The Storm God

Chapter 4137 Sword shock! (Please subscribe!)

Of course, this was intentionally done by Bai Xiaofei, the purpose was not to let the Guangming Cult easily succeed, who made them the most powerful among the many reincarnation teams.

Whether it is for self-interest or for the sake of the overall situation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't let the Bright Cult continue to maintain this advantage, the only way to keep the many teams at a relatively threatening level was the best choice.

The current Guangming Cult is too strong in terms of numbers and strength.

We must find a way to weaken it.


As a dark elf.

Bai Xiaofei can't go too far, otherwise people will easily see the flaws, and then analyze that someone is setting up a game against the Samsara team.


Fighting against the ten-winged angels is just a foundation.

The real follow-up has to be Bai Xiaofei, or his "teammates" Titans.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help smiling.

Turning to look at the Dragon King, he asked tentatively: "Master Dragon King, the situation is quite clear now, are we just looking at it like this?"

Although the Titans knew the inside story of the team battle, they made such a decision.

But this doesn't hinder the shot, does it?


Bai Xiaofei seemed to encourage the Titans, and also went to the field to snatch it.

Even if you can't grab the Reality Gem, it's good to give the birds of the Light Cult a hard blow and weaken the opponent's strength.


The Dragon King looked at Bai Xiaofei in surprise.

Bai Xiaofei smiled all over his face, his eyes were pure, but he didn't hide his true intentions, and said honestly: "The meaning of team battles is similar to raising Gu."

"Even if we know the inside story in advance, if we can strive for better performance and achieve better results, why not?"

"Don't you all want to get better rewards?"


He paused slightly.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes turned to the battlefield again.

Then he continued: "Of course, the most important thing is that this does not conflict with our plan. We take action now for the future."

"Even if you don't grab the Reality Gem, you can still weaken the enemy's strength."

"Otherwise they would be too relaxed."


That's all for now.

For the rest, Bai Xiaofei didn't say much, he believed that the Dragon King would definitely understand what he meant, and at this time, it would be better for the other party to think for themselves.

as expected.

After listening to Bai Xiaofei's words, the Dragon King suddenly fell silent.

It seems to be thinking.

Still have some hesitation.

after all

This is not in line with the original intention of his plan.

However, the Dragon King also had to admit that what Bai Xiaofei said was right, if the enemy got the Reality Gem too easily, it would not be of any benefit to him.

on the contrary.

It will also make the enemy stronger, making it more difficult for him to walk in the future.

Even if you know the inside story and what the real benefits of team battles are, it's the same. After all, the first place in team battles and the real benefits are not in conflict.

Wouldn't it be more fragrant if he could get the first place and at the same time get the final spot?

Change to before.

The Dragon King may still be a little worried. The Titans may not be the opponent of the Bright Cult. After all, the opponent is far superior to him in terms of the number of personnel and overall strength.

But now, the situation is completely different.


The abyssal demon restrained the opponent.

On my own side, I also got a powerful teammate like Hao Tian, ​​and my strength has been greatly improved. The key is to be in peak condition from the beginning to the end, without any damage.

If you take action at this moment, you can definitely achieve miraculous results.

With that in mind.

Lord Dragon King was a little moved.

However, it is not realistic for him to make a move at this point. After all, as the captain, the Dragon King still values ​​his team members very much.

But he didn't want to give up this opportunity.

After thinking about it for a while.


The Dragon King looked at Bai Xiaofei, laughed and said: "Haotian, since you came up with this idea, why not let this action be in charge of you?"

Good guy.

This is a direct dump.

And Bai Xiaofei was too embarrassed to refuse.

after all

He just joined the Titans.

As a proper novice, even if the other party appreciates him very much, Bai Xiaofei still has to show a certain value and sincerity

That is to say, the so-called voting certificate.


Why do people trust you and reuse you? You have to show your worth.

The key to this timing is also very appropriate.

It is impossible to refuse.


Bai Xiaofei froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile, and said, "Since Lord Dragon King has spoken, leave this matter to me."


He also didn't expect that the Dragon King would let him make a move.

But that's fine too.

Although he couldn't get the Titans off the field, Bai Xiaofei's move at this moment represented the attitude of the Titans, because he was also a member of the Titans.

Regardless of whether it was Bai Xiaofei who made the move, or other members of the Titan team, for the other Samsara teams, the result was the same.


If Bai Xiaofei makes a move, he can also obtain other unexpected effects.

For example, he won't be like other Titans team members who don't work hard, just put on a show or something, Bai Xiaofei is here to kill people.

in addition.

The better Bai Xiaofei performed in battle, the more he would have the right to speak in the Titans, and the more he would be reused by the Dragon King.

Because this team is all about the weak and the strong.

Whoever has the bigger fist has the final say.


The current Lord Dragon King.

Rumor has it that he achieved his current position by defeating the previous captain with his extreme strength. Of course, in addition to this, there must be the support of other players.

Otherwise, it would be a poor commander, and he would not be able to go far.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei understood everything in an instant, so without any hesitation, he directly agreed to take charge of this operation.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's cheerfulness, Lord Dragon King was also in a good mood, patted Bai Xiaofei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "You are so courageous! Hao Tian, ​​if you can get the Reality Gem in this operation, I will credit you for your credit! "

"It's a deal!"

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickering.


With a dodge, he left the ground of ignorance and rushed directly to the center of the battlefield.

The target was the ten-winged angel.

No one has arrived.

That arrogant laughter spread to the audience: "Hahaha, how can such a wonderful battle be without me, Haotian."

"Sword shock!"

As soon as he made a move, it was a terrifying and transcendent sword move.

But I saw countless sword qi, turned into sword shadows all over the sky, like the Yangtze River, rushing in, covering the sky and covering the sun, enveloping Bai Xiaofei's body, blocking the battle between the ten-winged angel and the dark elf on the spot.

The situation that made the two sides confront each other immediately became the three kingdoms.

And Bai Xiaofei.

Undoubtedly the most powerful of the three parties.


The terrifying sword intent shakes the void.

Bai Xiaofei stared at the "Dark Elf" with lightning-like eyes, and said with a smile: "My friend, give me the Reality Gem, and I'll take care of you, how about it?"

that gesture.

He completely ignored the ten-winged angel next to him.

Immediately made the other party very angry.

"Asshole, you"

The ten-winged angel was furious, and cursed as soon as he opened his mouth.

However, just as he spoke, he suddenly felt a cold chill on his neck, followed by a terrifying sharp sword intent erupting from his throat and neck

next moment.

The ten-winged angel saw a familiar headless corpse.

"The body is"


But in the eyes of others.

But it was like this, the ten-winged angel opened his mouth to curse angrily, but as soon as he uttered three words, his head immediately moved, and almost no one could see when Bai Xiaofei made the move.

This scene alone completely shocked all the bystanders.

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