The Storm God

Chapter 4129 The conspiracy starts! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that everyone supported him, Zhang Sheng nodded and continued: "Since this is the case, then it has been decided like this. Soldiers are precious and fast, everyone pack up and set off immediately!"


Killing His Highness shrugged, saying that you can do whatever you want.

And actually.

They have nothing to clean up at all.

The only way to "clean up" is to say goodbye to my girlfriend, after all, no one knows what will happen after this trip.

His Royal Highness and Xiaoxue came to their solitary space, chatting with each other for a while.


Zhang Sheng is no exception.

However, in addition to saying goodbye to his girlfriend Lan Lan, he also gave the soul gem to Lan Lan for safekeeping.


Lan Lan was confused.

In the hands of the soul gem, it is pure waste.



Zhang Sheng explained: "My intuition tells me that the Reality Gem may not be so easy to get. To be on the safe side, it's safer to leave the soul to you."

"In this way, even if we do encounter any danger, we won't lose everything. As long as you have the soul gem, you still have the possibility to come back."


"Don't tell anyone the news that the Soul Gem is in your hands, not even Xiaoxue, it must be kept strictly confidential!"

"This is not only for the team, but also for yourself!"


Zhang Sheng "looked" at Lan Lan with a solemn expression.

Lan Lan seemed to understand but half understood.


Still nodded heavily, expressing that he would strictly follow orders.

After that, the two fell in love for a while, and they parted.

Zhang Shenghe killed His Highness, took a special aircraft, and flew directly to that remote planet according to Yi Ge's information.

It is worth mentioning that.

Zhang Sheng also requested that Yi Ge must separate his clone and go with them.

Obviously, it also meant to guard against Yi Ge.

To this.

Egg didn't care.

Without any hesitation, he agreed directly. Seeing Yi Ge being so forthright, the fear and suspicion in Zhang Sheng's heart immediately heaved a sigh of relief.


A group of people came to the target planet.

To be honest, this planet is quite remote, almost at the edge of the universe, surrounded by dense dark matter.

In such an environment, Zhang Shenghe killed His Highness, and couldn't help believing the news that the dark elves possessed the Reality Gem.

after all.

The dream of the dark elves is to return the universe to darkness.

They also have an inseparable special relationship with the reality gem. If it were them, they would also choose a planet with a similar environment as their foothold.


The two did not relax their vigilance just because the other party was Marvel's native dark elves. As soon as they got off the aircraft, they were fully armed and began to accumulate strength.

It was clear that he was preparing for the next big battle.


Seeing the extremely careful Zhang Sheng and killing His Highness, Yi Ge couldn't help but twitched, and said with a sneer: "I said you two are just a dark elf, so there's no need to make such a fuss?"

Zhang Sheng remained silent.

He didn't pay attention to Yi Ge at all, but gave His Royal Highness a wink.

Killing His Highness understood, nodded, and then left the team and flew to other places, not knowing what to do, which made Yi Ge very angry.

Depend on!

How dare you ignore me?



Just wait.

Since you are here, you will have a better time later. This is the burial place that Mr. Yu and I have carefully selected for you.

at the same time.

Taking advantage of Zhang Sheng's concentration, he was searching the surrounding environment. When he didn't pay attention to himself, Yi Ge quickly sent a message to Bai Xiaofei: "The bait is in place."

the other side.

Nothingness inside.

Bai Xiaofei, who had already met the captain of the Titans, the Dragon King, was in the process of meeting him for the first time, and just after saying a few words, he received a message from Yi Ge.


"Is it so fast? Very soon! My side is almost ready, wait a little longer, and when the time comes, I will detonate the space gap of that planet..."

"Whether you can attract the other reincarnation teams or not is entirely up to you."

"Ego, don't let me down!"


Bai Xiaofei returned to the channel.

The only reason why he chose that remote planet for the second step of the plan is that the space of that planet is not very stable compared to other planets.

Naturally, there are many gaps.

Just like some space cracks in the earth, through these cracks, you can easily enter the earth or other planets from other planets.

Since Bai Xiaofei wanted to fish with Reality Gems, he naturally couldn't do without the audience, and the special conditions of this planet could well meet Bai Xiaofei's needs.


This also requires Egg's help.

The seeds he spread on all the major planets in the universe, after transforming into 0 people, can help Bai Xiaofei quickly disseminate information about the Reality Gem...

As long as it is done properly, the remaining reincarnation team can get what happened on that planet almost instantly, thus attracting everyone's attention.

Don't say anything else.

Just one reality gem is enough to make countless teams crazy about it.

After all, this is the last Infinity Gem, and the day when the initial results will be settled is coming soon, whether it is survival or destruction, or a huge amount of points deducted, it all depends on this.

But anyone who is a little bit normal will fight for it.


Those teams that already have infinite gems will not easily let go of this opportunity, because the task of the second stage of the team battle is also related to infinite gems with a high probability.

That's all.

The more Infinity Stones you have, the more advantages you will have in the second stage.

Since it can give yourself a greater advantage, why not do it? It's not like they don't have the ability. It doesn't matter if they can't get it, as long as they intervene and prevent the rest of the team from getting it, they can also exclude certain teammates for themselves...

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


As long as the matter of the Reality Gem is leaked, it will inevitably be a frenzied melee that is more terrifying than the previous Time Gem.

And in this plan.

Bai Xiaofei is the planner, the executor, and the chess player; similarly, Yi Ge's role and role are also many, even very important.

Both are indispensable.


The bait has been put into the urn.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not be polite to these people.

half an hour later.

Zhang Sheng finally saw Bai Xiaofei's incarnation, the dark elf he turned into, and sensed the energy of the Reality Gem from him.

"Sure enough, it's on him!"

Zhang Sheng was overjoyed immediately. One reason was that the Reality Gem was right in front of him, and the other reason was that the strength of this dark elf was not that strong.

It seems that as long as they make a move, they can easily get it.


Even so.

Zhang Sheng didn't act rashly, but hid aside and observed secretly, as if he was doubting and observing whether this was a trap.

after all.

The entire reincarnation was looking for the Infinity Gem, but the Reality Gem fell into the hands of a dark elf, which was very strange in itself.

Zhang Sheng didn't dare to gamble.

Until, after a long time, His Highness Kill, who disappeared, sent a message to Zhang Sheng through the reincarnation watch: "Everything around is normal, and there is no hidden force..."

Only then did Zhang Sheng heave a long sigh of relief, and said to himself, "It's really God helping me."

next moment.

He decisively gave the order to attack.

at the same time.

Zhang Sheng didn't notice that at this moment, Yi Ge's eyes flashed, and he secretly activated the undercover spies transformed into seeds buried in the major planetary forces in the universe, and immediately spread the news of the Reality Gem.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei also shot almost at the same time.

The space barriers of this planet loosened in an instant, and those cracks that were inherently unstable directly formed huge wormholes visible to the naked eye, connecting almost all the planets of the reincarnation team in the universe.


Members of the reincarnation team from other planets passed through these wormholes in astonishment, saw His Royal Highness Kill of the sanctuary team, and launched an attack on the dark elves.

And that dark elf instinctively activated the ether particles on his body.

this moment.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock: "That's...the Reality Gem!"

Zhang Sheng was stunned.

Depend on!

what's the situation?

What the hell are those wormholes?

Why did it appear suddenly, and it was also connected to the planet where other reincarnation teams are located!

this moment.

He sensed the breath of conspiracy.


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