The Storm God

Chapter 4153 Lethal dose! (Please subscribe!)

Sarkozy was stunned to find that his Zipping Knife was missing.

Suddenly paled with shock.

He quickly looked at the other teammates and asked, "Did you notice my knife just now? Why is it gone?"


The teammates shook their heads, expressing that they were only paying attention to saving people just now, and didn't pay attention to the knife at all, but your knife is different from other knives, right?

To know.

Zanpakuto is built with the soul of the user, as long as the soul of the user is still there, even if it is destroyed, it can be recast.

To destroy Zanpakuto, unless the user is completely killed.

The soul-stirring kind.


After learning that Sarkozy's Zanpakuto was missing, his teammates didn't care, so what if it was lost?

The big deal is to let Sarkozy consume some soul power and just rush into the construction, which is harmless to Sarkozy at all.

Their biggest trouble now is Thanos and other team members.

Following Thanos' attack, the other reincarnations also cheered up, ready to pray for mantises, cicadas, and orioles at any time.

As the core figures of the storm, they dare not be negligent and careless.


Sarkozy didn't care much at first.

Just like what other people think, he also thinks so, but if he can find it, he should look for it. After all, the current situation is special, and he can't easily waste his strength.

It's just a pity.

No matter how Sarkozy sensed and searched, he couldn't find any shadow of his own Zanpakuto, as if it had completely disappeared.

This made him Sarkozy very depressed and angry.

Depend on!

Thanos, the purple sweet potato essence!

It's fine to hit someone, why do you still take the sheep by the way?

It doesn't talk about Wude!

All right!

According to Sarkozy.

Thanos must have snatched his own Zanpakuto, and hid it in a special way, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sense it at all.


He also gave up completely.

Now that the enemy is at hand, Sarkozy cannot be without weapons.

After all, as a cultivator of the God of Death Department, almost all of his abilities are linked to the Zanpakuto. Without the Zanpakuto, it is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, losing its prestige.

It can't be like this!

With that in mind.

Sarkozy did not dare to neglect, and winked at his teammates:

"Help me protect the law, I want to forge a knife!"


The teammates were speechless.

Can't find Zanpakuto? Do you want to be so mournful?

But they didn't say much, they all arranged their formations and guarded Sarkozy so as not to be interrupted by Sarkozy's knife-casting process.

As long as Sarkozy can reforge his own Zanpakuto, there is still hope for them, otherwise it will be a disaster.


They all know that Sarkozy's Zanpakuto ability is extremely abnormal!

With Sarkozy in charge, everyone will not panic.

It can be described as an absolute c position.


Team Reaper wouldn't send him over as a commander either.

Regardless of the reaction of the Reaper team, on the other side, among the onlookers, they were shocked by the extreme speed shown by Thanos.

Especially for some powerful masters, they all felt chills from the juniors.

The most important thing is that none of them can see the effect of Thanos' attack just now.


One thing they can be absolutely sure of.

That is the double of Thanos. The attack just now is definitely not an illusion. There must be some special ability, but it has not been shown yet.

With that in mind.

Everyone couldn't help but set their sights on Sarkozy.

Who made him the first guinea pig.

"How can it be?!"

But when Sarkozy was trying to make a knife, his face suddenly changed, and he said in horror: "Why can't I feel my own knife at all?"


The team member closest to Sarkozy heard his low exclamation and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Sarkozy frowned, and said through soul transmission: "My knife, I don't know what's going on, it can't be cast anymore, no matter how I condense my soul power, I can't sense the root of its existence"

"What's the meaning?"

Well, this team member obviously doesn't know much about the abilities of the God of Death, they only know that they are awesome, but they don't understand the inside story at all.

When Sarkozy heard the words, he could only patiently explain: "The Zanpakuto is made of the soul. If the sword is gone, the soul is still there. It can be reconstructed based on the soul, but it will consume some power. "

"I know this!"

The team member was speechless: "The key is what do you mean when you say that you can't cast it? Did you encounter any problems?"


Sarkozy nodded.

Then he continued to explain: "I tried it just now. There is no problem with my soul power, but I just can't condense it into shape and build it into the foundation of the knife. It feels like"

"A group of stragglers, there is no one to lead them at all. Even though I forcibly used my soul power to build it, it was still not justified, and I couldn't condense it into a knife body!"


Having said that, the team member understood a little bit.

But there are more puzzles, "According to your analysis, what is the reason? Could it be related to Thanos' double?"

"have no idea!"

Sarkozy shook his head, and said speechlessly: "We don't know what the stand-in is capable of yet, just keep at it, and I'll try again!"


What else can the team members do if things get like this?

Of course I choose to agree.

And the other side.


cough cough.

That is Bai Xiaofei.

On the other hand, he looked at his stand-in with great interest, and saw that he was holding a purple-gold ball of light in his hand.

Bai Xiaofei could feel that the ball of light seemed to be some kind of soul essence power of Sarkozy, very pure and powerful.

I don't know how the stand-in did it, but he grabbed it easily and got it directly. The key point seems to be completely unknown to the other party.

It's scary!


The double felt Bai Xiaofei's curiosity.

Without further ado, he immediately put on a disgusted look, and casually threw the purple-gold ball of light to Bai Xiaofei.

Before Bai Xiaofei had time to react, the purple-gold ball of light entered his body directly, and at the same time, massive amounts of information immediately merged into his soul.

"This feeling"

The mutation in his body immediately made Bai Xiaofei think of his infinite optimization ability, and how he felt when absorbing and fusing other people's dna ability.

The two are just too similar.

The difference is that.

One is about the physical body, and this one is about the soul.

Maybe it's because the ball of light comes from Sarkozy's soul, but Bai Xiaofei doesn't know exactly what's going on and what's the difference.


One thing he can be sure of is that he seems to have made a lot of money.

With the integration of the purple-gold light ball, Bai Xiaofei immediately felt that his soul power had been greatly improved in an instant.

Not only that,

He also got a special powerful ability.

In the beginning, due to lack of information, Bai Xiaofei didn't know what his ability was, but as time passed, he absorbed more and more information, and Bai Xiaofei finally knew the origin of this ability.

"Oh My God!"

"Unexpectedly, this guy Sarkozy, who looks so ugly, actually possesses one of the personal guards of Halbach, the friend of the god of death, the terrifying ability of the holy text d-lethal dose!"

"Now I'm making a lot of money!"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became excited.

This thing is definitely the nemesis of melee reckless people.

In Reaper, Askin in the normal state, a Poison Pond will bring down the double swords before undoing Ichigo, and Askin under the Holy Body has single-target explosion output skills such as the Poison Ring, and the Extreme Poison Ball. Fortress of Poison.

Moreover, there is an almost abnormal immunity to attacks. Once attacked by the same person, one can be completely immune to this person's attack.

It is simply the ultimate passive of the death version of the saint (the same trick cannot be used twice for the saint), even worse!

Love love love!

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