The Storm God

Chapter 4143 Thanos rises! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei's appearance at this time was still Haotian's, so Xingjue naturally didn't recognize him.


The voice made him feel very familiar.


Bai Xiaofei snapped his fingers and typed.

The isolation barrier was formed in an instant, completely covering Bai Xiaofei and Star Lord T'Challa inside, preventing others from detecting and eavesdropping.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's appearance also returned to its original appearance.

"how about this?"

"Mr. Bai!"

Xingjue T'Challa was overjoyed immediately: "So it's you, let me just say, who has such a great ability to come here to find me?"

His eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and the light of hope kept flickering.


Bai Xiaofei smiled, but didn't say anything.

With a sweeping thought, all the shackles and other items on Star Lord T'Challa's body were smashed into slag, and at the same time a healing technique was released.

Although Star Lord T'Challa has no injuries on the surface, the internal situation is not very good, with hidden injuries and old diseases everywhere.


During the period of being arrested, I suffered a lot.

With Bai Xiaofei's healing technique, Star-Lord T'Challa's physical condition almost immediately returned to its peak state, even surpassing the past, even better than before.

"Thank you!"

Xingjue T'Challa felt the condition of his body, and was immediately grateful. He quickly thanked Bai Xiaofei, and at the same time was a little curious, and asked, "Mr. Bai, why are you here?"

It stands to reason.

The two parties are not from the same universe.

If there is no special situation, basically there will be no communication. Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance caught Star-Lord T'Challa by surprise.

His intuition told himself that Bai Xiaofei's appearance here didn't seem so simple.

as expected.


Through Bai Xiaofei's simple explanation, Star Lord T'Challa finally knows the truth, whether it is Ultron's comeback or the invasion of foreign forces.

Either one is a huge trouble.

"what can I do?"

Star Lord T'Challa was very optimistic, and did not despair because of difficulties, but asked Bai Xiaofei positively with hope.

"Get out of here first."

Bai Xiaofei didn't say it directly, but opened the passage to the small world, and told the star-lord T'Challa to go in and rest first, and when he had time, he would inform the other party what to do.

after all

Bai Xiaofei's main goal now is the team battle in the reincarnation space.

It's fine if Ultron doesn't come out to do things. Knowing that he dares to come out, Bai Xiaofei can use the power of reincarnation space to give Ultron a head-on blow.

No matter who wins in the end, Bai Xiaofei will not suffer.

Do it all.

Only then did Bai Xiaofei eliminate all traces.

Back to ignorance.

Five days passed in a flash.

During this period.

Not much happened to the Titans in nothingness.

Whether it is Bai Xiaofei or the rest of the Titans, they are actively using the power of the infinite gems to improve their own strength.

Especially the latter.

After being picked and abused by Bai Xiaofei.

The four Titans members of my grandson started hell-style training on themselves like crazy, in order to avenge their revenge in the future.

On the other hand, the other reincarnation teams are much busier.

Scouting for news.

Groups of groups.


There are also small-scale confrontations and tentative shots.

However, everyone was very restrained and did not make a deadly move, so many people who were planning to watch from the sidelines failed to get their wish.

Until, the sudden rise of a familiar character.

The originally relatively harmonious and stable cosmic situation was completely broken.


"The former Thanos jumped out to do something again? And his strength is extremely terrifying. He killed several members of the reincarnation team in one shot?"

"How can this be?!"


The news spread to ignorance.

After the Dragon King learned about it, his face was full of disbelief, with a look of hell.

To know.

The Thanos of this world has been washed clean, his strength has been severely weakened, and many of his younger brothers are gone.

Not to mention the reincarnation team, even some local aborigines can easily beat Thanos, but now someone tells everyone that the former cosmic overlord Thanos has returned, and killed many members of the reincarnation team .

It's just outrageous.


After experiencing the initial shock and doubts, the Dragon King quickly regained his composure, looked at the reports and information from his subordinates, and secretly analyzed: "Could it be someone pretending to be?"

after all.

There are countless strange props in the reincarnation space.

There are no less than a thousand kinds of things like transforming into other people. The Dragon King really can't believe that a whitewashed and severely weakened Thanos can be so powerful.

Even if the members of the reincarnation team who were killed were only relatively weak, it was the same. After all, no matter how weak they were, they were still at the peak of the gods.

Is Captain Marvel of the Marvel Universe awesome? That's just a little more than the four-winged angel. Can Thanos be as powerful as Captain Marvel?

The intelligence information that can be sent back does not seem to be fake.

At least

The Dragon King couldn't see any flaws.

This is very weird!


After pondering for a long while, the Dragon King, who still couldn't think of a reason to come, stopped thinking about it, and directly hit Bai Xiaofei's side with a phone call.


After hearing the news, Bai Xiaofei was also surprised.

Immediately, he came in front of the Dragon King. After reading the intelligence materials, he also had a face of bewilderment and doubt, and dared not say anything: "This shouldn't be?"

"Could it be someone else pretending to be?"

"I think so."

The Dragon King frowned and said: "But what is the purpose of the other party doing this? If it is to force the teams to start the battle in advance, it seems necessary?"


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

Because he can't figure out the logic and relationship.


But he knew very well that the Dragon King must have ordered him to come here, so he asked, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Investigate the true identity of this Thanos!"

The Dragon King didn't follow Bai Xiaofei's ink marks, and directly ordered: "It's okay if the other party is a member of the Samsara team and pretends to be so good, but if it's not, it will be troublesome."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He naturally understood the meaning of this, so he said: "Okay! I have accepted this task, and I will go to investigate later."

"sorry to bother you!"

The Dragon King sighed.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Lao Sun and the others were retreating, and it was the critical moment of promotion, he wouldn't let experts like Bai Xiaofei go to perform the mission.

It's completely overkill.

In case of being ambushed by other teams, the Titans will suffer a great loss.


The Dragon King repeatedly told Bai Xiaofei to be careful.

"Well, I will!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said with a smile: "As long as those top bosses don't take action, the rest of them are completely worthy of me. Just wait for my good news!"


He left the ground of ignorance.

Go directly to the star field where Thanos appeared in the intelligence data.

at the same time.

Not only the Titan team, but the rest of the Samsara team also dispatched their personnel to investigate the matter after learning of the news.

Especially the two reincarnation squads that had killed several members.

It is worth mentioning that these two teams are alliance teams jointly formed by many loser teams, that is, Zhang Sheng's team.

Then there is the newly upgraded Reaper team.


The Reapers lost only one player.

However, the alliance team lost four players all at once, which made it even worse for them who were not rich.

But losers don't lose.

Whether it is for survival or mission, the murderer must be found. And this time the alliance team sent a five-member team headed by the vice-captain Zhang Sheng.

It can be said to be a heavy blow, and it cost a lot of money.

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