The Storm God

Chapter 4136 Appear in person! (Please subscribe!)

Egg is very doggy.

There was no indication of the arrival of the Grim Reaper team.

Ignore everything that happens.


Lan Lan and Xiaoxue of the Sanctuary team fell.

Within a few rounds, he was directly defeated by two members of the Reaper team and snatched the soul gem from Lan Lan's hand.


They also paid a price.

However, compared to the result, I don't care about the injury or something.

At the very least, the death team got the soul gem, which greatly enhanced their strength, and they could also complete the initial task of the team battle.

Kill two birds with one stone.

at the same time

For the sake of Egg's cooperation.

The Reaper Team didn't make things difficult for him. With a sneer, they left the place and returned to their residence with Lan Lan and Xiaoxue, who were seriously injured and unconscious.

And Yi Ge began to repair his "body" silently. After the battle just now, he suffered a lot, and the entire planet was almost destroyed.

Although it didn't hurt the deity's brain, it had to be repaired no matter what.

after all.

Egg now.

He still didn't want to lose his body, and while recovering, Yi Ge didn't forget to tell Bai Xiaofei what happened here.


After Bai Xiaofei found out, he was also very indifferent.

It seems that such a result has been expected long ago, but he just ordered: "You should lie down well and recuperate. The day when the initial results will be settled is coming soon, and the second stage of team battle will soon be ushered in. If your strength is not enough by then , I’m afraid it will be difficult to participate.”

meaning is.

During this period of time, you should get up and practice hard.

Without the monitoring of Zhang Sheng and others, no one will care about you now. Give me the shortest time to improve your strength.


Egg responded.

He is very clear about the importance of strength.

In the battle just now, he had fully experienced the strength of the enemy. He was like an ant and could be killed at any time.

If it wasn't for the other party not being interested in him, I'm afraid he would have hung up by now.

As an ambitious being.

Of course Yi Ge is unwilling to continue like this, to be a weak person whose life cannot be his own, so even without Bai Xiaofei's orders, he will work hard to become stronger.

Not for anything else, just want to control their own destiny.

after all

This universe has changed.

the other side.

The battle surrounding the Reality Gem has also completely broken out.

Ten-winged angels and abyssal demons, this time it can be said that they shot with all their strength, without any reservations, because this is their last chance.

at the same time

There are no other players around to join the battle.

It's not that people are not interested, but that most of them have been beaten, or they are not strong enough, and they will give away their heads if they go up.


It's the Titans.

They didn't care at all, instead of going off in person and struggling to participate with Bala, they hid aside and watched from the sidelines.


about this point.

The Light Religion and Abyss Demon Team are not ignorant either.

But knowing it is one thing, and being able to break the game is another. The only thing they can do now is to retain as much vitality as possible.


There aren't many people involved in the Reality Gem scramble.

Now there are only two people.

On strength.

Naturally, the abyssal demons are stronger, but in terms of the number of team members, the Light Cult is even better.

Up to now.

As for the members of the Bright Cult, none of them were lost, and there were twelve members at full capacity.

But the Abyss Demon team is different.

There are only four people left.

The previous abyssal demon was inadvertently defeated by Zhang Sheng's taboo pupil technique.

It is a pity to die, but it is also very valuable.


This demon is just a novice.

If it was replaced by a more powerful veteran, the loss would be great.

Just like the orangutan-like abyss demon in front of him, its powerful strength and terrifying defense methods are enough to make the ten-winged angels far behind.


He fell into a passive state.

The orangutan abyssal demon, with a force of ten times, struck out with heavy punches, hammering the opponent back again and again, almost powerless to fight back, and was extremely embarrassed.

Without any choice.

The Guangming Cult can only send one player again.

This time, it was a twelve-winged angel with high-level strength in the God Emperor Realm. He transformed himself immediately after coming up, and he didn't know what method he used. His realm jumped to the peak of the God Emperor Realm on the spot.

"Leave this to me, and the Reality Gem to you."

The twelve-winged angel ordered lightly, his eyes were full of confidence and arrogance, and even when he spoke, he held his head high.


Ten winged angels don't make any sense.

Although he is quite embarrassed now, his strength has not suffered too much damage, and there is still no problem in dealing with a dark elf.

Without any hesitation.

The ten-winged angel directly killed the dark elf.

The orangutan abyssal demon was furious immediately, and hit the twelve-winged angel with a double punch, as if he was offended by the opponent's arrogance.

But alas.

The power he is proud of, in front of the twelve-winged angel, did not take advantage of it. The other party just squinted his eyes, and there was a terrifying cross-shaped holy light, which burst out suddenly, killing the ultimate move of the abyss demon. It exploded.


A terrible explosion came.

The earth trembled and shattered one after another. A terrifying air wave swept across the audience, stirring up dust all over the sky.

In the dust, the figure of the abyssal demon seems to be a little backward.

And the twelve-winged angel.

But he stood firmly in place, motionless like a mountain.


Even if it's just a pair of extra wings, the strength of this member of the Light Cult has undergone an earth-shaking change.

The Gorilla Abyss Demon doesn't seem to be able to take advantage of it.

At least for now.


Sensing the opponent's strength, the orangutan abyssal demon immediately showed a dignified look, and then gradually solidified his figure, finally showing his true posture in front of the world.


Bai Xiaofei was amazed.

It turned out that so far, this abyssal demon has not really descended on the scene, but used a special method of space remote control to fight against the enemy.

And such means are obviously unable to fight against the twelve-winged angels.


The orangutan abyss demon can only visit the scene in person.

Its appearance is not surprising, it really looks like an orangutan with a huge head and body, but the real appearance is far more terrifying and hideous than imagined.

Terrifying black demonic energy lingered all over his body, like flames, burning layer by layer, burning and infecting everything around him, it was terrifying.

If the most dreaded ability of the Guangming Cult is brainwashing all the time, then the representative ability of the abyssal demon is the terrifying black flame.

But any closer distance will be affected by it.

Those who are not strong enough and will not have a firm will will soon be infected by it, completely blackened and demonized, go to the abyss, and become a big devil.

It is somewhat similar to the brainwashing ability of the Guangming Cult.

As expected of each other's opposites.


And with the arrival of the orangutan abyssal demon, the twelve-winged angel, who was originally arrogant and arrogant, became a little dignified in an instant.


He is also very clear that the strength of this abyssal demon who is present at the scene must not be underestimated.

And the other side.

The ten-winged angel fought with Bai Xiaofei's incarnation of the dark elf.

One of the two sides used the power of the holy light to turn it into a golden light that filled the sky, bombarding everything like a light cannon; There is no distinction between power and courtesy.

As far as the eye can see.

Although the battle between the two is not very intense, it is also very enjoyable and exciting. However, based on the analysis of this situation, it is estimated that it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

Because of the strength of both sides, they are almost equal.

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