The Storm God

Chapter 4126 Titan invites! (Please subscribe!)

at the same time.

The Titan team in the ignorance, and the Light Cult group stationed on a certain planet, have also received relevant information from Bai Xiaofei.


The captains of both sides immediately fell into deep thought.

Obviously, they never expected that such a treasure as Time Gem would be sold to other people directly by Haotian in the form of auction...

It's outrageous.

Doesn't he know that this is a must for team battle missions?

Or, the other party has enough confidence to gain enough advantages in the follow-up missions, or even win, so they don't care about the initial results?

Although now it seems that Hao Tian has indeed made a profit.


some things.

It cannot be measured with common sense.

In a word, the two powerful teams were completely confused by Bai Xiaofei's coquettish manipulation.

Especially the latter one, who blatantly borrowed a knife to kill someone.

It just doesn't make sense.

Just very angry!


This is only limited to the Guangming Church.

Like the Titans, after learning that my old grandson has actually become "friends" with Bai Xiaofei, and that he has to fight the Light Cult.

The captain of the team, Dragon King, didn't mean to blame him at all.

On the contrary, he admired my grandson's behavior very much, and he couldn't help nodding his head in praise: "Not bad! Although there are suspicions of being used, the risk is worth taking."

"At least in the eyes of outsiders, the reputation of our Titans team has definitely been established, and there is no place to feel sorry for Haotian. Based on this, in future missions and duels, even if the opponent does not admit it, they will have to make this feeling ..."

"As for the conflict with the Order of Light?"


"Isn't it a matter of time? There is actually not much essential difference between the outbreak now and the outbreak in the future. On the contrary, we can take this opportunity to explore the bottom of the Light Cult..."

"Who told them to come this time? There are as many as thirteen people."

"It's good to have a fight."


Think here.

Lord Dragon King's eyes flashed, he looked directly at the void of the universe, and changed the topic: "However, the Time Stone cannot be left alone like this. If it is snatched by the Light Cult, it will be troublesome..."


He immediately issued an order.

Let the two team members set off quickly and pay close attention to the situation of the Dark Kings, and in any case, the Time Stone cannot fall into the hands of the Order of Light.

the other side.

The Order of Light also realized that this was an opportunity.

Immediately, the four players were eliminated, and they chased after the Dark Kings, trying to grab the time gem at all costs.

after all.

This is related to the subsequent advantages and development of team battles.

Nothing can be lost.


The four members of the Illumination Order left in a flash.

At this time, someone stood up and asked the captain on the throne: "Lord Joan, what about Fei'er? Do you want to send someone to help?"

Fei'er is the head of the Guangming Cult who went to Bai Xiaofei's side.

Normally, the Light Cult would not have to worry about the safety of Mayfair and the three of them, but now it's different, the Titans have intervened, and beside them is a mysterious and unpredictable Haotian...

It's hard to say.

"Need not."

After pondering for a while, Captain Joan of Arc on the throne said indifferently: "The battle over there is at most just some temptations, and it is impossible to really fight."

"Your main task now is to snatch as many other infinity gems as possible, and use them to improve your own strength, so as to prepare for future team battles."

"Others don't need to worry about it."


The captain has said so, and the others naturally dare not have any objections.

They all nodded their heads in agreement.


Bai Xiaofei here.

The battle was still very fierce. My old grandson turned into a giant beast and fought back and forth with Mayfair, the eight-winged angel. It was just that this planet suffered so much that it was directly destroyed into a terrible mess.

Fortunately, there are not many natives on this planet, otherwise, God knows how many innocent people will suffer if the two big bosses break out.

My old grandson's teammate, already Mayfair's teammate, did not intervene in the battle between the two.

Just hold on.

It is clear……

They also all know that this battle is just a temptation.

A farce caused by Bai Xiaofei is unlikely to escalate into a life-and-death battle. After all, this is only the initial stage of the team battle, and it has not yet reached the critical moment of guarding.

As long as there is nothing wrong with their brains, they will not consume their own strength at this time and reveal their trump cards, otherwise... Let's not talk about the outcome of the battle, just the profit of the spectators is the biggest loss for both sides .

The protagonists at the scene are my grandson and Mayfair.

And of course Bai Xiaofei.


Whether Bai Xiaofei is an enemy or a friend, they are still not sure yet.

The only thing that is certain is that it is right to be on guard. After all, the opponent's strength is astonishing. If they really want to make trouble, even they may not be able to handle it.

In short.

The two parties at the scene are now in a tacit understanding.

Fight back, but it didn't really get angry, it was like a sparring and exhibition match, it was almost over, and it didn't really kill.

Of course.

If they can take some advantage, they don't mind at all. After all, from a macro standpoint, they are still competitors.

Bai Xiaofei is naturally not stupid.

I saw this quickly, but didn't care.

Because his goal has already been achieved, regardless of whether the two sides are fighting for real or pretending to be fighting, there will definitely be a conflict anyway.

I just need to add a little more material in the future, hehe...

Isn't it a search thief?


The players on both sides received replies from their respective teams. Although the contents were slightly different, they were basically the same: "It's almost enough."

For the Titans, there is one more——

Try to win over Bai Xiaofei.

after all.

The knife was also borrowed.

It can’t mean nothing here, can it?

Is it true that the people on the Titan team are all iron and simple, so foolish? If Bai Xiaofei dares to refuse, this side will definitely not let it go.


The members of the Titans looked at my grandson who was still fighting.

Then he looked again, Bai Xiaofei, who was full of gloating, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, fell silent for a while, and finally flew over cautiously.

He directly ignored the two seraphs who were extremely vigilant against him.

"Your Excellency Haotian..."

The man came close to Bai Xiaofei, stopped his progress, and said in a distant voice: "Look, is the anger almost gone?"

"What's the matter..."

Bai Xiaofei raised his eyes, looked at this relatively thin Titan player, and said with a smile: "Your captain wrote you back? Tell me, what do you mean?"


The team member gave a smug smile, secretly thinking that this guy is indeed a traitor.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly told Bai Xiaofei what Lord Dragon King meant, saying: "Our captain also admires you very much, so I would like to invite you to our Titan team to discuss the follow-up team battle tasks and strategic cooperation... ..."

"I wonder if it's convenient for you?"


The attitude is very respectful.

Not to mention humble, but at least it gives people a very comfortable feeling, like going to a restaurant, where the waiters give you a kind of enjoyment like God descending.

This alone made Bai Xiaofei very satisfied, and secretly said: "The leadership of this Titan team is not easy, they can train all the players under their command with such discernment, which is much better than the Bright Cult over there. "


"Differences do not conspire with each other, our positions are different after all, but before we break up, we can try to get in touch with them."

"Maybe I can dig them to my side."


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's desire to hunt, he couldn't help but start to think about it, turning his mind over and over again, thinking about how to take the Titans into his own hands.


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