The Storm God

Chapter 4127 The second step plan! (Please subscribe!)

The Titans are strong.

Although until now, my grandson has not used his real strength, but Bai Xiaofei can see that this guy's real combat strength is definitely not inferior to that leader of the Bright Cult.


More than anything!

If not, he wouldn't have readily agreed to vent his anger on Bai Xiaofei, is he really stupid? In fact, if you are not sure, how can you take this job if you are not sure.


The most important thing is.

Bai Xiaofei also took a liking to my grandson's temper, otherwise he wouldn't like it, no matter how powerful the opponent was, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't be able to accept it.

This is a matter of principle.

But in the space of reincarnation, things basically flock together, and people are divided into groups.

My old grandson is like this, so it is conceivable that his team members almost all have the same temper and temperament.

This is not.

The team member's words just now testified to Bai Xiaofei's thoughts. Therefore, someone can't help but want to make a crooked mind and make the Titans his own little brother.

Although it was a bit difficult, Bai Xiaofei was full of energy.


He has an idea.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and said to the Titans team member: "Well, no problem, but it's really inconvenient right now, let's try another day."

He gave an answer.

It can be regarded as acquiescing to the cooperative relationship with the Titans.

When the other party heard this, he was overjoyed, and his eyes widened a lot: "Really? Well, well! Then when it's convenient for you, just let us know..."


He directly informed Bai Xiaofei of his reincarnation ID.

In the reincarnation space, if you want to connect with each other, the most important prop is the reincarnation watch. This thing is similar to a mobile phone, but its functions are 108,000 times better than that of a mobile phone.


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said, "The number has been written down."

The other party smiled more happily.


Eyeball rolled.

Looking into the distance, my old grandson, who was still fighting fiercely with Fei'er from the Guangming Cult, asked with a sneer, "Your Excellency, can the battle here be...?"


Of course Bai Xiaofei understood what the other party meant.

He nodded and said: "Stop, now is indeed not the time for a decisive battle. Instead of letting other teams get cheap for nothing, it is better to recharge your energy."

"Thank you for your understanding."

When the team member heard this, he was overjoyed, cupped his fists and saluted Bai Xiaofei.

Then, he turned around and made a special whistling sound to my old grandson. The latter immediately understood, hit Fei'er's attack with a heavy fist, and jumped out of the battle circle directly.

At the same time, he said with a sneer: "Stinky bird man, you are lucky today, I, Brother Haotian, don't care as much as you, otherwise none of you will want to leave!"

The words fell.

The whole huge beast-shaped body.

It was like a leak, and in a blink of an eye, it was reduced to the appearance of the strong man before.


The eight-winged angel Fei'er was very angry.

But he also knows that this is already the best enchantment. After all, Haotian has already made a choice. If he continues to fight, even if he wins, it will have no meaning at all.

However, losing is not losing.

Mayfair also returned to her normal appearance, snorting coldly, "Don't be complacent, you dead monkeys. Our Guangming Cult still holds the greatest advantage in the current team battle mission. Wait until the second stage and see how we deal with it." You beasts!"

"let's go!"

The latter sentence was naturally addressed to his two teammates.


Before I wait for my grandson to react.

A terrifying golden light suddenly descended from the void and shone on the three of them, after which they disappeared instantly.

This scene is very similar to the Rainbow Bridge teleportation in Asgard.

The difference between the two is that the transmission of the Rainbow Bridge is colorful, powerful and powerful. But this one of the Illumination Order is a golden holy light, giving people a feeling of incomparable dignity and glory, and a feeling of ecstasy.

In terms of style.

Undoubtedly, the Light Cult is even better.

Bai Xiaofei looked at it in amazement, and said to himself, as expected of a bird man, he really has ulterior motives in deceiving people, even a teleportation technique is so magnificent.

It really is the way Shen Yun pretends to be compared.


He looked at my grandson.

My old grandson looked excited, and after listening to the details from his teammate, he looked at Bai Xiaofei even hotter, and laughed loudly: "Brother Haotian, my old grandson really did not misunderstand the person, since you still have something to do busy, then we won't bother you."

"Whenever you are free, just call my grandson, and I promise to be there on call."

"My grandson's number is..."


Also without ink.

He directly reported his ID to Bai Xiaofei, then took out a weird aircraft, and left with his teammates.

It's not that they don't want to stay with Bai Xiaofei, but the team has given them a new task. As for what is the task?


It's not hard to guess.

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, looked at the vast night sky, and thought: "Is this the beginning? I just don't know how long the Dark Kings can last..."

Handing over the time gem (limited edition) is the first step for Bai Xiaofei to fish in troubled waters.

Although there was a slight discrepancy from his original plan, the result is still very gratifying, at least he has a relationship with the powerful Titans.

That's fine.

Next step.

It should be Zhang Sheng and others of the Sanctuary team.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei sneered, and in a flash, he appeared directly on another strange planet.

at the same time.

A spiritual thought of the soul was also transmitted to Ego, the Martian ball in the distance:

"The plan is complete, and the second step begins."


almost instantly.

Bai Xiaofei received Yi Ge's reply, and asked: "Mr. Yu, how long will it take for your second plan to brew?"


He pondered for a while.

Considering that the Time Gem has just been sold and the competition between the various teams has just started, if the news of the Reality Gem is released too early, it may affect the current result...


Bai Xiaofei immediately decided to postpone the second step plan for a while, and replied: "About a week."

There are still about ten days before the initial results of Samsara Space are settled.

As the time draws near, those teams that don't have the Infinity Gem in their hands will feel more and more pressure. If the news of the Reality Gem is released at the last minute...

At that time, whether it is true or not, it will definitely attract the attention of a large number of people.

This is the same even for teams that already have infinite gems. After all, this is the last moment. In the second stage of the team battle, whether your team will eat meat or drink soup depends entirely on this.

At that time, the fierceness of the competition will inevitably be even more brutal and domineering.

only if.

Only Bai Xiaofei can maximize his benefits.


Egg wasn't stupid either.

Naturally, he understood Bai Xiaofei's intentions, and while expressing his understanding, he asked a new question: "Mr. Yu, is there anything I need to do during this time?"

In the past few days, his strength has grown extremely fast.

In addition, Yi Ge's ability to detect the seeds scattered on the major planets in the universe has also been greatly improved, and he can even control their growth and explosion in a small area.

What Yi Ge meant was that he could help Bai Xiaofei a little bit now.

If the need arises, Egg is obliged.


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while, then smiled, and said, "Don't talk about it, there is really something that needs your ability..."

After a while.

Yi Ge expressed his understanding, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yu, I will do my best to help complete this matter as quickly as possible."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "I believe in you, but the strength of the enemy should not be underestimated, you must be careful in your actions, and don't expose yourself."

"If you encounter any difficulties, just tell me."


Egg nodded excitedly.

Then, he broke off the contact with Bai Xiaofei, and at the same time, immediately activated his ability to control the seeds on a certain planet in the universe, evolved and grown rapidly, and started to act.


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