The Storm God

Chapter 4142 Goodbye Star Lord! (Please subscribe!)


After reading the information.

Bai Xiaofei was silent then.

Of course he knew that the Dragon King mainly showed this information to himself, after all, he was a new member.

People like my grandson must have known about it a long time ago.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very grateful.

But I am also very puzzled, what is the origin of the Titans?

He was able to investigate the information of almost all team members so clearly without anyone noticing. Will other teams do the same?

Don't say anything else.

At least teams like the Light Cult and the Abyss Devils are very likely. After all, their prestige in the reincarnation space is far more terrifying than the Titans.

in addition

Bai Xiaofei was also very curious.

How strong is this Lord Dragon King?

Since the other party is right, that Joan of Arc and the captain of the Abyss Demon team must also have certain trump cards and trump cards, right?

With that in mind.

He couldn't help looking at the Dragon King.

Without concealing his doubts, he asked directly: "Dragon King, how does your strength compare to that Joan of Arc and the captain of the Abyss Demon Team?"

To ensure that his plan can evolve smoothly, Bai Xiaofei must try his best to find out the strength of everyone, otherwise how can he adjust in time?

"This one"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei seemed to be very curious about his own strength, the Dragon King smiled, but didn't hide it, smacked his lips, and said, "It's probably half-baked."

Although this answer is somewhat ambiguous, it also reveals the strong self-confidence of the Dragon King.

after all.

The opponent is the Light Cult, and the captain of the Abyssal Demon Team.

The level of strength, it is very likely to break through that realm, but the Dragon King said that he and the other party looked like they were in the same boat

If it's not bragging, it can only show that this Dragon King also has a lot of background.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's wide-eyed eyes, the Dragon King seemed a little surprised, and immediately smiled brighter, and said modestly: "Brother Haotian, my strength is not worth mentioning, if I guessed correctly, your strength level is also It should be more than that, right?"


Regarding the Dragon King's inquiry, Bai Xiaofei did not hide anything.


He replied: "That's right, I do have some trump cards. If I explode with all my strength, I should be able to reach the limit state of Dzogchen at the peak of the God Emperor Realm."

He didn't lie about these words.

Because there is no need.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei is now considered a member of Team Titans.

Whether it's for future plans or undercover reincarnation space, Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to hide his strength. On the contrary, the better he performs, the more chances he will be reused.


Bai Xiaofei had to reveal some of his abilities.


This disclosure is purposeful.

The trump card that should be hidden must be hidden, so that even if he encounters any danger, Bai Xiaofei can still have the means to turn things around, so that he won't be completely controlled by others.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei also understood.

The Dragon King asked this, which has a special meaning.

For example, arrange the action plan for the second phase of the team battle mission according to the average strength of each person.

as expected.

I saw Lord Dragon King nodded upon hearing the words.

Showing a very satisfied look, he said with a smile: "Sure enough, as I expected, if this is the case, then our advantage will be even greater."


"Later, you will discuss everything with Lao Sun and the others, so that all of us can have a precise position on your strength."

"Only when we understand each other's capabilities and means, can we cooperate better."

"Brother Haotian, do you have any objections?"


Said to ask.

But in the words, there seems to be no bargaining.


Bai Xiaofei smiled and agreed without hesitation.

Learn from each other?

also good!

Taking this opportunity, I just happened to be able to learn more about the members of the Titans, plus the information that the Dragon King gave just now

My third step plan seems to be going smoothly.

Two hours later.

Bai Xiaofei and his party came to a certain place on the edge of the universe.

Except for the absence of the Dragon King, the other four Titan members followed. The purpose was to compete with Bai Xiaofei, get familiar with each other's attack methods, and cultivate a tacit understanding in combat.

As for other things.

You don't need to think about it at all, because the Dragon King will take care of it himself.

In fact.

At this time, they don't have much to do.

After all, the second stage of the team battle has just begun, and all the teams are still strengthening their strength, and no one will choose to fight at this time.

Even among the squads, the Guangming Cult, the most powerful on the surface, did not dare to take risks.

That is.

Members of the Titans can compete here to their heart's content.


Having said that.

But the isolation still needs to be isolated.

Otherwise, if the enemy finds out by accident, it will be a loss.

As soon as the isolation barrier was completed, Bai Xiaofei couldn't wait to show his big swords, looked at Lao Sun and the others excitedly, and said with a smile: "Come on, to save time, let's go together, I'm all ok !"

The four of my grandchildren: ""

Oh shit!

Do you want to be so arrogant?

You still want to pick on the four of us? Although you are very powerful, we are not made of mud, brother Haotian, you are too crazy!

We are really moving!

next moment.

The four Titans went berserk immediately.

Transformed one after another, bombarding Bai Xiaofei indiscriminately.

Two hours later.

In ignorance, my grandson and I returned to the Dragon King.


The Dragon King was full of doubts: "Old Sun, why are you so blue and swollen? Where is Brother Haotian? Why didn't he come back with you?"


My old grandson's face was embarrassed, and he dodged his words. He looked around and said, "We didn't want to fall, yes, we just fell."

"Brother Haotian said he had something to do, so he didn't come back together."

"Let's get busy first"


After speaking, he turned and ran away.

The Dragon King looked stunned, what's going on? You are all Titans of the God Emperor Realm, how can you throw yourself 13 times in a fall?

Oh shit!

Could it be that these were all beaten by brother Haotian?

With that in mind.

Lord Dragon King was shocked immediately.

I go!

Lao Sun and the others were abused by Hao Tian?

Do you want to be so perverted?


The Dragon King made a "phone call" and asked Bai Xiaofei directly: "Brother Haotian, how is the discussion going? I just asked casually, so that it is convenient to arrange work in the future."

Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Directly sent the video of the discussion at that time to the Dragon King through the reincarnation watch.


Watch the battle video.

The Dragon King was in a bad mood, as if he had seen a ghost, he muttered to himself: "Nimma! The four titans teamed up, but they were abused by Haotian?"

"This is simply not human!"


After the shock.

The Dragon King's heart was completely filled with excitement.

He knew that Bai Xiaofei was very strong, but he never expected that Bai Xiaofei was so terrifying, thanks to joining his team, otherwise he would be tortured to death if he became an enemy.

It's dangerous!

at the same time.

Many plans and ideas immediately appeared in the Dragon King's mind, and he secretly said: "This is really a god-sent opportunity. With the addition of Haotian Brothers and other superb combat power, our Titan team will definitely be able to win this team. The leader of the battle mission!"


A detailed battle plan began to be drawn up.

And the other side.

Bai Xiaofei came to a certain planet of life, and in the prison of this planet, he saw T'Challa, who had been imprisoned a lot.

He has never forgotten the purpose of his coming here.

"T'Challa, long time no see!"


Staring at the completely unfamiliar man, Star-Lord T'Challa was confused and asked, "Who are you? We seem to have never met before, right?"

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