The Storm God

Chapter 4121 The highest price wins! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

People were all shocked.

With only two moves, 80% of the team battle team was killed, and it was done by one person. Such a terrifying strength made people fear and tremble.

"tsk tut"

"It's interesting. No wonder the fantasy team is the only one here. It turns out that he is not arrogant, but really only needs one person."

"Unfortunately, he is not from the Titan family"


Someone shook his head and sighed.

On the side of the Guangming Cult, the face was also solemn, in disbelief.

"So powerful"

"It's definitely the peak of the God Emperor Realm, and it's not the general peak level. It should be the realm of Dzogchen, and even reached the level of a saint."

"It's not easy to get the time gem from this person."

"Do you want to inform Lord Joan of Arc?"


The person in charge is very tangled.

To be honest, he really didn't want to miss this opportunity, but Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength made him see very clearly that it was impossible for Spectrum and the others to snatch the time gem.

Unless the entire team is fully present.

But all the same.

Other teams will not let the members of the Guangming Order succeed easily, because in this way, the advantage of the Guangming Order will be too great.

There are only six infinite gems in total, and they already have two now, and if they get another one, they will have half of it.

No one wants to see such a situation.


After hesitating for a while.

The person in charge quickly regained his composure, and secretly said: "Let's take another look, if other powerful teams don't make a move, then it's pretty good."

"The big deal is just one more potential opponent."

"I'm not afraid to say it later."


The other teams were completely desperate.

Some people who regretted not joining the team before, after seeing Bai Xiaofei eliminated about 80% of the reincarnation members with one move, their expressions immediately changed.

Fortunately, I didn't join it at the time, otherwise I'm afraid it would be dead by now.

It's dangerous!


Just a moment of fear.

Then they all said that they wanted to leave here.

In order not to be looked down upon by Bai Xiaofei, he swung his sword and slashed again, they couldn't stand this lunatic and killed them all at once, whoever loves to snatch them away, anyway, I won't snatch them.

Even if they all die in the end, it is better to die one day later than to die early.


More than half of the reincarnation members on the planet have left.

Except for those who were killed by Bai Xiaofei, the only ones left were strong teams who hid aside and didn't make a move the whole time.

for example

Abyss Devils.


Light Church.


These teams all have an obvious characteristic. The strength of all members is above the high level of the God Emperor Realm, and they may have magical weapons, and their strength cannot be judged by common sense.

But even so, Bai Xiaofei is not in vain.

after all.

This is Marvel.

Bai Xiaofei has a complete set of infinite gem sequences in his hand, in the Marvel universe, it is almost equivalent to an omnipotent god.

Unless the enemy is strong enough to surpass the existence of the Marvel Universe, it is impossible to beat him.

Another way is to dismantle the entire infinite gem sequence

But that's obviously unlikely.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei's Infinity Gem is directly embedded in his body, unlike Thanos' gloves, which can be snapped off casually.

As long as he can't buckle down, Bai Xiaofei is almost invincible.

all in all.

He took the absolute initiative, and if he couldn't do it, he could directly crush the time gem, and it would break up in one shot, and no one would think about it.

Although the others didn't know Bai Xiaofei's hole cards, they also knew that a strong attack was impossible, so for a while, the scene fell into silence.

No one made a sound, they were silently waiting for others to make a move.

But it's a pity.

The rest of these people are not fools.

No one wants to be used as a gun, so no one makes a move. Everyone is guarding against each other, so as not to be taken advantage of by others.

Especially teams like the Titans and the Order of Light.

They already have infinite gems in their hands, and the initial task of the team battle has been completed, or even exceeded.

Take it easy.

It doesn't matter even if you don't do anything, the mentality is naturally more Buddhist.

But like the Abyss Devils, a strong team that has not obtained infinite gems is completely different. Once the initial results are settled, if they still fail to obtain infinite gems, they will be judged to have failed.

Although they have enough points, they don't have to worry about dying, but they don't want to waste these losses in vain. You know, the reincarnation space is very cruel.

The deduction of those points can make ordinary teams despair.

If it weren't for the current situation, the Abyss Demon team would have already started to snatch it with their urgency. Now I can only bear it, so as not to be used as a gun.


Seeing so many powerful teams, no one would make a move, Bai Xiaofei shrugged helplessly, and curled his lips: "Are you all here to watch the show?"

No one spoke.

Bai Xiaofei continued: "Now that everyone has almost left, and the show is gone, shouldn't it be time for you to make a move?"

Still no one made a sound, they all looked at Bai Xiaofei silently, not knowing what to think.

Bai Xiaofei didn't feel embarrassed, he folded his arms and smiled: "Aren't you going to make a move? If that's the case, I'm leaving now."


A flying sword flew out of Bai Xiaofei's body.

It grows in the wind.

In an instant, he came to Bai Xiaofei's feet and was about to carry him away from here.

This time.

Some people couldn't help it.


The one who spoke was the captain of the Abyss Demon team.

He stood up and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Your Excellency Haotian, can you have a discussion and sell us this time gem, and we are willing to pay back with double the mission points, how about it?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The bystanders couldn't help but their eyes lit up.


When calculating the initial score, if the task judgment fails, the points will be deducted according to the number of people in the team. There is only one person here. If double the points are given, even if the task penalty is deducted, there is still money to be made.

Most people would naturally not refuse such a sale.

The guys from the Abyssal Demon Team are really good. They know that they can't do it by force, but they came up with such an idea. They have a bit of brains.

Why didn't we think of that before.

Although the double points are a bit much, compared to the punishment for mission failure, this is actually less. After all, they are five people. If they can really exchange double points for infinite gems, it is equivalent to earning three people.

I just don’t know, will they sell it or not?


Bai Xiaofei was also stunned.

Obviously, I didn't expect that someone would break the situation in such a way.

You are such a clever little ghost.

But unfortunately

I am not from the reincarnation space at all, and your points are of no use to me at all.


After selling the Time Stone to you, how will I proceed with my subsequent plans?

Isn't this messing around?


Bai Xiaofei was about to refuse.

But Leng Buding flashed a flash of light in his mind, secretly said: "Wait, maybe it's not impossible to sell them, after all, my plan is to disrupt the situation."

"But buying and selling can also disrupt the situation."


Think here.

Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

Looking at the expectant Abyss Demon team, he grinned and said, "Do you want to buy? It's not impossible, but double points are not enough, at least four times!"

Speaking of which.

He turned his gaze, looked at other powerful teams, and said with a smile: "If anyone among you can score higher points, I can sell you."

"In short, the highest price wins!"


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