The Storm God

Chapter 4133 The key to team battles! (Please subscribe!)

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Bai Xiaofei urged, looking very anxious, twitching the corner of Dragon King's mouth, thinking, finally saw something you care about.

fair enough.

Only when there is demand can we control it, otherwise I have no desire and no demand, and it is not easy for me to be the boss.


Dragon King also has no ink marks.

He directly told Bai Xiaofei some of the inside information he had obtained, and said, "The big man told me that the main purpose of this team battle is to raise Gu."

"Nursing Gu?"

"That's right!"

Dragon King nodded.

Then he continued: "The reincarnation space is a place for cultivating and screening talents, and the purpose is to provide those who are available."

"However, not everyone is qualified. They must go through layers of screening and meet certain requirements before they may be selected."

"And this team battle is just screening"


Bai Xiaofei fell silent.

Looking at the stopped Dragon King, he frowned and said, "So the task is not really important? The key is to perform, in order to make the reviewers appreciate you more?"

"But it's not right."

"Shouldn't it be to work harder, strive for the first place in the team battle, and achieve good results, so that we can better win the joy of the superior?"

"Is it really good to be so Buddhist?"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly didn't understand.

The Dragon King laughed when he heard the words, shook his head and said: "So, this is the key, normal logic, naturally what you said is correct."

"It's a pity that the person in charge of the review this time is not an ordinary person, but a person who attaches great importance to teamwork and the lives of his teammates."

"Therefore, the key to the assessment, apart from the mission results, the most important point is to look at the final number of survivors in each team."

"And the various performances during this period, such as whether to value the team and teammates, whether to achieve the goal, at all costs, etc."

"In the end, combined with the task performance, a comprehensive evaluation is given."


Speaking of which.

The Dragon King paused slightly, and then continued: "According to the information I have learned, this existence has never played cards according to the routine. Even if he does not get the top card in the team battle mission, as long as he performs well, he may not be unable to get the final prize." victory."

"In other words."

"The chief examiner, compared to the mission results, is more concerned about the performance in the actual combat. In this regard, our Titans dare to be second, and no one dares to be the first!"

"Now you know why?"


Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth wide and froze in place.

I go!

Can you still do this?

After hearing the words of the Dragon King, Bai Xiaofei didn't know why, but suddenly thought of the content of the Chunin Exam in Naruto.

Victory is not the key, the key is whether your performance in the test meets the core standards of Chunin. If you meet the requirements, even if you lose the game, you can be promoted to Chunin.

on the contrary.

Even if you become a champion, if you don't meet the requirements, you will still fail.

Continue to be your submissive.

the same way.

The main purpose of this team battle in the reincarnation space is to select some talents and arrange them for use by a certain boss, and the requirement and standard is teamwork.

Achievement or not is not the only key.


If you can achieve better results while meeting the standards, it will naturally be more perfect, and at least it will reduce some disputes.

And at this point.

The Titans did a very good job. At least they have a power gem in their hands, which means they have completed the initial results of the team battle mission.

As long as they continue to maintain this state in the follow-up stage, they will definitely not lag behind others, or even far surpass other teams.

after all.

Compared to other teams that do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, the team style of the Titans is much better. Regardless of whether they have inside information or not, they attach great importance to teamwork and the safety of their teammates.

This virtually added a lot of points to them.

If Bai Xiaofei were the captain of the Titans, he would also choose to fight in a Buddhist team, rather than hustle and bustle.

Because it is completely unnecessary, the advantage is in me.

Since you can win comfortably, why take the risk to fight with others? If you don't do it well, you may lower your performance score, and only fools do this.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just wanted to say, you are so fucking good at playing in Samsara Space.

There is still this hand, cowhide!


compared to others.

What Bai Xiaofei was more curious about was undoubtedly this unusual chief examiner, what kind of encounters made him have such feelings?

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei thinks.


The Dragon King saw that Bai Xiaofei was deep in thought, smiled slightly, and stopped paying attention to him. Because the Dragon King believes that Haotian is a smart person, so he doesn't need to explain too much.

Compared with his own person who just joined, he is more concerned about the battle situation on the Reality Gem. After all, the Buddhist family belongs to the Buddhist family, and he should pay attention to it.

In case of any sudden unexpected situation, the Dragon King can adjust the plan in time.

And at this moment.

After a fierce battle.

The situation on the battlefield has undergone tremendous changes.

Those reincarnation teams that were not very strong were almost all cleared out, and most of them were wiped out or annexed by stronger teams.

There are only a very small number of people who retreated by themselves after seeing no hope.


These teams that retreated voluntarily had enough points.

Otherwise, even if they leave now, they will inevitably be obliterated by the reincarnation space because of the failure of the mission when the initial results of the mission are settled.


Those are not important, and the Dragon King doesn't care about other people's life or death.

What he really cares about is those strong teams entering the field, especially the teams that have already obtained infinite gems, because these teams will be their main opponents in the second stage of the team battle.

For example, the Order of Light and the Abyssal Demon Team.

On strength.

These two teams are not weak at all.

In terms of teamwork ability, they are no worse than the Titans.

Among the many teams, who is the most favorable competitor of the Titans is undoubtedly the two of them, so the Dragon King is particularly concerned.

And now.

The members of the two teams, not surprisingly, gained a huge advantage, suppressing the members of other teams in one fell swoop, and became the most favorable snatchers of the Reality Gem.

As for the members of the Reaper team who took the previous shot and once fought against Zhang Sheng of the Sanctuary team and consumed most of the opponent's strength, they are now completely cold.

no way.

It's not that he is weak, but that the abyss demon team is behind the mantis catching cicadas and orioles.

Although the guy from the Reaper team is very capable, he is simply not good enough in front of the demons of the Abyss Demon team.

To know.

This demon had slaughtered and devoured many other team members before, and his strength was always at the peak, even surpassing the previous level.

Compared with the members of the Reaper team, a battle with Zhang Sheng, even if they have some advantages, has consumed a lot of strength, and the key means of strength have also been known to others.

Naturally, there is no advantage at all.


The abyssal demon made a sudden move at the critical moment.

Not only did Zhang Sheng be severely injured in one fell swoop, but he also made a series of eliminations and hits. He sent away the members of the Reaper team, successfully replaced him, and played against Zhang Sheng.

the other side.

The Order of Light is more relaxed.

Relying on his unparalleled brainwashing ability and powerful combat power, this angel easily played with his highness with applause, just like a cat playing with a mouse.

After a long time, the mentality of killing His Highness collapsed a bit.


The angel's lore of the baptism of the holy light instantly defeated His Highness's psychological defenses, completely brainwashed him, and turned him into a puppet that he could manipulate.

So far, the trend of melee has almost come to an end.

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