The Storm God

Chapter 4135 Hit east and west! (Please subscribe!)

“It's a pity”

After listening to Dragon King's explanation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sighing.


The power of Zhang Sheng's eyes and the pupil technique he cultivated is still very powerful, and the longer the power is accumulated, the more terrifying it will be.

Leapfrog challenges and so on are completely out of the question.

If this is used at a critical moment in a team battle, the sudden opening of the eyes can even instantly kill the most threatening enemy.


But it is used at this time.

Although it also achieved good results, it directly killed the abyss demon in seconds. But the other party is just a small character

what a shame.

The most important thing is that after running out, he still failed to escape successfully. Instead, he was seriously injured by the teammates of the abyssal demon, so he listened to the sad reminder.

To this.

Apart from regretting, Bai Xiaofei only expressed sympathy.

Who made the two sides have different positions?

There is no way.


And at this moment.

The void suddenly exploded, and the ten-winged angel who had just been attacked by Zhang Sheng and exiled to a different dimension had already broken through the confinement of space and reappeared in front of everyone.

His face was very ugly.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he would be swayed by someone, and he was furious.

As soon as he returned, he swung the Holy Cross Sword in his hand, and slashed at Zhang Sheng, who was still bleeding, with the intention of smashing his corpse into thousands of pieces.

But alas.

His attacks were all blocked by the orangutan-like abyssal demon.


"This is my prey, you bird man, get out of here!"

"Otherwise I will tear you apart!"


The abyss demon roared.

At the same time, the terrifying power of the devil suddenly erupted, and that terrifying power instantly suppressed the anger of the ten-winged angel.


The ten-winged angel was taken aback.

Obviously, they never expected that there would be another abyssal demon on the scene, and the strength was far superior, so it was quite embarrassing.

what to do?

To fight, or not to fight?

Let's fight, I guess I can't beat it, and maybe I will be tortured.

But if you don't fight, you will lose the face of the Guangming Cult, and you will not be able to explain it, and you will feel uncomfortable when you turn around and blame it.

What's the matter?

The ten-winged angel who couldn't make a choice just stood there in a daze.

The orangutan-like abyssal demon confronted each other, making the atmosphere of the scene very serious and weird, and Bai Xiaofei was quite emotional watching it.

"This guy seems a bit bullying."

"What about your prestige before? Backed by such a big mountain, you are afraid of a ball, but go up and fight him to death. I am still waiting to see a good show!"

"I've taken off my pants, so you'll give me the whole thing?"

"What are you doing!"


Bai Xiaofei was completely speechless.

Seeing that both the angel and the demon seemed unwilling to make a move, standing there with a concave shape, staring eyes, and protruding momentum, he decided to give these people some serious information.

Otherwise, if he keeps going on like this, how can he, the murderer behind the scenes, reap the benefits!


next moment.

A large part of the distorted reality around him suddenly disappeared.

That scene, like an illusion, suddenly lost the power to support it, causing part of the illusion to fail, allowing the original part of the planet to reappear in front of everyone.

The most important thing is that this includes the culprit who distorted everything - Bai Xiaofei's clone, transformed into a dark elf.


With the exposure of the real murderer behind the scenes.

Dozens of pairs of eyes at the scene immediately looked at him in unison.


"It was just an accident, I just passed by"

"Go on, don't worry about me!"


The dark elf sneered.

Then, urging the reality gem to distort reality again.

at this time

The ten-winged angels of the Order of Light were the first to react, and immediately yelled: "Want to run? There is no door! The judgment of the Holy Light!"


He directly abandoned Zhang Sheng and Abyss Demon.

Raising his hand, a holy light blasted over, and at the same time, the whole person waved the ten wings behind him, and killed the dark elf.

The meaning is obvious.

Abyss Demon Team, don't you want Zhang Sheng?


I give you!

I don't want to earn money with you, I'm going to grab the reality gem.

That's all right, right?


I'm such a clever little ghost.

The ten-winged angels kept praising themselves inwardly, they really are a group of witty people.


And the orangutan-like abyssal demon, after recovering from his senses, roared angrily, glared at Zhang Shenghe His Royal Highness, and finally suppressed his anger rationally.

He chose to temporarily give up his hatred, and rushed towards the dark elves instead.

Target Reality Gems!

after all

The threat of the Light Cult is even greater.

There is no threat for Zhang Shenghe to kill His Highness, and it can be resolved at any time, but if the Reality Gem is obtained by the Guangming Cult, it will be troublesome.

In a word.

It's right to make the enemy unhappy, otherwise it's time to feel uncomfortable.

I didn't want to get entangled with each other before, that's because it wasn't necessary, but it's different now, a gem of reality is enough to turn both sides against each other!

Of course.

It is impossible for Zhang Sheng to really ignore it at all.

before leaving.

This orangutan-like abyssal demon released a special method similar to a starry sky cage, completely imprisoning the space where Zhang Shenghe killed His Highness.

Unless the strength is higher than him, it is impossible to escape.

that's all.

The ten-winged angel and the abyssal demon all attacked the dark elf with the same goal, which was to snatch the Reality Gem in his hand and increase the advantage of his team.

It's not just them.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei could also clearly feel that with the appearance of the Reality Gem, the Dragon King's attention was also involuntarily attracted.


The surrounding Dragon King adults still did not act in the end.

He just squinted his eyes, quickly scanned the scene, then shook his head with a smile, and said, "It seems that the ultimate ownership of the Reality Gem will be born between the two."


Bai Xiaofei was surprised: "Is it just the Reality Gem? Are you so sure that Zhang Sheng doesn't have a Soul Gem?"

Of course, he can be sure that the soul gem is not on Zhang Sheng.

But how did the Dragon King know?


The Dragon King smiled and explained: "Isn't this obvious? It was so dangerous just now. Zhang Sheng didn't even borrow the power of the soul gem, which is enough to show that the soul gem is not on him."

"The sanctuary team currently has a total of four members. Apart from Zhang Sheng and His Royal Highness Kill, there are two other people who have not shown up. It is obvious that the soul gem is no longer on them, but somewhere else."

"This point, I believe some people have already guessed it, so they didn't participate in the battle here, but went directly to the planet Yigo"


Speaking of which.

The Dragon King also smiled and glanced at Bai Xiaofei.

The meaning seems to be saying, you shouldn't fail to see this, right? In front of me, don't hide your clumsiness, after all, we are all on our own.


The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: "Good guy! These people are really easy to provoke. Fortunately, I didn't confront them head-on, otherwise I must be the one who suffers!"

at the same time.

His thoughts also drifted to the planet Yigo.

As the Dragon King said, there are many smart people in the reincarnation space, such as the Reaper team. Their captain guessed that the soul gem may not be on Zhang Shenghe His Royal Highness.

So only one team member was sent to find out the authenticity of the Reality Gem, and they took this opportunity to go directly to the planet Yigo, and tried to seize the Soul Gem.

As soon as the three of them used the black cavity to land on the planet Yigo, they immediately discovered Lan Lan and Xiaoxue, as well as Yigo with soul power beyond imagination.


"It's interesting. It's really strange that a guy with only a brain can cultivate such a huge soul power!"

"But ants are ants after all, so it's not worth mentioning!"

"Do it!"

Without any nonsense, the captain of the Reaper team issued an order to attack and suppress the two members of the Sanctuary team as quickly as possible.

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