The Storm God

Chapter 4157 Have fun with me for a while! (Please subscribe!)

"you wanna die!"

Gabriel went completely berserk.

Completely ignoring that he was still in the field of Bai Xiaofei's God's Poison—Change's atomic virus, he directly exploded into his strongest angel form.

The terrifying and exaggerated fourteen-winged Lei Yi was several times larger than his body, and he didn't know what was going on, giving people an extremely terrifying feeling.

It is worth mentioning that.

Gabriel's wings are very different from the previous fourteen-winged angel.

The wing structure of the angel in front is very ordinary. All the wings grow from various parts of the back of the body, and there is even another pair of wings on the ankles.

Similar to a centipede, the whole body, from head to toe, is almost all wings.

after all……

That's fourteen wings.

It's really not easy to arrange it if you don't allocate it well.

But Gabriel's Rey is different. It is just a pair of thunder wings growing from his back shoulder blades, but the thunder wings, in the subsequent growth process, bifurcated into fourteen wings again. .

This also led to Gabriel's pair of wings being far larger than ordinary angel wings, full of oppression.

Even the fourteen-winged angels of the same level felt dwarfed by Gabriel. His pair of thunder wings were really extraordinary.

If he didn't take the initiative to expose it, even Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eye would not be able to see it.


When Bai Xiaofei saw Gabriel's appearance after transforming into an angel, he couldn't help being slightly surprised, and secretly said: "It's hidden deep enough, but it's a pity that I still haven't mastered the skills, and I was easily lured out... "


So happy to watch a good show on the side.

And at the scene.

After Gabriel transformed into an angel, Yi Hehua next to him also gave up completely, and did not stop Gabriel anymore, and even glared at Barbie Luo fiercely.


What he said just now also angered Yi Hehua.

this moment.

He just frowned.

Then he said to Gabriel: "Since it has been decided, let's make a quick decision. The longer it is delayed, the worse the situation will be for us..."


Yi Hehua also transformed into an angel.


This level is not low.

It is also a fourteen-winged angel, except that he is a fire angel, and the wings on the back are also very different from the previous one.

Gabriel is a pair of thunder wings, split into fourteen wings.

As for Yi Hehua, there are two pairs of upper and lower wings, one large and one small, which have evolved into huge, exaggerated, gorgeous and beautiful eight wings and six wings respectively, which together form the appearance of fourteen wings.

This scene.

He also looked at Bai Xiaofei with all his eyes shining, full of splendor.

Xin said: "Good guy, is this the angel of the Order of Light? It seems that according to the different types of angels, the wings on the back are also slightly different?"

"And it seems that these wings also have the ability to hide themselves. If they don't actively expose their transformation, even my Primordial Eyes can't see through their shapes and abilities..."

"Is it the secret method of the technique of inheritance, or the special protection mechanism of the power of blood?"

"It seems that the origin of the Light Cult is not simple!"


Out of curiosity.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but think of Joan of Arc, the leader of the Illuminati Cult and one of the candidates for the Holy Maiden, who is said to be a sixteen-winged angel.

The fourteen-winged angels are almost at the same level as him, so how strong must the sixteen-winged ones be? Speaking of which, her angel wings should also be special, right?

Someone here is still out of spirits.

And the scene over there.

Gabriel has already started directly.

I saw him, the huge thunder wings behind him, with a light flap, there were endless thunder and lightning, rolling down all over the sky, like a violent storm, completely enveloping Barbie Luo.

Faced with the attack of a powerful enemy, Barbie Luo was not at all timid.

Stand-in Explosive Star, brought to the extreme, with crazy output of both fists, the power of fission, blasting the sky, the ground, and even the air.

Although Gabriel's attack was terrifying, it had to follow certain laws and rules. When it encountered Barbiero's fission power, the two sides were evenly matched for a while.


In terms of real hard power.

Gabriel is still stronger, but Barbie is weaker, even if he has the blessing of the red light power now.

after all.

The main function of the power of the red light is to enhance its strength and absorb anger, and the effect of boosting the substitute ability is not very obvious.

If it weren't for the continuous anger provided by the angry Gabriel and the others to make Barbiero's red light power continue to strengthen, he might not be able to resist.

the other side.

Sarkozy and others were also speechless.

Seeing that Barbie Luo suddenly became stupid and directly confronted the members of the Illuminati Cult, they also had to take action, biting the bullet and passively fighting.

after all.

Barbie Luo is their team member.

At this moment, it represents the Reaper team, so we can't ignore it, right? Moreover, the two sides are competitors, and they will fight sooner or later, and they have already prepared for it.

It's just that I never expected that this day would come so soon.

And still in such an unfavorable situation.

It's so fucked up!


The flame angel transformed by Yi Hehua also has good attack power.

Although the number of people on their side is relatively small, the advantage of high-end combat power still gives them an overwhelming advantage.

Coupled with the fact that Sarkozy, the person in charge of the Reaper team, was deprived of his Zanpakuto ability, one ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.


The Reapers fell into a disadvantage.

And this time.

The alliance squad, and the abyss demon team finally came back to their senses.

Depend on!

Why did they suddenly start fighting?

Isn't that guy crazy? The members of the Guangming Cult are also sick, and they were so easily defeated by the Reaper team's aggressive method...

Stupid one!

That's all!

This Thanos is too weird.

Capable of copying the enemy's ability, there is also a stand-in that is suspected of depriving the opponent's ability. Although the strength looks a bit ordinary, the real level is unfathomable...

One trick of God's Poison See-Change will put everyone in a trap. Let's withdraw quickly, lest we will be affected by the war later and cause ourselves more losses.

With that in mind.

The ape demons and shadow demons on the side of the abyssal demon team immediately used their means to evacuate the planet without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

"Depend on!"

"It's quite fast. The move just now seems to be a special method of space teleportation, right? And it's a type I've never seen before..."

"As expected of an abyss demon, there really is something!"

"Be careful next time!"


Immediately, Bai Xiaofei's eyes turned to the alliance team.

Since the Reaper team got involved with the members of the Light Cult, and the Abyssal Demon team quickly slipped away when they saw that the situation was not going well, then I had no choice but to focus on these people.

I can't let them run away anymore, otherwise I would still be fishing in troubled waters.


Feel the gaze of Thanos.

Zhang Sheng suddenly fell into an ice cellar, with thorns on his back, he shivered uncontrollably, and then immediately ordered his team members to be on high alert, and don't be careless.

Then I wanted to find an opportunity to escape from this place, so as not to be caught by the net.

To know.

Everyone is still in the poison circle of "Thanos".

Stop being poisoned all the time, which will seriously affect your own combat power. The situation is extremely unfavorable to everyone, and only fools will be tough with Thanos in the poison circle.

Naturally, running poison is the first.

Seeing Thanos looking at him, his eyes ready to move, Zhang Sheng suddenly became stressed, and ordered: "Everyone protect me!"


The players are also unambiguous.

Because they all know that Zhang Sheng has a teleportation technique across space, which can help them escape from this place quickly, but it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate strength before it can be used.

And this period of time must not be interrupted.

Ever since.

Everyone immediately surrounded Zhang Sheng.

All armed guards.


Thanos looked at the actions of Zhang Sheng and others, and suddenly smiled sullenly: "You want to leave too? That's not okay, I haven't played enough yet!"

"Happy with me for a while..."

"Dragon bite!"

While speaking, he slashed hard with the tyrant's war blade in his hand.

Two black dragons flew out again.



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