquired the skills of soul cultivation.

Moreover, with the help of Zhang Sheng and the soul gem, he entered the realm very quickly. I'm afraid it won't take long for Ego to use his soul power to condense a physical incarnation for himself.

At that time.

Even if the core brain of the living planet is really blown away, Egg won't die completely.

He only needs to incarnate his soul and attach it to the seeds planted by other planets, and he can be resurrected, almost completely overcoming his own fatal weakness.


The premise is that Yi Gede can cultivate to the corresponding level.

Otherwise everything is White Tower.


Yi Ge, who is in the soul state, does not have a high level of strength. Without the blessing of magic weapons and magical weapons, he has almost no attack power.

Therefore, in recent days, Yi Ge, apart from inquiring about news according to Zhang Sheng and others' instructions, has been practicing with all his heart and striving to improve.

Strive to gather a physical body as soon as possible, with the power of self-protection.

And this day.

However, Yi Ge suddenly felt that an unexpected guest came up from the surface, and this person's strength was extremely powerful, whether it was the body or the soul, it gave Yi Ge a feeling that the firefly had met the bright sun.

"who is he?"

Egg was dumbfounded at the time.


It doesn't look like it.

It seems that there is no information about this person in the information given by Zhang Sheng and others.

In doubt, Yi Ge couldn't help looking at Zhang Sheng and the others, but found that the four of them were all immersed in cultivation, feeling the power of the soul gem, and they didn't seem to notice anyone coming.


Egg was suddenly even more confused.

what's the situation?

This shouldn't be, the strength of the few of them is far above mine, how could I sense it, but they didn't notice it

Something must be wrong.


Just when Egg was puzzled by it.

A voice suddenly sounded in one's mind: "Don't be surprised, I came here to find you sincerely, those few people can't sense my existence"

This person is naturally Bai Xiaofei.


The existence of Bai Xiaofei is like a certain part of the living planet Ego, coupled with the special camouflage and secret magic blessing, Zhang Sheng and others naturally cannot detect it.

after all

Even a few of them are on Yigo's body, how can they perceive Bai Xiaofei, who is completely of the same origin and almost the same body as Yigo?


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, Yi Ge was even more shocked.

"Looking for me?"

"Who the hell are you? Why are you looking for me? Also, why does the aura of power on your body feel so familiar, as if it is my son?"

"Ahem, just like me, could it be that you are my family?"


Egg secretly thought it was dangerous.

He almost provoked a master for no reason, but fortunately he reacted in time.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Yi Ge's wild thoughts, and replied after hearing the words: "Same family? You can also understand it in the same way. In short, those are not important. The important thing is, are you willing to cooperate with me to deal with those foreign invaders? "

"A foreign intruder?"

Egg was puzzled when he heard this.

But he quickly realized that what Bai Xiaofei was talking about should be people like Zhang Sheng, and competitors similar to Zhang Sheng.

after all

Wandering in the universe for so many years.

Before this, Egg had never seen such strange and terrifying guys like them, and only outsiders could explain their identities.

But what does intruder mean?

Is it possible

These people are just pioneers, the purpose is to gradually annex the entire universe?

If this is the case, then it will be dangerous. I actually cooperated with them, and I am afraid that my end will not be much better in the end.

With that in mind.

Egg suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

To be honest, compared to Zhang Sheng and others who are completely strangers, Yi Ge is naturally more willing to trust Bai Xiaofei. After all, Bai Xiaofei's strength and aura are almost exactly the same as Yi Ge.

Compared with the coercion and lure of Zhang Sheng and others, Bai Xiaofei was born with a certain advantage.

Bai Xiaofei seemed to have also felt Yigo's trust, and he didn't say anything when he heard the words, and immediately began to give Yigo science the identities of Zhang Sheng and others.


Just some brief introductions.

The main purpose is to let Yi Ge know that these people are outsiders, they came here to do missions, and they don't care about the life and death of this cosmic creature at all.

Moreover, the opponent is powerful, very dangerous, and has a large number of people.

If you want to fight them, you have to unite.


After Egg heard about it.

The whole person suddenly became ill. Although he also guessed some identities of Zhang Sheng and others, he never expected that the other party was so terrifying.

This is simply seeking skin from a tiger.


After the scare.

Yi Ge suddenly realized, and asked Bai Xiaofei, "How do you know this? Why should I believe what you said?"

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