The Storm God

Chapter 4144 I am too difficult! (Please subscribe!)

With the ability of the reincarnation team, it is not too easy to find a person in the Marvel universe, and a very famous character.

Especially this one, who recently made quite a sensational event.

less than a day.

The alliance team found Thanos' whereabouts.

Then they directly killed them aggressively, but it was a pity that when they arrived, they were already taken a step ahead by the Reaper team.


The weird thing is.

The Reaper team, who arrived one step ahead of schedule, did not start a war with Thanos.

Instead, he confronted it.

It's just weird.


Zhang Sheng felt that something was wrong.

Therefore, I ordered everyone not to act rashly, and to hide and observe the situation.

In fact.

Whether it was them or the other team members who arrived one after another, almost all of them adopted this strategy. After all, no one wanted to be used as a gunman.

And during this period.

The members of these reincarnation teams are not without gains.

More or less, they also adopted some methods, conducted some open and unannounced visits to Thanos, and even made small temptations.


Everyone was shocked to find out.

Thanos at this moment has indeed become much stronger.

Even stronger and more terrifying than some members of the reincarnation team. Of course, these are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that according to the comprehensive analysis, this Thanos is definitely not someone else pretending to be.

That is.

This Thanos is a complete native of the Marvel Universe.

The significance of this is extraordinary.

To know.

There are so many characters in the Marvel universe.

Different versions have different protagonists, and most of them, Thanos is a very powerful boss-level existence.

Change to before.

The reincarnation team may not take Thanos seriously.

But now it's different. Thanos doesn't know what he has experienced, but he has the ability to manipulate the energy of the universe, which makes his own strength and combat effectiveness geometrically multiplied.

Its current strength is no weaker than the elite members of the reincarnation team.

Simply incredible!


If that's all it is, that's fine.

After all, Thanos is just a loner now, if he has no subordinates, he will be tough with the reincarnation team, 100% can't get any advantage.


Who knows if he's the only one?

What if other Marvel characters, like Thanos, are strengthened by mutations for unknown reasons?

This problem is getting bigger.

Even if the Samsara team is so arrogant, they dare not take the risk to gamble.

"No wonder"

After figuring out the key.

Only then did Zhang Sheng understand why the Reaper team was the first to arrive here, but they didn't attack Thanos, not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't dare to gamble.

Because no one knows whether Thanos is the only one hiding here.

If so, then of course nothing.

Just do it.

But what if not?

So if you are the first to do it, you will inevitably suffer unimaginable and terrible consequences.

In all fairness, if Zhang Sheng was the Reaper team, he would naturally not be willing to take such a risk. Instead of taking the risk by himself, it would be better to bring other teams along.

Especially his own alliance team.

after all

The reincarnation members killed by Thanos are mainly from these two teams.

The other teams, even if they are curious and worried, probably won't make a move easily, they will just sit on the sidelines, wait to sit back and reap the rewards, and act as fishermen.

With that in mind.

Zhang Sheng couldn't help frowning.

"This will be troublesome."

"The rest of the teams are not weak, especially the Order of Light, and the Titans. Not only are they strong and terrifying, they also have two infinite gems."

"We are obviously not in the upper hand. If we are used as a gun again, the consequences will be unimaginable, so we must find a way to push the Reaper team into cannon fodder."

"But it's not easy!"


Looking at the information collected by his companions in front of him, Zhang Sheng suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

And at the same time.

On the other side, inside the temporary residence of the Reaper team.

Sarkozy, the head of the Reaper team, who was in charge of this investigation, also had a grim and ugly face, and was even more stressed than Zhang Sheng.


The member of reincarnation who was killed by Thanos was Barbita, the younger brother of Barbiero, who had great potential and strength.

Knowing that her own brother was murdered, Barbie Luo almost went crazy. If it wasn't for the captain personally testing the pressure, I'm afraid Barbie Luo would have killed him alone.

But even so, Barbie Luo was very restless.

Sarkozy knows that.

This time, if Barbie Luo couldn't be given a satisfactory result, I'm afraid that people's hearts would be completely scattered, and the team would not be able to lead at all.

But the crux of the problem is that the current situation is too complicated.

If you do it rashly, it may become the gun of other teams. Of course, Sarkozy will not do this, but Barbiero can't stand the constant urging.

Once or twice, he can still dissuade.

But after a long time, even if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that Barbie Luo will definitely not be able to bear it.

This is what gives Sarkozy the most headaches.

let's hit.

It must not work.

It is easy to be used as a gunman and become cannon fodder for other teams to test.

But don't fight, and Barbie Luo here can't persuade her. Sooner or later, she will disobey orders and act on her own to make troubles. I'm afraid she will be more passive at that time.

"It's so hard for me!"

"If I had known earlier, I would not have participated in this matter. It would be great to let other people do it. This is really lifting a rock to shoot myself in the foot!"

"Isn't it nice for Qiao Mimi to use soul gems to improve her strength?"


Sarkozy secretly regretted.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world. If he is wrong, he is wrong. He can only grit his teeth and think of a way to solve the predicament he is facing.

the other side.

Compared to the sad faces of the league squad and Reaper.

The situation of other teams is much easier, at least they are not in a hurry, and there is no blessing of hatred, just wait and see what happens.

It's not a bad thing to say.

As everyone knows.

Under such circumstances, Bai Xiaofei had already changed his appearance and returned to his original appearance, Qiao Mimi sneaked in.

And contacted Thanos immediately.

after all.

He knew Thanos.

Compared with other people, Bai Xiaofei has a natural advantage, which is unmatched by others.


Bai Xiaofei saw Thanos.

In a hidden cave, the two met.

The cave has been specially processed by Bai Xiaofei, and its isolation ability is super strong. As long as the strength level does not exceed his level, it is impossible to detect the situation inside.

Thanos didn't know what technology he used, but he turned into an ordinary local aborigine, came to the cave, and met with Bai Xiaofei.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't possessed the Eye of Primordial Mist, he would have seen through Thanos' disguise directly, he might have thought that his actions had been exposed.

after meeting.

Bai Xiaofei was full of curiosity and doubts.

Looking at Thanos who had regained his original appearance, he was puzzled and said, "This is your ability? By the way, when did you have the ability to transform? And why did your strength improve so much in a short period of time?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you."

When Thanos heard the words, he smiled and explained: "Actually, all of this is because of you. Do you still remember the holy water you gave me back then?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Puzzled: "Holy water is used to help you recover from injuries and enhance your strength, but the effect is limited, and it is impossible for you to undergo such earth-shaking changes?"

Of course, Bai Xiaofei knows how effective his own things are.


No matter how good Thanos is.

It is also impossible to transform into a super expert whose strength is comparable to that of a high-level god emperor just through a bottle of holy water of life. In an instant, there will be countless younger brothers in the God Emperor Realm.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that there must be other reasons for Thanos to be like this.

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