The Storm God

Chapter 4119 All parties calculate! (Please subscribe!)

Martian Egg.

Zhang Sheng and others naturally also got the news, but their reactions were more Buddhist, or they had a clearer understanding of their own strength.

The attitudes are very unified.


"Whoever you love, let's just focus on cultivating here, so as not to cause trouble, and then put ourselves in it, be safe!"

"Just wait and see!"


Egg was silent.

He secretly said in his heart: "It's really a dog. Mr. Yu's guess is indeed correct. These people don't have confidence, so they won't participate at all..."

"fair enough."

"It also saves me a lot of trouble. If they really choose to earn money, even I have to change my strategy accordingly. Since I don't want to go now, let's practice hard!"

"Speaking of which, my cultivation is so fast now."


The back is full of emotion.

Compared with the benefits given by Zhang Sheng and others, Bai Xiaofei's is much more direct and powerful.

In just a few days of effort, Yi Ge's soul strength has been increased several times, which made Zhang Sheng and others exclaim in surprise, secretly lamenting Yi Ge's cultivation talent.

As everyone knows.

Yi Ge's talent is certainly good, but the most important thing is Bai Xiaofei's resources.


the other side.

Members of the Reaper team also got the news.

They also didn't choose to go to trouble Bai Xiaofei, because they knew better than anyone else that Bai Xiaofei was terrible and terrifying.


They are not afraid.

It's just calculating, at least now is definitely not the best time to go.

The captain's explanation was: "Let the other reincarnation teams help us test and wear down that guy's strength."

"We'll wait until the last moment. If we have a chance, we'll grab it. If we don't have a chance, we'll find another way. The top priority is to find clues to the Reality Gem..."

"That's pretty much our last hope."


Team Reaper was depressed.

There are less than 15 days before the initial settlement of the team battle.

During this period, if they have not been able to grab the infinite gems, they will be judged as a mission failure and suffer heavy losses.

And the six infinity gems, except for the reality gems, now all have owners.

And all of them are not easy to bully.

no way.

They can only wait.

But this waiting is not a stupid waiting to die, but a waiting time for other teams who also don't have infinite gems to make a move in order to survive.

That is also their opportunity.

A small team may not be the opponent of those powerful teams, but if it is a combination of several small teams, then it is another matter.


People will not put their hopes entirely on this.

The Reality Gem, which has not yet been revealed, is also an opportunity, and it depends on who can find it first.

After all, the powerful teams have already made their moves.

The remaining reality gems are likely to have fallen into the hands of a less powerful team.

As long as you find out who the other party is, you will be attacked by groups.

Just like the current time gem.


at the same time.

On a planet of technological civilization.

In the magnificent hall, a man is reporting the situation to the woman on the throne: "According to the collection and analysis of multiple clues, the person who owns the time gem at this moment should undoubtedly be Hao Tian of the fantasy team..."

"As for whether it is a person..."

"I'm not sure yet, but so far, the only information that can be found is him, and Haotian's strength seems to be more powerful and terrifying than the rumors."

"Those guys in the Reaper team have suffered in their hands."


The report is over.

There was silence in the hall.

a long time.

The woman on the throne spoke: "Take two people over to see the situation, but don't take it lightly, let the other teams take the shot first."

"If the time is right, snatch it, otherwise continue to wait for the time."

"Anyway, we're not in a hurry..."


Everyone nodded.

The person who returned the reward pondered for a while, and then asked: "My lord, what if someone with a strong team gains a huge advantage?"

"For example, those monsters of the Titans, their training system is mainly the way of power explosion, coupled with the increase of power gems, their strength will definitely improve..."

"Ordinary squads can't beat them."

"There's also the Abyss Demon Team..."


The voice just fell.

Just listen to the woman on the throne, categorically said: "If this is really the case, then send a letter to summon us immediately, and we must not let them get another Infinity Stone..."

The task of the team battle, the initial stage is to get infinite gems.

The purpose is to eliminate those guys who are not strong enough, and the subsequent stage, if you think about it a little bit, you can guess that it must be a further step on the original basis.


Get more infinite gems.

The samsara space is such a urine, it is not difficult to guess, if this is the case, then having more infinite gems in the early stage will undoubtedly have a huge advantage.

As long as this advantage can be maintained, it is almost equal to being invincible.

And as of now.

The only team with two Infinity Gems is the Order of Light. Naturally, they will not let other teams become like themselves.

Here's the bottom line!

Even if all of them are dispatched because of this, conflicts with other powerful teams will break out in advance, and it is not hesitating. After all, this is related to the overall overall strategy.


The man nodded, indicating that he understood.

Afterwards, he took the two regiment members and left this place, heading to where Bai Xiaofei was.



At the inner core, the command center of the Titans, a group of members of the Titans also had a heated discussion about the appearance of the Time Stone.


Most said they were willing to take the risk.


Seeing such a result, the captain Dragon King immediately gave a reply, saying: "In that case, let's exclude the two generals and go to see the situation."

"If nothing can be done, it's time to go to the theater, otherwise, at all costs, we must grab the time gem."

"As long as we can have another Infinity Gem, we will be able to gain a huge advantage just like the Order of Light, and we will not be afraid of the later team battle missions at all."

"In addition, the matter of the soul gem cannot be left behind."

"I heard it's in the hands of the Sanctuary team?"


Hearing this, a member of the team replied: "Yes, boss. However, the Sanctuary team seems to have formed an alliance with Ego, the Martian ball, and has been shrinking there, not coming out at all. It is clear that they want to pass the settlement of the initial results. ..."

"If you grab it hard, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with, and it's easy to be used as a gunman."


Although Yi Ge's body is weak.

But his incarnation is still very terrifying. If Zhang Sheng and others of the Sanctuary team stay on the planet and protect Yi Ge's brain...

And with Egg's incarnation attacking the outside world, it's really hard to fight.


These are still secondary.

The most important thing is that the other team members are not fools, they must have thought of this a long time ago, so they are all waiting for someone to attack the Sanctuary team.

Then they take advantage of the troubled waters.

And this among them.

There are also some powerful and terrifying reincarnation teams, such as the abyss demon team.

Therefore, even a powerful team like the Titans can't say that they will definitely be able to defeat the Sanctuary and grab the soul gem.

If you act rashly, you will only become a thug and make a wedding dress for him for nothing.

But Haotian who owns the time gem is different.

He is alone.


There is no natural advantage either.

This gave hope to many people, especially those reincarnation teams who didn't have infinite gems but couldn't beat strong teams.

In order to survive, there will naturally be people who will take risks and snatch the time gem.

"That's all!"

"Since it's not easy to deal with, let's leave it alone and go all out to deal with the time gem. There is only one requirement. I would rather let it fall into the hands of other grassroots teams than let it be obtained by other powerful teams."

"Especially those birdmen from the Illuminati Cult!"


The captain, Dragon King, gritted his teeth.


This concludes the meeting.

Immediately, the two Titan team members also left the land of ignorance, and went to the place where Bai Xiaofei, who held the time gem, was incarnated by Haotian.


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