The Storm God

Chapter 4130 Melee broke out! (Please subscribe!)

"be cheated!"

No matter how stupid Zhang Sheng was, he realized at this moment that this was a trap.

Otherwise, how could there be so many wormholes, connected to the planet where the reincarnation team is located, this is obviously an ambush against oneself.


Who is the murderer behind the scenes?


Zhang Sheng immediately thought of Yi Ge, because Yi Ge had brought back the news about the Reality Gem, so he was the most suspicious.

However, when he thought of this, Egg had already disappeared.

Instead, from other planets, through the cracked wormhole, the reincarnation team suddenly broke into this planet, one by one menacing, obviously all of them are bound to win the reality gem.


It also includes the soul gem on him.

"Damn it!"

Killing His Highness's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he roared angrily, "Yi Ge, you dare to betray us, you are looking for death!"


He was about to send a message to Xiaoxue and Lan Lan.

But it's a pity that Bai Xiaofei has already taken shielding measures, and their information cannot be sent back to Yigo's side here.


Seeing this, His Royal Highness suddenly became choked with anger.

He hurried to Zhang Sheng's side, frowned and said, "Captain, what should we do? It's not the way to go on like this. After a long time, we really won't be able to leave!"

The news that the soul gem is in the hands of the Sanctuary team has actually been spread long ago.

It's just that because of the living planet Ego, the Samsara team didn't go to find trouble.

But now it's different.

Sanctuary team's Zhang Shenghe kills His Royal Highness, left Yi Ge, has no support, and the time is approaching the initial score settlement of the team battle...

Those reincarnation teams who don't have enough points to offset the failure of the mission are dead left and right, and naturally they will not give up this golden opportunity.

Even a team with infinite gems doesn't mind having an extra infinite gem in their hands to increase their performance.


This is how Bai Xiaofei's game came to an end.

Even though many people may have guessed that this matter does not seem to be that simple, it still cannot prevent the melee from happening.


The Samsara Squad that rushed over in the first wave directly fought Zhang Shenghe His Highness Kill.

"Hand over the Infinity Stones!"

"There are only two of you, even if you are stronger, you cannot be our opponent. If you don't want to die, you'd better be obedient..."

"Otherwise, don't blame us for being black!"


Someone threatened.

It's just that, in this case, it obviously doesn't make any sense.

Whether it is Zhang Sheng or His Royal Highness, they are not people who give in easily. Not to mention that the soul gem is not in their hands now, even if it is, it is impossible to hand it over to the enemy.


The situation at this moment.

Only by obtaining the Reality Gem can they break the situation and escape with the help of its power. Otherwise, facing the encirclement and suppression of many teams, they will undoubtedly die.

With that in mind.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Sheng said to His Royal Highness: "Leave this to me, you go and grab the Reality Gem, that is our only hope!"

at the same time.

His hands were not idle either.

Virgo's unique move, Tianwu Baolun, explodes directly without any forward swing.

In an instant, the terrifying array of murals descended from the sky along with the demons and ghosts all over the sky, turning into a strange scene like Sen Luo's hell, trapping most of the Samsara team members in it.


"You have to hold on, don't die."

"I'll be fine soon!"


Killing His Highness will not leave any ink marks.

Nodding his head, his face froze, and the golden light flashed on his body.

He didn't have any intention of hiding his hand, and directly put on his strongest hole card - the Capricornus Golden Cloth.

after all.

He is also a member of the Sanctuary team.

The reason why the Sanctuary Team is called the Sanctuary Team is because most of their members have the Saint Cloth of the Saint Seiya and their famous stunts, hence the name.

Zhang Sheng is a Virgo, while His Royal Highness is a Capricorn.


That's not to say.

What kind of constellation holy clothes they wear, what they practice is the unique skill of the holy clothes.

It can only be said that the reason for wearing the holy clothes of this constellation is because it best matches their cultivation system, personality, unique skills, methods, etc.

Just like the relationship between Tony and the steel suit, it is not the steel suit that makes him, but Tony gives the steel suit its true meaning.

Don't say anything else.

You know the Hulk armor.

Tony wears it, Banner wears it, and the results are totally different.

the same way.

Zhang Shenghe killed His Highness.

It's the same for the two wearing the golden holy clothes of Virgo and Capricorn. Although they have their unique skills and abilities, it doesn't mean that they only have these.

Anyone who underestimates them will pay a heavy price.

it's not...

Some guys who don't know these inside stories.

Soon, he suffered a great loss because of his own assumptions and speculations. He thought he was familiar with the moves of the Saint Seiya and could completely ignore them.

But when they thought they were successful, they were shocked to find that they had already predicted their own predictions, and what awaited them was darkness and death.

What Zhang Sheng used here was a unique soul skill that he had never seen before. Once he entered the soul, if the soul strength was not enough, the soul would be destroyed on the spot.

Completely ignoring the defense of the physical body, directly attacking the soul.

the other side.

Those who tried to stop and kill His Highness.

Some were frightened to death by the endless killing intent, and some were frightened to death, while others were frightened by the evil spirit and froze, unable to move, and then chopped to death by the killing sword.

To know.

The reason why killing His Highness is called killing His Highness.

It's not because his surname is Kill, His Royal Highness, but because of the cultivation method, which mainly focuses on killing, His Highness is a kind of respectful title.

Killing Your Highness is not so much his name, it is more appropriate to say that it is an honorary title and code name.

Over time.

He directly called himself Killing Highness.

And now...

Kill His Highness without reservation.

Wearing the holy clothes, the evil spirit is bursting, the killing intent is rolling, sweeping everything, and the invincible holy sword makes his attack even more terrifying.

Ordinary characters are simply difficult to parry.

Often with one palm out, the enemy is split in half directly, any defense is like paper, there is no room for a round.


The premise is that the strength of the enemy does not exceed him by much.

Otherwise, it can still be blocked, even if it cannot be blocked, it is possible to react quickly and dodge in time. But it is a pity that almost all those who came to stop and kill His Highness were cannon fodder.

Those who are really capable, either did not take action, or the goal is not to kill His Highness, but the dark elves who are the avatar of Bai Xiaofei who has the Reality Gem.

But alas.

The dark elf that Bai Xiaofei turned into is not easy to mess with.

He smiled coldly, with a disdainful arc on the corner of his mouth, and the next moment, everything around him changed.

Just now, it was like a Gobi-like environment, but it turned into an extremely prosperous metropolis in an instant, with high-rise buildings everywhere and heavy traffic.


This is the ability to use the Reality Gem.

Using its power, it changed the local environment and reality of this planet, while confusing the enemy, it also concealed its own location.


The main purpose.

Let's use this to divide the members of the reincarnation team who poured into this planet into regions, so that they can be defeated one by one in the future.

For ordinary people, it is naturally impossible to achieve such a large-scale and incomparably real change of reality with only one reality gem.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

He is not only proficient in the power of distortion and chaos magic, but also has a complete set of infinite gemstone sequences, so it is not difficult for Bai Xiaofei to achieve this level.

Just like breathing, it is extremely natural and easy.

The melee intensified.


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