The Storm God

Chapter 4120 Let's all die! (Please subscribe!)

On an unnamed planet.

Bai Xiaofei had time to recuperate, quietly waiting for the arrival of a large number of reincarnation teams.


The appearance of his figure had changed.

Dressed in robes, with awe-inspiring sword aura, and a proper immortal cultivator, even if the real Haotian is here, he will probably treat it as a fake.

no way.

Bai Xiaofei's cosplay is really perfect.

More true than real.


And just today.

There has been no movement, and finally ushered in a change.

Four men in urban style clothes appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei, with solemn expressions, tense and determined.

"You are Haotian?"

"I would like to advise you, if you are sensible, just obediently hand over the time gem, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you"

"Our Shenlong team is very strong!"


One of them said sternly.

Bai Xiaofei raised his brows slightly, raised his eyes, and looked at the man slightly: "Well, the peak of the Divine King Realm is only one step away from reaching the Divine Emperor Realm."

"You are a bit weak, but you are not convincing."

"Or carry a heavy treasure?"


from beginning to end.

They didn't pay attention to this Shenlong team at all.

In one sentence——

This kind of guy, Bai Xiaofei can hit ten with one hand, the kind that can be easily crushed and beaten.

It is estimated that these people were pushed out as cannon fodder.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was not polite to them either.

Anyway, they are all from the reincarnation space, proper enemy members, dare to come to the young master to pretend to be aggressive, can Bai Xiaofei spoil them?

Are you kidding me?


As soon as Bai Xiaofei's words fell, the terrifying sword intent came out through his body, transformed into a practically peerless sword, and slashed towards the opponent angrily.

"Don't care if it's true or not, take my sword first and then talk. If you block it, it means that you are still qualified, otherwise, go to hell!"

"Although I have a good temper, I'm not a cat or a dog who can run wild."

"Want a time gem? Then show your skills!"


While speaking.

Bai Xiaofei's gaze directly looked around, looking at the reincarnation teams hiding everywhere, the meaning was obvious——

If you want to die, just come!

Young master, I don't care about killing or burying, and all consequences are at your own risk!

To know.

His plan, however, caused confusion.

To make it easier for me to fish in troubled waters, if all these small fish and shrimps come here, then what's the point, there must be some strong teams to participate in the fun.

And this sword.

It is the attitude Bai Xiaofei puts on, which is also a threshold.

The purpose is to warn those guys whose brains are not clear enough to see clearly whether they can block his Bai Xiaofei's sword.


You can't blame others even if you die.

In short.

No matter what others think, anyway, the current Shenlong team is absolutely unable to stop Bai Xiaofei's sword, even if the four of them join forces and perform a combined attack.

Bai Xiaofei's sword intent is peerless, powerful and terrifying.

A sword down.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the space trembled.

The strongest of the four members of the Shenlong team is only at the early stage of the God Emperor Realm, and most of them are at the peak of the God Emperor Realm. Even if the four join forces, the burst of strength is only at the middle stage of the God Emperor Realm.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, it was simply not enough to look at.

Just like cutting tofu, the Shenlong team's defense didn't last even a second, and they were smashed with ease.

The four of them were strangled by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying sword intent on the spot and turned into dumpling stuffing, including the soul consciousness, they couldn't die anymore.

The most important thing is that this sword did not have any impact on the surrounding environment, which shows that Bai Xiaofei's sword control has reached an unbelievable level.

This sword is definitely not all that Bai Xiaofei has.

in this way.

That would be scary.

The Samsara members around who were waiting to watch the show, seeing this, all of them were shocked and sighed secretly.

"What a terrifying sword intent!"

"With a single blow, it destroyed the joint attack technique of the four people, and even killed it on the spot, and the soul flew away. How terrifying is this!"

"Sure enough, the guys who can grab the infinite gems are not easy to mess with."

"Even if he is alone!"


people present.

Most are not fools.

It is easy to see the intention of Bai Xiaofei's sword.

At the same time astonished, some guys who were not strong enough, or who were completely overwhelmed by Bai Xiaofei's terror, immediately showed signs of despair.


Some people did not give up.

Suddenly a big man jumped out and said loudly: "Everyone, although this person is strong, but there is only one person. If we unite, we may not lose."

"There is no time gem, and when the task settlement period arrives, what is waiting for us is also death. Anyway, there are deaths on the left and right, so it is better to fight!"

"It might be a success!"


Although the words of encouragement were not so superb, they instantly hit the fatal weakness of many people and aroused great resonance.


Soon someone was there, and hope was rekindled immediately.

Responding to the call of the big man, they temporarily formed an alliance team, planning to deal with Bai Xiaofei and other powerful teams that came later.

This is also impossible.

The weak can only deal with other powerful enemies if they huddle together to keep warm.


They can only be bullied.

To this.

Some powerful teams just watched with cold eyes, and didn't intend to stop them, because it didn't affect them too much.

to be honest.

These teams that are not strong enough, whether individually or in combination, are basically their pawns. Anyway, it is impossible for a strong team to take the lead.

Unless there are special circumstances.


Bai Xiaofei was rather depressed, why do these people have to fight against him? Stay well, can't you live a few more days?

Don't beat yourself to death now

No matter!

Since they don't know what's good or bad, then I don't need to be polite to them.

It doesn't matter who it is, come and kill one, come and kill another, end early, finish work early, so as not to have long nights and dreams!

next moment.

Before the reincarnation members who united came to look for Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei took the initiative to look for him, and said coldly: "Since you don't retreat, let's all die!"

"Wan Jian Jue, quick!"


In an instant, the terrifying sword intent, engulfed in the sky full of sword energy, fell like rain.


A large number of reincarnation members fell down like wheat in an instant, and were wiped out on the spot by Bai Xiaofei's sword skills. Only a few relatively powerful people could barely support them.


Bai Xiaofei's moves were too terrifying.

Countless terrifying sword qi, seemingly endless, descended from the sky crazily. Even though these people could resist for a while, they couldn't resist forever.


Some people were exhausted, their defenses were broken, and then they were directly twisted into slag by the sword energy, and they couldn't die anymore.

It's not the first, and definitely won't be the last.

In just a blink of an eye, the united team, which was still crowded and united just now, was almost killed by Bai Xiaofei's one move.

Such a terrible attack method and damage refreshed everyone's three views at that time.

Even those powerful teams are no exception.

"So strong!"

Even the Titans team, known for their strength, couldn't help showing a look of shock after seeing Bai Xiaofei's wave of mass destruction operations.

Other powerful teams watching, such as the Abyssal Devils, the Light Cult, and so on, also changed their expressions and looked dignified.

"This person is not easy to deal with!"

"Even if there is only one person, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take advantage of it. The key is that he still has the time gem in his hand. If you add its increase"

"An ordinary strong man is absolutely difficult to match!"


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