The Storm God

Chapter 4117 I will die! (Please subscribe!)

"I also got this information by killing one of these people by chance. If you don't believe me, I can show you my memory."

Since Bai Xiaofei wanted to instigate against Yi Ge, he naturally made a plan long ago.

Seeing that Yi Ge reacted and doubted himself, he immediately threw out the memory content he had prepared a long time ago. It was the scene of Bai Xiaofei killing Mills, a member of the Death God team, on Earth.


It was carefully edited and revised by Bai Xiaofei.

In line with Bai Xiaofei's rhetoric, it can be said to be seamless, and there is no fault at all.

after all

Egg has been to Earth.

I still know a lot about some things about the earth.

The key point is that Bai Xiaofei is still his "clan", and Zhang Sheng and others are coercing and luring, which makes Yi Ge have to cooperate with them

The combination of various factors gave Yi Ge a great psychological hint.

Even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't say anything now, it will make Yigo subconsciously think that Zhang Sheng and others are not good people, and those who are not of my race must have different hearts!

We must draw a clear line with these guys, so as not to lure wolves into the house.


Soon, Yi Ge finished reading Bai Xiaofei's memory, and then fell into a long silence. Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry, and just waited quietly.

And at this moment.

Egg has fallen into great fear and horror.

One is because of the strength and strength of the Death Team members, but the most important thing is that Ego can see that the guys Bai Xiaofei encountered seem to have very special abilities

That power is simply my own (soul) nemesis!

this moment.

From an instinctive reaction.

Yi Ge couldn't help but started all kinds of brain supplements, and secretly said: "No wonder Zhang Sheng and the others are so generous. It turns out that in the reincarnation space, there is such a power system, which is specially designed to restrain the existence of souls."

"Fortunately, I knew about it in advance, otherwise, when I turn my back on the water, God knows what kind of tragic ending it will be."


Thinking of how hard it was for him to cultivate into a strong soul, and when he was about to avenge his shame and revenge, he was shocked to find that the other party had the means to completely defeat him.

Egg's heart was dead silent and cold.

After a long time.

He finally recovered.

Then he said to Bai Xiaofei in a respectful tone: "Your information is so timely, it can be said to have saved my life. I don't know what you call it?"

"You can call me Yu."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately, and said, "Yigo, there is a great relationship between you and me, so you don't need to be polite. The purpose of my looking for you is also to find a helper, so that we don't have to fight alone and be chased by the enemy." break"

Seeing that Yi Ge's attitude began to lean towards him, Bai Xiaofei started his own strategy, and brought out the rhetoric he had prepared.

at the same time.

He also didn't forget to get some information about Zhang Sheng and others from Yi Ge.

Yi Ge seems to have completely believed in Bai Xiaofei, he almost answered every question, and told Bai Xiaofei about the recent actions of Zhang Sheng and others:

"They haven't been doing much lately."

"In addition to practicing, let me use the seeds buried on the various planets to transform into various appearances to help them listen to news and conduct undercover operations."

"I feel like they're preparing for something"


Egg wondered.


Bai Xiaofei was quite surprised by Yi Ge's intuition, and secretly said: "It seems that this guy's mind is not all about picking up girls and having children, he still has something."

Afterwards, he explained: "According to the information I have obtained, the team battle missions of Zhang Sheng and others are divided according to stages."

"And the first stage is to see whether each team has infinite gems in their hands. Teams that don't have certain points will be eliminated."

"Those who don't have enough points will be ruthlessly obliterated, and there are only six infinite gems in total, which leads to many people and teams who don't have enough points. kind of scramble"

"Among all the teams with infinite gems, Zhang Sheng's Sanctuary team can be said to be a relatively low-strength team, such as the Titans, the Bright Cult, etc., not to mention their strength, but also their numbers. , it is estimated that there are not many people who dare to make up their minds.”

"That is."

"Zhang Sheng's sanctuary team may become the target of public criticism, attracting a large number of other team members to come here to snatch the soul gems in their hands."

"At that time, you will be in danger!"


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei stopped there and didn't speak anymore.

When Yi Ge heard the words, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. Zhang Sheng and the others were stronger than him and had high mobility. Even if they couldn't beat them, they could still run away

But I was even worse.

How can such a big planet run?

If those guys can't grab the soul gem, they will definitely vent their anger on themselves at that time. Who made themselves the nominal teammates of Zhang Sheng and others.

Thinking that he was about to face the siege of many super experts, Yi Ge suddenly panicked.

"Mr. Yu, please help me!"

Yi Ge didn't want to die, so he could only ask Bai Xiaofei for help.

Who made Bai Xiaofei so awesome, he was so powerful and capable, but he killed one of his members of the Reaper Team, and Yi Ge couldn't accept it.


This is also his only savior so far.

As for Zhang Sheng and the others?


If he couldn't beat them, Egg would have killed them long ago, and asked them for help?

Do Nima's Spring and Autumn Dream.

Damn outsiders!


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled brighter, nodded and agreed: "This is exactly the purpose of my coming here, we can only protect ourselves if we unite, and even drive away those outsiders."

"Kill those outsiders away?"

When Yi Ge heard this, he couldn't help being stunned: "This, is this possible? After all, they are too strong, and there are so many of them, we are only two"

He didn't have much confidence anyway.

Pursue self-preservation.

As for fighting off those outsiders, Egg didn't even think about it.

It wasn't that he was cowardly, but that he had really asked Zhang Sheng and others about the horror. Knowing the horror of the enemy, Yi Ge became more and more aware of how small his own strength was.

for example.

After seeing the vastness and power of the stars in the universe, how could an ant have the idea of ​​overturning the sky and going against the sky under normal circumstances?

Egg is like that.

But Bai Xiaofei is not!

He sneered, and said faintly: "If you fight hard, you won't be able to beat them, but if you use tricks, that's another matter."

"Don't forget, although these teams are powerful and have a large number of people, they are not monolithic, they are competing with each other!"

"The kind that fights with one's life and risk everything to fight for it. As long as the two of us operate well, we can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and enjoy the benefits of the fisherman."

"And the key to all of this is the Infinity Stone."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused for a while, and waited until Yi Ge had digested it, and then continued: "Yi Ge, Zhang Sheng and the others also have infinite gems in their hands. Tell me, what will happen if other teams find out about this news?"


Egg was startled for a moment, and then subconsciously said: "I will die!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

My heart said, shit, you can see the thief clearly.

Then he smiled wryly: "I mean, exclude you, for example, lure Zhang Sheng and others to other places, and then tell their information to other reincarnation teams."


When Yi Ge heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said pleasantly, "This is a good idea. If it's really like this, even if it doesn't kill them, it will definitely make them shed a layer of skin!"

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