The Storm God

Chapter 4156 Provocation! (Please subscribe!)

Everyone is saving themselves.

However, Sarkozy was an exception. He stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei (Thanos), swallowed hard, and asked:


The words just came out.

There was a lot of sweat on the face.

It can be seen that Sarkozy at this moment has been poisoned very deeply. Even speaking, it is extremely difficult and extremely painful.


Sarkozy was the original owner of Lethal Dose.

But this does not mean that his poison resistance is stronger than others. And this move, after Bai Xiaofei's improvement, its power is completely different from the original version.

Stronger and more terrifying!

Coupled with the fact that Bai Xiaofei's level of strength is already higher than Sarkozy's, so this has led to the fact that anyone whose realm is lower than Bai Xiaofei's, and whose poison resistance is not very high, will find it difficult to resist the poison of God's poison.

The lower the strength, the more unbearable it is.

Although Sarkozy is weak in strength, his key abilities are all in the soul. Now that the ability he is most proud of is deprived of by Bai Xiaofei, almost half of his whole body has been crippled. Naturally, it is difficult to resist the poison of God. power.

But he didn't take any remedial measures immediately, that's why he was so poisoned that he almost fell to the ground as soon as he opened his mouth.

I don't know what this thing is thinking.

crucial moment.

Or his teammates are more powerful.

While breastfeeding himself, he also gave Sarkozy a mouthful, which allowed Sarkozy to barely withstand the erosion of toxicity, and his breathing became much smoother immediately.


Sarkozy did not say anything to that teammate.

Instead, he fixed his eyes on Bai Xiaofei, and said again: "The ability of the lethal dose is divided into two modes: normal mode and complete holy body."

"The poisonous view of attracting gods just now - change, is it normal, or"


This question is very critical.

Others don't know the horror of the lethal dose, but as the original owner of this ability, Sarkozy knows it very well.

So it has to be figured out.


This trick is the mode of completing the Eucharist, so that's okay.

Everything can still be said.

on the contrary.

If it is normal.

Then let's run quickly. Compared with the normal state, the mode of finishing the Eucharist is more powerful and terrifying, and its power is at least ten times that of the normal state.

Just one trick with a normal lethal dose almost wiped out everyone present. If it is promoted to the state of complete holy body, then it’s still worth it?

It's just whoever will die!


Bai Xiaofei's heart was full of excitement and complacency, and he thought to himself: "Of course it's normal, whoever has a brain twitch will just come up and use the trick?"

"I'm just using you as an experiment!"

"Normal is enough!"


But on the surface.

Of course he wouldn't tell everyone this, otherwise these guys would be so terrified when they saw that they hadn't exerted all their strength, and they must have turned their heads and ran away in fear.

Then why is Bai Xiaofei still fishing in troubled waters?


He must hide his clumsiness.

However, Bai Xiaofei would not just tell Sarkozy and others so straightforwardly, because there would definitely be people who would not believe it.

This will also have some impact on Bai Xiaofei's plan.

The best result is ambiguity!

"you guess!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then their faces were full of anger, they could not wait to rush over and tear Bai Xiaofei into pieces, tearing his body into pieces!

It's so deceiving!

It's fine to poison everyone, but you still dare to tease me?

Damn it!

But should I say it or not, so what if I am angry? Of them now, who dares to easily confront Bai Xiaofei (Thanos) opponent?

Go ahead if you are not afraid of death!

Let's not talk about how strong Thanos is, just this trick of God's Poison See-Change is enough for everyone to drink a pot.

Even if it is as strong as the Guangming Cult, it has to admit at this moment that the poison is too overbearing, and even they will get rid of it in a while.

And as time goes by, the toxicity will become stronger and stronger.

The combat power of the people will also drop completely, and I am afraid that after a certain period of time, everyone will become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered.

With that in mind.

Everyone couldn't sit still, and the conservative person immediately proposed to evacuate this place as soon as possible to save their lives.

And those who were more impulsive showed fierce expressions, saying that even if they died, they would drag Thanos to be buried with them!

but unfortunately

There is no one to support these reckless men who know how to fight.

It's all like this, what else do you want?

How can you do this?



After cursing fiercely in my heart.

The leaders of each team immediately made a decision to leave this place of right and wrong first, so as to avoid a complete overturn.


The wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Just when everyone was planning to escape from the vicious circle and settle accounts with Thanos after recovering, Barbie Luo of the Reaper Team suddenly roared and directly attacked a member of the Light Cult.


A stand-in explosion star was also used.



Poor member of the Bright Cult, the strength is the weakest among all, at the moment he was poisoned by Bai Xiaofei, his strength has seriously decreased, and he is concentrating on fighting the poison.

It never occurred to me that someone would make a move at this juncture.

Caught off guard, he was hit by the exploding star on the spot, and then a series of fission punches bombarded him, directly detonating the poison in his body.


In less than a second.

This member of the Illuminati Cult was completely caught by Barbie Luo's explosive star fist. The fission power mixed with the poison of God's poison - the poison of Kai, shattered it into purple venom all over the sky on the spot, splashing all over the place. Other members of the Bright Church.


Gabriel immediately became angry.

Seeing his team members being killed under his nose, Gabriel almost went berserk.

Just when he was about to explode his strength and kill Barbie Luo.

"Do not impulse!"

But Yi Hehua at the side stopped him.

"Gabriel, calm down!"

"If we do it now, it will only benefit others in vain, and this is still a poisonous circle. The longer we stay, the deeper the poisoning will be."

"The most urgent thing is to get out of here first, and talk about the rest later!"

"For the sake of the overall situation!"


Talk about everything.

Finally, Gabriel, who was furious, was persuaded.


Barbie Luo, who was given the red light of anger, didn't care about it. Seeing that he was like this, the guys from the Light Cult actually chose to endure it.

Immediately, they unabashedly rushed to the three of Gabriel, pointed their middle fingers, and said contemptuously: "The birdmen are the birdmen, they are all a bunch of cowards who are useless!"


He directly spat at the three members of the Guangming Cult.

Then turn around and want to leave.


And after Barbiero's provocation, Gabriel, the head of the Light Cult, couldn't bear it, and broke out on the spot.

To know.

They are members of the Guangming Cult, but they hate others to call them motherfuckers.

Who makes it difficult for them to distinguish gender from the eyes of ordinary people? Unless they actively expose certain characteristics, outsiders will have no way of distinguishing them.

You may think that this beautiful angel is a woman, but it turns out that it is bigger than you.

Who can stand this?

After experiencing n times of such farce, the angels of the Illuminati Cult were called sissies by some people.

And this has once become a taboo of the Guangming Church, but anyone who dares to mention these two times will pay a very painful price.


In front of so many people, Barbie Luo not only killed the members of the Guangming Cult, but also slapped them in the face in public. Those who insult the Guangming Cult are cowards and motherfuckers

How can you bear Gabriel?


This is related to the reputation and majesty of the entire Guangming Church.

If he endured all this, how would he mess around in the future? Where is the face of the Light Cult? So this time, it must not be tolerated.

In any case, Barbie Luo, the damn bastard, must pay the price in blood!

As for Gabriel, he was also unequivocal. In order to seek a quick decision and resolve the battle as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams, he directly transformed into an angel state when he came up.


The incomparably bright wings of light instantly illuminated the night sky.

Good guy, until this moment, Bai Xiaofei didn't know that this Gabriel was actually a thunder angel with fourteen wings, a group of powerful ones!

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