The Storm God

Chapter 4138 Get out of the class! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

"How did he do it? That's a ten-winged angel. He cut off the other person's head without anyone noticing it. Isn't that too terrifying?"

"Is this the real strength of Haotian?"

"Simply scary!"



Lord Dragon King was shocked.

His eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief.


Just that sword.

Even he didn't see how Bai Xiaofei did it, he just vaguely guessed that it might be what Bai Xiaofei did when he appeared on the stage just now.

But exactly how to do it, he didn't know anything.

I was shocked in my heart.

I am also very happy.

Secretly said: "This time it can be regarded as picking up a treasure. With Haotian's current combat power, it is definitely above the level of the twelve-winged angel!"

"That is to say, our Titan team, even if we face the Illuminati Cult directly, we will still be able to compete, not completely hopeless."

"Even if you lose, the whole second place is very easy."


The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

On the other hand, other bystanders, such as the Guangming Cult, the Abyss Demon Team, the Reaper Team, and the defeated remnants of the Sanctuary Team Zhang Sheng and others.

Seeing the scene of Bai Xiaofei making a move, there was nothing but shock and fear.

Especially the latter.

In addition to the above emotions, more is despair.


If anyone among them reacted the most, it would undoubtedly be the Guangming Cult.

Think about it too.

Originally, for them, it was almost a sure-fire situation, but suddenly Cheng Yaojin came out and killed one of his members.

Anyone got it?

almost immediately.

The Light Religion went into a frenzy.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

But seeing the golden light flickering one after another.

There were bursts of piercing sounds, and three figures quickly appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.

They are all members of the Light Cult, and their strength is at least at the level of twelve-winged angels, and the leader of the three has the level of fourteen-winged angels.

The strength is extremely terrifying!

Even someone as strong as Bai Xiaofei felt tremendous pressure at this moment.

He couldn't help squinting his eyes, secretly opened the Eye of Primordial Mist, took a good look at the other party, and was shocked to find that the other party's strength was about the same as his own.

That is, the state of Dzogchen at the peak of the God Emperor Realm.

Proper saint level.

"So strong!"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help sighing inwardly: "This is just an elite monster, not the final big boss. The power of this Light Cult is truly terrifying."

"It seems that my decision is still very wise. No, if I kill my younger brother, the leader will emerge. Otherwise, I will not know that the Guangming Cult has hidden so deeply."

"God knows if the other party has more bosses."

"It seems to be handled with care."


Bai Xiaofei was secretly vigilant in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm. He held his head high, without any intention of putting the other party in his eyes, it was full of pretentiousness.

Just this scene made the three members of the Guangming Cult who had just appeared on the stage very angry.

"How dare you!"

"In the face of the three of us, you can still remain so calm. Presumably, you must have some cards, so you have no fear?"

"But it's a pity, when you meet our Guangming Cult, you messed with the wrong person!"

"Come on, take your life!"


The leading fourteen-winged angel shouted angrily.

This person was also pedantic, he didn't pay much attention to one-on-one, but the three of them directly attacked Bai Xiaofei, and it was a combined attack skill of the Trinity.

He made it clear that he wanted to kill Bai Xiaofei as soon as possible, and pay for the teammate who died just now.

have to say.

The power of the Light Cult is still very strong.

In particular, the joint attack combined skill of the three twelve-winged angels directly froze the local space and time, making everyone feel like they were locked in place.

Even bystanders are like this, the feelings of the parties can be imagined.

If it were an ordinary person, the result would be obvious, most likely they couldn't handle it, and they would definitely be killed by KO on the spot, but it's a pity that they ran into Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei is powerful and has a profound background, and he also has no less than three sets of infinite gemstone sequences. With his power, Bai Xiaofei is almost almighty and invincible in this Marvel universe.

Although the combined attack of the three Illuminati Cultists is terrifying and powerful, it really doesn't matter in front of Bai Xiaofei.

At least

In Bai Xiaofei's eyes, this fusion technique has no technical content at all.

At most, the attack power is relatively fierce.


Bai Xiaofei only needs a thought.

Time was completely frozen, and he could even go back and forth with the glass at will according to Bai Xiaofei's will. Compared with the methods of the three angels, it was so much better.

They used this kind of freezing method in front of Bai Xiaofei, it was completely like playing big swords in front of Guan Gong, playing tricks on everyone.


In order to hide their abilities.

It's not easy for Bai Xiaofei to use the power of the infinite gems at will, so he can only use the sword intent of reincarnation to disguise, and the sword comes out of reincarnation and breaks the fusion skills of the three angels.

All this is a long story.

But from the eyes of the onlookers, it was Bai Xiaofei's sudden attack at the critical moment, and the sword came out of reincarnation. The terrifying sword intent directly broke the freezing effect of the three angels' fusion, and forced the three angels back in one fell swoop. open.


Everything is back to normal.

Bai Xiaofei still stood where he was, without moving an inch, standing proudly.

On the other hand, the three angels who were so imposing just now are a little embarrassed at the moment, their faces are blank, their eyes are full of unbelievable expressions, and they muttered in a daze:


"That's a joint technique used by our three high-ranking angels, which can freeze time and space and form a complete blockade of a local area."

"How can you, a god emperor, break our stunt?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"


All three looked like they had seen a ghost.

Not only them, but many bystanders are also like this, because according to common sense, only a master of a higher level can easily break such a stunt.


Bai Xiaofei is an outlier.

It's outrageous.


However, Bai Xiaofei sneered and said: "Coincidentally, my sword intent of reincarnation comes from the law of time. If you use other unique skills, I may not be the opponent, but in this respect, I dare to say that no one would dare Say first!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

The three angels couldn't help but grow their mouths, is that so? It turned out that it just happened to use the type of power that the opponent was best at.

If this is the case, then let's change the attack method!

almost instantly.

The three angels immediately regained their confidence.

They launched an attack on Bai Xiaofei again, but this time, they used the unique purification power of the angel family. Three streams of incomparably pure holy light converged into a shocking torrent, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way, falling from the sky, directly hitting Bai Xiaofei's place. .

Bai Xiaofei stood tall in the void, completely submerged by the majestic holy light on the spot.

See this scene.

The three angels couldn't help but smile, and they were sure of winning.

The rest of the bystanders frowned. They could all see that the attack of the three angels was quite terrifying.

At least none of the masters present dared to say that they could resist. Bai Xiaofei was hit head-on this time, I'm afraid it's more ominous than ominous.

Even the Dragon King of the Titans team was full of worry in his eyes.

But at this moment.


A sneer, but suddenly came out from the holy light training: "This move is a bit interesting, and its power is not bad, but it is still a pity. I have a move called Guangyao sentient beings, which is a unique skill launched with the power of endless light."


"This trick of yours still has no effect on me."

"It's totally filling me up."


The voice did not fall.

I saw the incomparable torrent of holy light, which seemed to wilt once, became thinner and smaller in an instant, and finally disappeared completely, as if it had been swallowed up by the sword in Bai Xiaofei's hand.

on the contrary.

However, the sword in Bai Xiaofei's hand became like a laser beam, filled with endless power of light, and let out bursts of excited sword cries, as if thanking the three angels for their generous help.

The three angels were stunned, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

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