The Storm God

Chapter 4132 Inside information! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei was quite concerned about the brainwashing ability of the Guangming Cult.

After all, although he can be immune, his younger brothers don't have such abilities. Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to be like Master Tongtian and make his disciples miserable.


At that time, I kept an eye on it.

Secretly, when there is a chance, he must catch an angel and study it carefully.

in case for need!

in addition

When Bai Xiaofei was secretly shocked.

The Lord Dragon King next to him has also been secretly watching Bai Xiaofei, but unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei's expression is always calm and indifferent, as if he doesn't pay attention to everything.

This can't help but surprise the Dragon King.

This guy

Is there nothing else in my heart besides the sword?

I don't care about team battles, I don't care about infinite gems, and I don't even care about such a good opportunity to make a fortune. This doesn't quite match up with my previous performance.

Or, is he seeking greater benefits?

I don't understand!

At this time.

He suddenly found out.

Bai Xiaofei looked at himself, with a half-smile on his face and said: "Lord Dragon King, with such a good opportunity, don't the Titans want to go and take a share?"

"That's a reality gem."


Bai Xiaofei felt quite strange.

This is the last Infinity Gem for the initial results. Even the Guangming Cult got involved, but the Titans seemed to be fine.

It's not normal.

"No problem!"

Lord Dragon King smiled confidently when he heard the words, and said, "Let the bullets fly for a while, there is still one day before the last time."

"Not in a hurry!"

"At this moment, the number of people is still too much. Wait a little longer until the number of people is reduced and the situation becomes clearer. It's not too late for us to take action."

"By the way, brother Haotian, what is your plan?"


In the end.

The topic directly turned to the previous question, and this question was whether Bai Xiaofei should change sides and come to their Titan team.

Originally, the two sides had a good chat, but suddenly this kind of thing happened.

Seeing that things are getting more and more complicated, and the situation is becoming more and more unclear, Lord Dragon King naturally wants to settle Bai Xiaofei as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

after all.

The Bright Cult has a large number of people.

Definitely one of their formidable opponents in the second phase of the teamfight.

On the basis that the infinite gems are less than the opponent, the Titans can only barely compete with it by increasing the number of characters in their own team.


Then the only thing to do is to be suppressed.

Bai Xiaofei also knew this, so he didn't answer the other party directly for a long time, but said that he had to think about it again, but now that the Dragon King asked, the meaning was different.

It is clear.

At this moment, if Bai Xiaofei doesn't give a clear answer, then the Titans should drive away, let alone tell Bai Xiaofei about their follow-up plan.

After all, he is not his own person yet.


Take this into consideration.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but fell into deep thought, should he join?

This is a question that must be carefully considered.

In fact.

Bai Xiaofei's preliminary plan was to fish in troubled waters, and then find a way to solve the crisis of Infinite Ultron, but the random entry of the reincarnation space broke his plan.

Now, the Titans have also invited him to join, which is more complicated.

And the results are obvious.


He has been a member of the Titans ever since.

Except for Haotian's identity, which is fake, the rest are not fundamentally different from normal reincarnation space players.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation watch is real.

His changed appearance, strength, etc. are not much different from Haotian himself, except that he is stronger.

That's all.

Even if Haotian himself was present, he might not be able to tell whether Bai Xiaofei is real or not.

In addition, Bai Xiaofei has integrated the space-time shuttle, man-machine integration, even in the reincarnation space, his disguise cannot be recognized.


Taking this opportunity to invade the space of reincarnation and go undercover personally is definitely the best opportunity for Bai Xiaofei.

The problem that Bai Xiaofei needs to face is how to solve the crisis of the Marvel multiverse, and whether this matter will have a major impact on his follow-up?


If you do not agree.

The subsequent development of the matter will be more beneficial to him, or more harmful.

These are the key things to consider.

He pondered again and again.


Bai Xiaofei still chose the former.

I saw him nodding his head, looking at the Lord Dragon King solemnly, and suddenly said with a smile: "The Lord Dragon King is so kind to invite me, if I don't agree to it, then it will be a little ignorant, I agree to this matter! "

"Lord Dragon King, please take care of me from now on."


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei had already operated the reincarnation watch and sent an application to the Dragon King to join the team. ,

More talk than action.

Seeing so.

The Dragon King was overjoyed immediately, laughed and said: "Okay! Brother Haotian, I really didn't misunderstand you. Don't worry, from now on, we are a family. Naturally, we must take good care of each other and help each other!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he fixed his eyes on the Dragon King, smiled and did not speak.

But the meaning is very obvious: "Look, I have already promised you, so you should also tell me about the Titans' follow-up plan?"

Otherwise, you are treating yourself as an outsider!


The Dragon King naturally understood what Bai Xiaofei meant.

He smiled mischievously, and did not answer immediately, but calmly agreed to Haotian's application for joining the team. Seeing the review process, there was no problem.

The reincarnation space system also officially issued an announcement that he had successfully joined the team, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief, completely believing in Bai Xiaofei's joining.

after all.

Once a team is selected, it cannot be changed.

Unless the original team members are all dead and there is only one person left, it is impossible to join other teams.


If you can't join the team, you can still form an alliance.

And Bai Xiaofei's ability to join the Titans showed a problem, Bai Xiaofei really only had one person, not an addition.

To this.

The Dragon King can only guess that Bai Xiaofei participated in the team battle alone, and then randomly found a few teammates, but the teammates were too bad, and all of them died.

Then Bai Xiaofei was left alone.

As for the other members of the dream team, most of them are busy with other things, otherwise, because of their relationship, if they knew there was a team battle, it would be impossible for Hao Tian to participate by himself.


There seemed to be some changes on the side of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

One must know that Dream Team is the strongest team under the command of Murphy, the God of Dreams, and they are highly valued. If nothing happens, Hao Tian will definitely not let Hao Tian change his camp.


for all this.

The Dragon King didn't really care and care.

Because it's useless to think too much, the key is the reality at this moment, the former sword cultivator of this dream team is already completely his own.

This is an iron-clad fact that cannot be changed.


Dragon King smiled.

Then he told Bai Xiaofei of his plan very straightforwardly, and said: "Brother Haotian, to be honest, at the beginning of the team battle, I got relevant inside information from a big boss, and I know some Subsequent tasks are critical"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately became interested.

He knew that the team battle was divided into three stages. The first one was the settlement of the initial results of the mission, and the key was the infinite gems.

He didn't know about it later, after all, Li Gou's background was too low, and he knew too little.

At this moment, hearing the Dragon King say that he actually knew the insider information about the follow-up of the team battle, Bai Xiaofei was naturally very surprised and pleasantly surprised, this is the right bet.

Just joined, there are such benefits for free, cool!

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