The Storm God

Chapter 4125 Fight! (Please subscribe!)


The strong man of the Titans who called himself my grandson was taken aback for a moment.

The teammates next to him were also stunned.


To say the most shocking.

Undoubtedly, they were the three members of the Guangming Cult who were targeted by Bai Xiaofei.

"Damn it!"

"Haotian, you actually..."


He was really about to be blown up.

The bastard!

Not only did he reject the invitation from our Guangming Cult, but he even dared to ask the Titans to deal with us in front of us, in the name of so-called friends...

Why do you really think we are made of mud?


If it weren't for the sake of the overall situation, I would have done you a long time ago. It's ridiculous that you dare to play tricks and tricks in front of us, you are simply overconfident!

Although the monsters of the Titans are big and thick and basically have muscles in their brains, they are not fools who can be fooled casually.

Your method of borrowing a knife to kill is so inferior, they definitely won't...

The person in charge is thinking so.


I can't wait to finish thinking about it.

Seeing that "my grandson" of the Titans has completely exploded in anger.


A terrifying aura erupted from him.

It made him look like a warrior in Dragon Ball, with streams of golden arrogance rising outside his body, accompanied by rolling thunder and lightning.

The momentum is extremely astonishing and terrifying.


"How dare you threaten my old grandson's friend, the bastard of the Light Cult, I think you don't take our Titan team seriously at all?"

"Today, my old grandson will let you know that not everyone can bully my old grandson's friends, dog, take the trick!"

"The dragon roars!"


My grandson is angry.

It broke out on the spot, and let out a mouthful against the three members of the Guangming Cult.


A veritable cannonball.

While roaring in his mouth, he also condensed and fired a shot. The terrifying energy cluster formed by the super-high-intensity energy, shot away like a laser cannon.

That power...

It is extremely terrifying, comparable to the unique skills such as Kamehae Qigong Wave in Dragon Ball.

It's just that this trick is not done by hand, but by people's most yelling, so it is a veritable mouth cannon!

see this.

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Obviously, I didn't expect that my old grandson of the Titans' cultivation system is somewhat similar to Dragon Ball's Qi, which is quite surprising.

Immediately afterwards, he laughed.


Bai Xiaofei's conspiracy succeeded, and with my old grandson's attack, the conflict between the Titans and the Guangming Cult was completely aroused.

And he, Bai Xiaofei, was the fuse that ignited this war.

the other side.

The person in charge of the Bright Cult saw that my old grandson of the Titans actually attacked himself and others for the sake of this so-called friend he had just met, and he was completely dumbfounded.

"I rely on it!"

"You idiot, this is all his conspiracy, can't you see that, for such a bastard, he started a war with our Guangming Church..."

"These monsters are indeed brainless idiots!"

"Everyone is on alert!"


The person in charge is dumbfounded.

But the reaction was not slow. When he came back to his senses, he immediately greeted his two teammates, and quickly put up defenses, fully armed, to prevent Bai Xiaofei from taking the opportunity to attack.

after all……

Things are not going well for them.

If it's just the two of the Titans, they don't have to be so afraid.

The point is, isn't there another Bai Xiaofei?

This is very troublesome.

According to the previous analysis of Bai Xiaofei's attack power, they estimate that Bai Xiaofei is at least at the level of the peak of the God Emperor Realm.

Even if it's just one person, it shouldn't be underestimated.

What's more, with the help of the Titans, you can't be careless. You must plan and prepare for the worst, otherwise they can only be unlucky.

And his two players responded well.

Immediately set up defenses, greeted my grandson's rhetorical attack, and at the same time had enough energy, asked the person in charge: "My lord, since the Titans are at war with us, should we send the news back so that Lord Joan can know , do you plan early?"

"Isn't this obvious!"

"hurry up!"


The younger brother didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, so he quickly turned on the communicator and sent back the news from here, while the other team member, in cooperation with the person in charge, used all his strength to defend against my grandson's verbal attack.

My grandson's level of strength is not low.

At least they are stronger than these guys from the Bright Religion, otherwise they would have sent only the two of them here. At this moment, they suddenly broke out, and the offensive power of the mouth cannon is beyond doubt.

People on the side of the Guangming Cult want to resolve it, although it is not impossible, but it will take some effort, and the key is to guard against Bai Xiaofei's sneak attack...

This made them even worse.

As for the Titans, they don't have so many worries, and it's over.


The player next to my grandson.

But instead of following my old grandson's attack, it was three people who attacked the Guangming Cult together, but gave Bai Xiaofei a complicated look.


Turn on the communicator, and send the news here to Captain Dragon King.

You know, the guy on the other side is the Guangming Cult. My old grandson's shot represents an extraordinary meaning, and it affects the whole body...

No matter why the battle broke out, it doesn't matter now. What the Titans have to do now is to actively prepare for the battle.

Even if my old grandson was really impulsive and did something wrong, and he should be held accountable, that would be a matter of later. The most urgent task now is to report all the reasons to the captain first.


core content of the report.

It's not a conflict with the Guangming Cult, but the Haotian that Bai Xiaofei incarnates.

Because he is the key to all contradictions.

in short.

The message sent by this person has two main contents:

One, my old grandson couldn't control himself, and directly broke out to fight with the Guangming Cult.

Second, Haotian seems to be using us, is he turning against him and breaking the relationship? Or take this opportunity to completely solidify the previous friendship between the two parties and win them over?

Either way, it matters.

Especially the latter.

after all.

The opponent is not from the Titans.

Those who are not of my race must have a different heart. This sentence is applicable to any creature.

Especially the environment they are in is still a cruel world like the reincarnation space, so they have to consider and deal with it more carefully.

Regardless of the thoughts and operations of the teammates on both sides.


Bai Xiaofei who stirred up the wind and rain.

But with a smile all over his face, he stood aside and watched the good show silently.

At the same time, he secretly opened the Eye of Primordial Mist, and silently analyzed the strength of the Titans and the Light Cult, as well as their abilities and means.

The mood is very beautiful.


The battle between the two sides at the scene was also extremely exciting and heroic.

As time passed, the battle between the two sides became more and more escalated and out of control. For example, because the Guangming Cult could not withstand the pressure, they had to remove their disguise and revealed their true angelic posture.

The person in charge is the strongest, he is actually an angel with eight wings, and his two teammates are not weak, although they have not reached the level of eight wings, they are also at the level of six wings.

That is.

Whichever one you pick out, has the level of slapping Captain Marvel.

It's pretty good too.


They are strong, but the Titans are stronger.

My old grandson saw that the three members of the Guangming Cult all showed angelic postures and used all their strength to fight against him, so naturally he would no longer hold back.


The size doubled in an instant, and it turned into a giant golden gorilla with a height of nearly 100 meters. Judging from its appearance, it is somewhat similar to the younger brother King Kong recruited by Bai Xiaofei in "King Kong" Skull Island.

It's just that this body shape, strength and so on, the two are not the same.

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.


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