The Storm God

Chapter 4155 God's Poison See-Change! (Please subscribe!)

"Do not believe?"

"Forget it, if that's the case, then I'll just show it to you, so as not to say that I'm fooling you, I'm not that kind of person!"

"God's Poison View—Change!"


Bai Xiaofei chuckled.

Before he finished speaking, he let go of the upside-down Zanpakutō, letting it fall naturally to the ground.


A strange scene appeared.

The Zanpakudao in Bai Xiaofei's hand should have been inserted into the ground, but at this moment it seemed to have fallen into the bottleneck of the lake, and it sank directly into it silkily.

Circles of ripples were swayed like ripples.

at the same time.

The whole world went dark in an instant.

All the light seemed to be swallowed up, and as far as the eye could see, apart from everyone present and Bai Xiaofei, there was only the ground that was submerged in water under his feet.

The ripples on the ground expanded one by one.

Almost instantly, it spread across the entire scene, and then completely disappeared, replaced by blades that soared into the sky!

The blade is huge and sharp.

Each one seems to be a giant pillar of the sky, containing unimaginable terrifying power. They are extremely neatly arranged in two rows, guarding Bai Xiaofei (Thanos) in it, just like the king's two rows of troops will be, full of majesty , domineering and awe-inspiring!

"This is"

Seeing this scene, Sarkozy was dumbfounded.

Not only him.

All the surrounding Samsara players who were trapped in the dark world were also shocked by such a strange sight.


Before everyone came back to their senses, all the giant blades that were in the range of everyone's eyes suddenly turned into fragments of dust with a "bang".

And this dark world like a domain shattered on the spot and ceased to exist, allowing everyone to return to the familiar real world.


Although the environment has changed back.

But everyone was shocked to find that this familiar environment seemed to be completely different, like

Why does it suddenly feel so difficult to breathe?

It's as if all the air has turned into viscous water vapor, and every breath takes more effort than usual.

And the efficiency is extremely low!

This is very abnormal!

Of course.

With the strength of the people present, it doesn't matter whether they breathe or not. After all, they are all masters of the God Emperor Realm. If they don't breathe, eat, or sleep for ten days and a half months, they don't have anything to do at all.

But the crux of the problem is not this.



Could it be because of those giant blades that lifted the sky just now?

Instantaneous time.

Almost everyone at the scene looked at Thanos, and then turned to Sarkozy, the meaning was obvious:

You are the master of Zanpakuto!

Quickly explain to everyone, what is going on here?

As everyone knows.

At this moment, Sarkozy also looked bewildered.

It is true that Bai Xiaofei seized and realized the Zanpakuto, it is most likely because of him, but the key point is that the Zanpakuto of Sarkozy was not like this when it was released.


This is clearly the scene of Qianben Sakura's swastika!

But it's not the same.

After the thousand cherry blossoms collapsed, they did not disappear, but turned all the blades into beautiful cherry blossoms.

But this one of Bai Xiaofei's has completely turned into dust all over the sky


Think here.

Sarkozy suddenly had a flash of inspiration.


"The dust that those blades turned into, wouldn't it be completely integrated into the air, completely changing the nature of this area?"

"Could this be the revamped God's Poison View?"


As the original owner of the ability.

Of course Sarkozy is well aware of his abilities, whether they are terrifying or frightening.

But he never expected that after this ability came into Bai Xiaofei's hands, it would become even more outrageous and perverted!

"That's right!"

Seeing that Sarkozy seemed to have guessed something, Bai Xiaofei smiled immediately without hiding it, nodded and explained: "This is the revised version of God's Poison View!"

"All the blades that were shattered and turned into dust just now have completely turned into existences at the atomic level, perfectly fused with all the substances in this area."

"Such as the air, the earth, the sun, and even the clothes on your body, etc., whether it is tangible or intangible, as time goes by, it will be completely fused by its possession"

"Just like a giant elephant eaten by countless ants, waiting for you, there is only death in the end. How about it? Compared with your god's poison, the effect of my change is not bad, right?"

"For the sake of you being the original owner, I have already shown mercy, otherwise, the moment the giant blade shattered, I would have activated Babita's annihilation ability, completely destroying everything that came into contact with it." Destroyed and wiped out!"

"Shouldn't you be thanking me?"


In the end.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help laughing out loud.

Because Sarkozy's ability is really too strong, the key is to cooperate with his ability to create a more terrifying combined attack.

Just at that moment, if Bai Xiaofei had the heart, he could definitely injure all the members of the Samsara team present in an instant.


If he is willing to pay some price.

It is completely possible to directly kill most people. The ability of God's Poison Seeing is so perverted and powerful.

Whether it is the physical body, the soul, or the spiritual level.

But within the scope of the domain, don't even think about exempting it from corrosion and attack, its own poisonous ability is extremely abnormal.

If it is combined with other abilities, such as Barbita's annihilation, or Barbiero's fission, then it is simply a cheat.

Unless Wang Zha's hole card is close by, no matter how strong he is, he has to admit his bad luck and suffer a solid meal of poisonous explosion!

And with Bai Xiaofei's current strength, at any level of strength, if he hasn't broken through to the God Emperor realm, it's almost a second!


Think big picture.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't do this, but even so, he still won't lose money, because the atomic virus emitted by the poison of God can always remain in the target enemy's body, and can be detonated at any time.

That is.

Even if it doesn't explode now, as long as Bai Xiaofei is willing, he can explode whenever he wants in the future. It can be said that he has completely grasped the lifeline of the enemy!

Not only that.

Under certain conditions.

These atomic viruses residing in the enemy's body can also multiply indefinitely, expand their own power, and slowly poison the enemy.

And to get rid of these atomic viruses, although it is not impossible, it is also extremely difficult and complicated.

after all.

That's an atomic virus!

Whether it is its own existence or the level of its essential power, it is a genuine Dzogchen level at the peak of the God Emperor Realm.

Want to get rid of it?


Unless the person who makes the shot is stronger than Bai Xiaofei.

Otherwise, once it touches the sensitive nerves of the atomic virus, it will immediately explode itself and launch a crazy chain reaction suicide attack on the enemy.

in short.

It is to do everything possible to perish with the enemy.

It can be described as extremely vicious and vicious!

Even Bai Xiaofei never imagined that after infinite optimization, his lethal capacity and ability would be so terrifying.

This move alone can definitely be called a well-deserved weapon in group warfare. As long as the enemy's strength is not too much stronger than Bai Xiaofei, even if it is an ace player of the same level, it will be whoever will fall.

If it is combined with other modified abilities of Lethal Quantity, not to mention other moves, this ability alone is enough to sweep almost all players of the same level.

Bai Xiaofei was naturally very pleasantly surprised when he picked up such a god-defying skill for nothing.

But all the people present, after listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation, suddenly became ill, their faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot, not to mention how ugly they were.

"Holy Light!"

"Healing technique!"




The members of the Light Religion were the quickest to respond.

Immediately launched various healing methods on himself, trying to minimize the threat of Bai Xiaofei's poisonous view of God.

Others are no exception.

After regaining consciousness, they shot out one after another without any hesitation.

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