The Storm God

Chapter 4124 Killing with a knife! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. Haotian misunderstood"

The person in charge of the Guangming Cult is naturally not stupid. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei seemed a little annoyed, he immediately smiled and said, "That's not what we meant."

"I just want to tell Mr. Haotian that those who know the current affairs are heroes, good birds choose trees to live in, and our Guangming Church is definitely one of the few excellent choices in the space of reincarnation"

"Join us, you will never regret it."


In words, full of confidence.


When Bai Xiaofei heard it, his smile became brighter, and he asked curiously, "Then tell me, if I join your Guangming Cult, what benefits can I get?"

"Don't make those empty words, just say something specific."

"Like resources or something."

"What's there?"

Bai Xiaofei wants to prostitute for nothing.

No matter what the attitude of the other party is, if you can get a batch of resources first, it will be profitable.


The other party is not an idiot.

The person in charge saw that Bai Xiaofei seemed a little tempted, but he didn't give a direct answer, but said: "Your Excellency Haotian, everyone's cultivation system is different."

"Therefore, the resources needed are not the same. Our Guangming Church can give the joiners the greatest resource assistance, provided that we have a sufficient understanding of this person."

"Only in this way can we make the best use of everything."


Bai Xiaofei fell silent.

Good guy, this means that I have to give all my old background to you first, and then you will give me a certain amount of exclusive resource support for my cultivation system?

It's really cautious.

To this.

He is also quite admirable.

Because, once you grasp the opponent's old background, it means that the opponent has almost no secrets and cards in his eyes.

In other words.

There is no big threat.

after all.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

If you miss the bottom line, people will naturally not be afraid of you, even if you pay a certain amount of resources, so what? With the power of the Order of Light, it is easy to kill a rebel.

If you can't escape, you can only obey the order of the Guangming Cult and become a wage earner under the other party's command, and you can't help yourself from then on.

Don't say anything else.

This trick alone is enough for some people to drink a pot.

Because not everyone is as lucky and rich as Bai Xiaofei, especially those who are in a bottleneck but have been unable to break through.

The conspiracy of the Guangming Cult is in front of them, and after all, most people cannot refuse it.

Coupled with the almost perverted brainwashing methods of the Guangming Cult

Naturally speaking.

Its development momentum is becoming more and more violent and terrifying.

It soon became one of the largest group organizations and forces in the reincarnation space.


The key to everything.

It's still because there are experts sitting behind them and giving pointers.

Otherwise, if the background is insufficient, other team organizations and forces will definitely not sit idly by. After all, the profit cake of the reincarnation space is only that big.

The more people involved, the less points they get.

In an environment and rules in which interests are paramount, bloody battles are naturally indispensable. The ability of the Guangming Cult to break out of the encirclement and successfully join it is enough to show its background and strength.


In this Marvel universe.

Bai Xiaofei didn't need to care about these, because no matter how powerful they were, they were just a small team under his command, not the real forces of the Light Cult.


He has the qualifications and strength to say no.

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment.

In the end, under the confident eyes of the head of the Guangming Cult, he shook his head and said, "The conditions you offer cannot impress me."

This was clearly rejected.


The person in charge was stunned immediately: "You actually..."

Obviously, no matter what, he would never have thought that Bai Xiaofei would choose to refuse, his face was filled with surprise, and at the same time he felt extremely shamed and angry.

To know.

This is an invitation from the Bright Church.

In the reincarnation space, no one dares to reject them easily, especially for those masters who are in the bottleneck stage.

But Bai Xiaofei did just that.

It's outrageous!


On the other side, the strong man of the Titans, upon seeing this, immediately raised his head to the sky and laughed unscrupulously, while laughing, he said: "Okay! Good to refuse, Your Excellency Haotian, my old grandson knows that you won't Let me down!"

"These bird people think highly of themselves, and never put other people in their eyes, as if everything belongs to them."

"Looking at the entire reincarnation space, there are really not many people who dare to reject them, but those who dare to refuse are all famous people."

"The first time I saw you, my old grandson concluded that Your Excellency Haotian is definitely not an ordinary person. As expected, you really did not disappoint my old grandson!"

"You friend, my grandson has made a deal!"


One last laugh.

It was completely gloating, and it was purely for the three people of the Guangming Cult to see, which suddenly made the three people who were already not very good looking even more ugly.

All of them looked as if they had eaten Xiang Xiang, their faces were green and red, and they were gnashing their teeth.


One of the.

Unexpectedly, he burst into momentum immediately, as if he was about to rush forward and fight the strong man for 300 rounds, but he was stopped by the person in charge.


"Don't be impulsive. Although there are only two members of the Titans team, their realm and strength are above ours. Don't rashly cause conflicts!"

"What's more, there is a Haotian next to him"


It can be seen from this sentence.

It wasn't that the person in charge didn't want to start a war, but he knew that the current situation didn't have any advantage over them, so he forced himself to calm down.


If you lose, you don't lose.

As a member of the Guangming Cult, he naturally cannot weaken the name of the Guangming Cult.

He snorted coldly and said: "Mr. Haotian, once you miss some things, you will never have the chance to make up for them. Are you sure you want to reject the kindness of our Guangming Church?"

"If I were you, I would think about it seriously."

"Don't get yourself into trouble!"


Good guy.

Later, this already has a threatening meaning, okay?

As everyone knows, what Bai Xiaofei hates the most is when someone threatens him, and his original purpose is to muddy the water. Hearing this, his face turns cold and his eyes show murderous intent.

He said sternly, "Oh, are you threatening me?"


The person in charge suddenly felt bad.

But at this moment, he couldn't care less. Anyway, the prestige of the Guangming Cult must not be damaged, so he squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"If you insist on understanding it this way, then I can't help it."

It is equivalent to the default.

after all.

They are members of the Guangming Cult, and they have always been the only ones who bully others, so naturally they will not show weakness in front of Bai Xiaofei, a lone wolf.

How about threatening you?

The person in charge couldn't believe it, Bai Xiaofei dared to fight against the entire Guangming Cult by himself?

If it's the opponent's dream team and Morpheus, the God of Dreams, it might still be possible, but right now it's only Bai Xiaofei


He didn't take Bai Xiaofei seriously at all.

"very good!"

When Bai Xiaofei heard it, he immediately laughed.

The eerie and sinister smile made people shudder, and it also made the person in charge of the Guangming Cult be dazed and dazed.

very good?

What's the meaning?

Just when he was puzzled, he saw Bai Xiaofei's eyes turned directly to the two Titans on the other side, and said faintly: "You want to make friends with me, right?"

"That's right!"

Without hesitation, the strong man said decisively: "Just because of your temper and style, my old grandson will make you a friend!"

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled even more happily.

He nodded and said, "Then my friends, someone is threatening me in front of you now, as friends, shouldn't you express it a little bit?"

Good guy.

This is clearly to borrow a knife to kill someone.

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