The Storm God

Chapter 4154 Absolute Master C! (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 4154 Absolute master c! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei was so excited.

The ability of the lethal dose is already extremely perverted, and it can be called a bug. If it is improved through its own infinite optimization ability, what effect will it have?

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help it, and trembled a little with excitement.

And his performance, in the eyes of others, is a bit ghostly. After all, no one would suddenly giggle on the spot for no reason, and then his body would keep shaking. No matter how you look at it, you find it weird.


Because of the awesome performance of "Thanos" just now, no one at the scene dared to underestimate Thanos at the moment. Who knows if his ghostly performance is deliberately shown to confuse the enemy?

In short.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

Maintaining the status quo!

Especially the Reaper team, after all, their leader, now that the knife is gone, and the team lacks the strongest main c, they feel very insecure.

Naturally, it is impossible to take the initiative to attack and seek abuse.

The parties are all like this, let alone the other reincarnation teams, they are happy to sit aside and watch the show in silence.

Anyway, no one is willing to provoke this completely unfamiliar and extremely powerful Thanos, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

And those bigwigs who lived in seclusion behind the scenes were more calm and patient, quite curious, what kind of benefits did Thanos get, and they were so excited.

Is it because of a substitute?

this moment.

People are full of curiosity.

On Bai Xiaofei's side, with the activation of the infinite optimization ability, the lethal amount from Sarkozy's special ability was quickly improved and optimized by him.


Bai Xiaofei's first feeling was that his soul seemed to have a special change in nature. Compared with the past, although the quantity has not improved much, the quality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

For example.

In the past, although Bai Xiaofei's soul power was powerful, it was more like a group of powerful armed forces.

And now.

Although the army is still an army, they have all become the ultimate special forces, and each of them has a powerful physical limit ability comparable to that of the US team.

The qualitative change of an individual is not as simple as one plus one.

Instead, it multiplies geometrically,


And this is just the beginning.

With the passage of time, and Bai Xiaofei's skillful use and in-depth research on the improved lethal ability in the future, this super army will become more and more terrifying and perverted!

Feeling the transformation of his own soul, Bai Xiaofei suddenly smiled.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help looking at the "good guy" Sarkozy opposite, wanting to say thank you, if it wasn't for the "generosity" of the other party, he wouldn't be able to get such a big benefit.

But he saw Sarkozy on the opposite side, surrounded by three teammates at the moment, busy gathering soul power in a cold sweat, trying to rebuild his own Zanpakuto.

But no matter how hard he tried, there was no effect at all.

On the contrary, a lot of soul power was wasted.

"forget it!"

See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help showing kindness, and immediately told Sarkozy the real situation, "You don't need to waste your efforts, because I have completely deprived you of your Zanpakuto ability. Impossible to succeed."


"You have lost it, and I am its current owner!"

"If you don't believe me, look at it"


Speaking of which.

With a thought in Bai Xiaofei's mind, the power of his soul was activated.

In an instant, a Zanpakuto that seemed to have a very strange shape appeared directly in Bai Xiaofei's hands.

Looking at its appearance, it is seven points similar to the Zanpakuto lost by Sarkozy, and the other three points are full of unknown feeling, which seems to be due to following "Thanos". little variation.


Seeing his own Zanpakuto condensed in Thanos' hands, Sarkozy's eyes widened and he completely broke his defense.

He yelled in disbelief: "Impossible! That's my Zanpakuto, how can you do this impossible!"

"That must be fake!"

"I do not believe!"


That's what he said.

But in fact, Sarkozy has already collapsed and believed in his heart.

after all

Thanos has demonstrated it himself before.

It's not impossible to get almost the same stand-in ability as Barbiero easily, and it doesn't seem impossible to get his Zanpakuto at this moment.


Thanos was just a simple copy before.

How did it become a complete deprivation when it was my turn? Could it be because of the newly awakened substitute?

this moment.

Not only Sarkozy, but the surrounding teammates, as well as the bystanders of other teams, also instantly recalled the battle just now.

Thanos' stand-in seemed to hit Sarkozy hard.


It had no effect at the time.

Everyone thought it was an illusion, but now they finally understand that it was not an illusion at all, but directly deprived Sarkozy of Zanpakuto through that trick!


Think here.

The bystanders couldn't help but gasped.

Oh My God! Is it possible that Thanos' awakened substitute has the ability to deprive the other party's ability for his own use?

Isn't this too perverted?

It doesn't matter if Thanos can copy itself, but the awakened double is even more terrifying, directly cutting the target

Do you want to be so scary!


The audience present, one by one, looked at Thanos, immediately full of vigilance and horror.

I'm afraid that the other party will suddenly hit me and deprive me of my ability.


This is so impossible to fight.

If you beat someone, the other party may have nothing to do, but if you are beaten by the other party, you may lose your ability

Who can resist this?

for a while.

Everyone is at risk.

The other team members who were far away were alright, but everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a few steps back.

His eyes were full of solemnity and vigilance.

Especially Reaper.

after all

They were the first guinea pigs.

The leader of the team, the most powerful ability, was directly deprived of his strength, and his strength fell off a cliff. How can you tell them not to be surprised, how can they not be afraid?


A team member stared blankly at Sarkozy and said in disbelief, "Is what he said true? Are your abilities really being suppressed?"

Not only him.

The rest of the team members, even people from other teams, also looked at Sarkozy one after another, hoping to get a positive answer from the person concerned.

after all

This thing is outrageous.

Even if Bai Xiaofei said it himself and showed it off, who knows if he used some special means.

If you want them to believe it thoroughly, unless the person concerned Sarkozy admits it himself.

All right.

This is typical self-deception.

But people are like this, regardless of their strength, as long as they encounter too bizarre things, they will do so, because this is a kind of self-protection instinct of creatures.

It is not controlled by subjective consciousness.


Sarkozy's face was extremely ugly, as dark as the bottom of a pot, his eyes were fixed on the familiar yet unfamiliar Zanpakuto in Bai Xiaofei's hand, as if he wanted to eat people, and he remained silent.


Everyone fell silent immediately.

Although Sarkozy didn't speak, you can tell from his expression that what "Thanos" said is probably true.


Everyone's eyes and faces changed.

Some are worried and afraid, some are gloating, and there are also some who look inexplicable and don't know what they are thinking about.

In short.

The atmosphere at the scene has completely changed.

more complicated.

It's even more tense!

However, no matter how the atmosphere changes, the only thing that has not changed is Thanos' prominent status.

He is still the core key of the scene.

Absolute master c.

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