The Storm God

Chapter 4122 Nine times the points! (Please subscribe!)

The general reincarnation team is five people.

But there are also many people with more than five people. Although in terms of strength, the more people the better, but if you really want to compete for the price of points, the number of people will naturally have an advantage.

Everyone can surpass the other five-member teams with a little effort. And once the price given by the five-person team exceeds five times, the gain will outweigh the loss.

I believe that no one is willing to spend more than five times the points in exchange for infinite gems. After all, the reincarnation space judgment task fails, and the deducted points are only this price.

Instead of using so many points to buy infinite gems, which may not be able to keep them, it is better to wait honestly and wait for them to be deducted by the reincarnation space.


This is limited to teams of five.

Teams with more than five people are another matter.

Who told Samsara Space to judge the failure of the mission, the deducted points are counted by head, not by team.

The more people, the more deductions.

Bai Xiaofei's move is to make the various teams in the reincarnation space involve each other. Although he will definitely get some practical benefits, as long as these teams are in chaos, Bai Xiaofei will be the biggest beneficiary.


The content of the transaction may not be limited to points.

For example, it can be exchanged with treasures equal to the points, so that Bai Xiaofei can obtain practical benefits.


In short, as soon as Bai Xiaofei said this, the atmosphere on the scene immediately exploded.

Teams like the Titans and the Order of Light are fine. After all, they already have infinite gems, so naturally it is impossible to waste points to buy them.

But those teams without infinite gems are different.

I thought there was no hope at first, but suddenly saw the light of day, and immediately, people started a heated discussion.

And the most depressing one is undoubtedly the Abyss Demon team who first proposed to buy.


Their hard work has become someone else's wedding dress.

Just so angry.


It's no use getting angry.

Bai Xiaofei's strength is frighteningly powerful. Even the Abyss Demon team can't say that they can definitely beat Bai Xiaofei. The key is that there are other teams eyeing up.

Let them not dare to do anything easily, they can only hold back their anger and snort coldly.

The Abyss Demon team stopped talking. On the other side, an eight-member team spoke directly after a brief discussion: "We pay five times!"

Good guy.

As soon as you come up, you will get five times the points.

This is clearly the team of five people who want to pit the bottom.

At the scene, there were only four teams with more than five people. That is to say, once this hole is opened, the question of the ownership of the time gem will arise among these four teams.


This refers to the present moment.

After the time gem is traded, whether it will be snatched by others is another matter.

"Five times?"

"Good guy, double the height as soon as you come up, it's a must."

"What should we do? Wait to die?"


Some five-member teams are naturally extremely unwilling.

Some of the brains wandered around quickly, and immediately understood the key point, and asked loudly: "Your Excellency, if the points are not enough, can we use the same equipment or treasures for barter transactions?"


This person's team doesn't have enough points.

Even if it is enough, they don't want to exchange the excess price for infinite gems, because it is too worthless. But if you trade with some equipment that is about to be eliminated, then there is no big problem.

To know.

In the reincarnation space, equipment recovery will be discounted.

And the discount is not small.

in comparison.

It was used to exchange for infinite gems, but it was earned.

At least there are no discounts to speak of.


The premise is that Bai Xiaofei has to agree.

How could Bai Xiaofei refuse this proposal?

Hearing this, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he said, "Yes! However, the bid must not be less than twice the previous bid, and the item must pass my inspection to make sure it is worth the money."

Bai Xiaofei is not doing charity.

Of course he could see what those people were thinking. They wanted to use outdated junk equipment as points in exchange for time gems?


You are thinking too much.

Although I'm a pure prostitute, I don't accept all kinds of rubbish. It doesn't matter what it is, whether it's worth it or not, I have the final say on everything.


As soon as Bai Xiaofei said this, some people immediately showed a frustrated look. Obviously, this wave of operations directly cut off their small thoughts.

But the other ones with around five people were happy.


That means there is hope for them too.

Not enough points?

It doesn't matter, you can use equipment or something to top it, so even if it exceeds the deductible share for mission failure, it won't be a disadvantage.

After all, wouldn't it be a 20% discount for reincarnation space equipment recycling, but here it is the original price, at least 20% less.

Even some equipment items can be given a terrifying price of 10% off at the lowest.

That is.

They don't suffer no matter what.

The premise is that as long as the discounted price of these equipment items does not exceed the amount deducted by the number of team members for mission failure, otherwise it is not worthwhile.

And this kind of operation gave the many teams present more room for maneuver.

Because some teams, although they don't have enough points, or are reluctant to score points, have a lot of outdated equipment and items, which can be exchanged for things.

Just as Bai Xiaofei expected.

this moment.

The team members in the reincarnation space immediately rolled up.

Except for the team whose asking price doubled at the beginning, the other teams with insufficient numbers took out a lot of equipment and items, ready to barter.

And these things, without exception, were all sent to Bai Xiaofei.


The atmosphere was originally tense.

It became weird in an instant, and suddenly changed into a large-scale trading market.

I saw Bai Xiaofei looking at this armor for a while, touching that weapon for a while, making comments, or frowning slightly, and then giving the due price one after another.

With the Eye of Primordial Mist, it is naturally impossible for Bai Xiaofei to be deceived by these people, and the price given is relatively higher than the reincarnation space, so the team members are not dissatisfied, but secretly happy.

Among these equipment items, there are also some good things.


Most of them are only applicable to Bai Xiaofei's subordinates. For a boss of his level, no one would be foolish enough to sell the treasures that could be used.


Bai Xiaofei was quite content with this.

After all, I came here for nothing, so I made money by using it for my younger brother, not a loss!

Under his wave of operations, the price of time gems has risen all the way, and soon reached eight times the price of points.


It can no longer move up.

It's right to think about it, these people came out to participate in the team battle, and they didn't have much equipment and items, and most of the points were spent to enhance their strength.

Now that the point price can be increased to eight people, this in itself is seriously beyond imagination, no matter how much it is, there are really not many people who can afford it.

It's not that they can't take it out, but those people are not stupid.

after all.

The time gem is not something you can get in your hand.

As soon as Bao Buqi got it, he was robbed by someone. That is to say, if you spend money, you have to bear the risk. When the price is outrageous, no one is willing to try it.

But even so, everyone present was stunned.

Like the Titans.

Light Church.

They never expected that things would turn out like this.

It's incredible.


After a small fight.

The Time Gem finally fell into the hands of a team called the Dark Kings. They won the "auction" with nearly nine times the point price.

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