The Storm God

Chapter 4128 Action begins! (Please subscribe!)

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, six days passed.

During this period, many things happened, the most important of which was undoubtedly the fall of the Dark Kings and the change of owner of the time gem.


In the end, the Dark King team still failed to keep the time gem.

The storm that was disliked because of the time gem affected many reincarnation teams. There was chaos and countless casualties. Many teams suffered heavy damage and even were wiped out.

no way.

Who let the strong team also intervene.

The Abyssal Devils, Titans, Illumination Order, Reaper, these extremely powerful teams, none of them was idle, and they all participated in it.


Their strategy is obvious.

He didn't make a move at the beginning, but looked at the small teams that were not very strong, and tried to make the first move. When the fight was over, he reaped the benefits and wiped out the opponents for the second round as much as possible.

There seems to be a tacit understanding among the various powerful teams.

They didn't fight each other very hard.

Unless the issue of the final ownership of the time gem is involved, they are unanimous and will make every effort to clear the rest of the reincarnation team.


The other teams are not fools either.

Seeing that these powerful teams seem to have reached some kind of agreement, they also quickly formed an alliance to fight against the powerful teams.

But unfortunately, they finally woke up too late.


No Infinity Stones yet.

Everyone is very passive, and some people are provoking it, so it is naturally difficult to form a real cooperation, and they all want to take the Time Stone as their own.

after all.

The day when the initial results will be settled is not far away.

In this way, after a battle, the losses of each team gradually increased with the passage of time. Similarly, although there were no casualties among the powerful teams, their losses were not small.

It's just that the types of losses between the two parties are different.

For a powerful team, most of the losses are means and hole cards. During the battle, being known by the enemy is considered to have revealed some of their own details.

In the subsequent battles, it may be targeted by the enemy.

As for the rest of the team, it was a real loss, such as casualties, or even the destruction of the entire team. These are extremely serious.

Even the Dark King team was not spared.

no way.

Who let them have the Time Stone.

It is almost the target of criticism.


They have not yet been able to perfectly display the power of the Time Stone, which has led to their doomed failure and demise.


Before dying.

The captain of the Dark King team is also tough.

At the cost of losing their souls, Leng launched an unprecedented super self-destruction, which injured all the members of the powerful teams who were robbing the Time Stone.

And the worst of them is the Order of Light.

Who makes them the most.


It was also the first to launch an attack on the Dark King's team, and it was also the one that beheaded the most members of the team. Naturally, the oblique target of the team's self-destruction was more inclined to the Light Cult.

But it's a pity that even so, the captain failed to take away even a member of the Light Cult to reward himself and others.

Fortunately, his efforts are not completely useless.

Because of the captain's different treatment, in the final competition for the time gem, the Light Cult failed to gain the greatest advantage, so that the time gem that was about to be obtained finally fell into the hands of the abyss demon team.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also quite surprised and surprised.

Unexpectedly, with so many powerful teams, the time gem finally fell into the hands of the Abyssal Devils, and the most promising Titans and the Order of Light missed.

It's just unbelievable.


Such a result, to Bai Xiaofei, is not much different.

Even for the entire reincarnation team participating in the team battle, it is a good result, if it really falls into the hands of the Light Cult...

That's the really big problem.

How nice it is.

Except for the Abyss Demon team having an Infinity Gem, the situation of the other major powerful teams has hardly changed.

This gave Bai Xiaofei a great deal of room for maneuver, and it also facilitated the development of his second plan.


The battle surrounding the Time Gem ended here. The major forces in the universe also recovered their bottlenecks again, quietly dormant.

And Bai Xiaofei's second step plan has also started to be put on the agenda.

this day.

Bai Xiaofei was invited to the land of nothingness.

There is no way, Dragon King, the captain of the Titans, has invited Bai Xiaofei no less than five times, each time, Bai Xiaofei refused because he was too busy.

Right now, as the day when the initial results are settled is approaching, the teams of all major forces are working hard and preparing for the last struggle.

If Bai Xiaofei refuses again, it will be bad.

at the same time.

He can guess too.

The purpose of the Dragon King inviting him is probably to deal with the Guangming Cult.

Although they are among the various teams, they have the greatest advantage, not only the number of personnel, but also the number of infinite gems.

It can be said to be the strongest opponent of the Titans, not one of them. The Titans naturally have to contact all possible teammates to deal with the Light Cult.


The second phase of the team battle is crucial.

Although Bai Xiaofei is only a man, his strength is outstanding, and it seems that he doesn't care too much about the outcome, he only wants to make a fortune...

This allowed the Dragon King to see the possibility of cooperation.

So the invitations were repeated several times, just to finalize the cooperation with Bai Xiaofei, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to go at first.

However, considering the particularity of the second step of the plan, after thinking about it, I think it is better to go there, at least I can find an alibi for myself.

In addition, he hides behind the scenes and controls everything.


Bai Xiaofei readily accepted the appointment.

At the same time, his avatar, carrying ether particles, that is, the gem of reality, appeared on a certain large-scale trading planet, and began to execute the second step of the plan to fish in troubled waters.

the other side.

Egg wasn't idle either.

During this period of time, he cultivated crazily, and his soul strength improved rapidly.

Today, even without the support of his sons' divine power, he can rely on his own power to mobilize most of the seeds in the universe to explode, invade and infect those planets at the same time.

But he didn't do that.

Instead, he conscientiously became Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, planning, planning and preparing everything for the second step, such as monitoring Zhang Sheng and others.

as well as……

At the crucial moment.

Provide them with information about the Reality Gem.


Regarding the appearance of the time gem, the chaotic war, and its ultimate ownership, Yi Ge did not miss anything, and told Zhang Sheng everything in detail.

It's a pity that Zhang Sheng and others don't care at all.

Because from the very beginning, they didn't have any hope that they could grab the time gem.


when he heard.

When the Reality Gem seemed to appear on a remote planet, Zhang Sheng was a little moved because Yi Ge told him that the news had not been known yet.

That is to say, Zhang Sheng and the others were the first to know about it and had an absolute advantage.

The most important thing is that the person who owns the Reality Gem is not a reincarnation team, but a dark elf who is suspected to be a native of the Marvel universe. This gives Zhang Sheng great confidence that he can defeat the opponent and occupy the Reality Gem. for oneself.

Of course.

Zhang Sheng is not a reckless man either.

After getting the news, he didn't rush to go to that remote planet immediately to snatch the Reality Gem, but thought it over and over again.

Only then did the three teammates come over and said: "This opportunity is once in a lifetime, and the team battle is about to enter the second stage. As the key point, the infinite gem must be very important, so this gem of reality, we must Gotta get it!"


"Lan Lan, Xiaoxue, you two stay here, my highness and I will go to that remote planet to snatch the Reality Gem..."

"In this way, even if there is any accident, we will not be wiped out..."

"What do you think?"


Everyone shook their heads, expressing no objection.


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