The Storm God

Chapter 4158 The Order of Light cannot be humiliated! (Please subscribe!)


Zhang Sheng is continuing his strength.

The guardians, seeing Bai Xiaofei's attack, came up with two black dragons, they didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, they tried to stop them one after another.

One of them seems to be a meat tank.

I saw him with his hands on his chest, chanting something in his mouth, and the next moment, a phantom like a city wall was directly clasped on everyone.

From the outside.

It was as if everyone was hiding in the city walls.

The two black dragons created the terrifying power of annihilation on the top of the city wall, and immediately destroyed the outer city wall and wiped out part of it.


As the black dragon continued to attack and advance, the speed at which the city wall was destroyed and disappeared became faster and faster. In a blink of an eye, almost half of it was gone.

The horror of the black dragon can be seen from this.

But at this time.


Another team member made a sudden move.

In his hand he held a terrifying great sword that looked like a door panel, and he did not know what method he used to transform it into a sky-lifting sword with a length of about 100 meters in an instant.

Then towards the head of the black dragon, he smashed Huashan with one move.


Black Dragon is not smart enough.

The single-minded attack destroyed the city wall, and there was no defense against the attack of the big sword.

One of them was cut off on the spot, the dragon head and the dragon body were completely separated, and then dissipated with the wind, turning into dust all over the sky.

The other black dragon did not end well either.

The third member of the alliance team covered it with a purple gold bowl, and finally turned it into a small snake, put it in the bowl, and completely disappeared.

The cooperation of the three is very tacit.

One defense, two attacks.

As soon as the black dragon died, the naked eye immediately increased its strength and restored the defense of the city wall.

But at this time...


A loud noise came suddenly.

It was Bai Xiaofei who directly raised the Tyrant's Warblade, and slashed at it with incomparable ferocity.

His attack was no worse than that of the black dragon, even worse. After all, those two black dragons were just long-range attacks released by the tyrant's blade.

And at this moment.

Bai Xiaofei's incarnation of Thanos, but he personally held it and slashed towards the meat-tan city.

The effect is also unusually significant.

The city wall, which could barely withstand the attacks of the two black dragons, was chopped into a huge ravine as if it was paper under Bai Xiaofei's attack.

at the same time.

Because of the resonance of the terrifying power, the meat tank immediately received a backlash, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then shouted: "No, I can't stand it anymore, this purple sweet potato essence's attack is too fierce, I can't bear it alone Stay!"

"Let's come together too!"


The two players dare not neglect.

Hearing this, he immediately put his arm on Rou Tan's body, and a steady stream of divine power was injected into Rou Tan's body in an instant.

The meat tank with greatly increased power and the released city walls were also immediately strengthened.

The originally mediocre fantasy of the city wall has become more staring again, and the outline of the edge is even plated with a layer of gold.

Bai Xiaofei's Tyrant's Warblade, looking at it, didn't cut it down this time, but burst out bursts of golden and iron sounds, and countless sparks burst out.


"But it's not enough!"

Bai Xiaofei grinned, and praised the other party in a rare way. Then, the Tyrant's Warblade in his hand spun wildly, then jumped up, and slashed suddenly!

No bells and whistles, just a slash of pure power.

Just hear "click!"

The city wall exploded in an instant.


Rou Tan was the first to be unlucky, he vomited blood and was seriously injured on the spot.

And the two team members who provided divine support for him didn't end well either. They were shocked back one after another, and their arms flew with strength, directly shattering one of their pairs and part of their armor.

But fortunately, because of the meat tank as a buffer, in the end this force did not affect their bodies, and was forcibly dissolved by them.

But at this time.

Their meat tank defense has been forced, and they are seriously injured.

Without any hesitation, the two team members went straight up, one attacking, calling for the big sword on the door panel, and slashing at Bai Xiaofei.

And another person.

Then he raised his own purple gold bowl and shone it on the heads of himself, Zhang Sheng and other teammates, and a bright golden light emerged to protect everyone in it.

at the same time.

His right hand also threw out a handful of Buddhist beads.

Chanting words in his mouth caused the special runes on the beads to light up suddenly, bursting out with extremely terrifying power, while blessing the team members, it also put great pressure on Bai Xiaofei.

the other side.

The seriously injured Routan did not sit idle either.

Seeing that the door plank swordsman retreated steadily after being hacked by Bai Xiaofei, he quickly gritted his teeth and stepped forward, resisting a huge amount of damage for his teammates.

As for the door-board swordsman, while the pressure was greatly reduced, his momentum also exploded, and his attacks suddenly became much more violent. Cooperating with the two teammates, he was on par with "Thanos".

after all……

They are not weak either.

Because of his status as "Thanos", Bai Xiaofei has too many means and cannot use them. As a result, his tyrannical strength cannot be fully exerted.


The three of them had already rushed to the street.

Of course, the most important thing is that all of this was intentionally done by Bai Xiaofei.

Because his purpose is not to kill people, but to completely muddy the water. If these people leave, the effect will be greatly reduced.

on the contrary.

As long as they can be kept, it is unbelievable that the other members of the reincarnation team will sit idly by after hearing the news.

As long as they dare to come, the game will be considered a success.

after all.

The Abyss Demon team has gone.

Without Bai Xiaofei's God's Poison See-Change, they will have a huge advantage, Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe them, and will honestly not do anything when the time comes.

And the Bright Church side.

Although there were some team members at the scene, who suffered from the poison of the Poison Domain and their combat power was greatly reduced, but don't forget, they are almost the most powerful existence among the many teams.

Naturally have enough capital to compete with other teams.

If you want to say who is the most unlucky in the scene, it is undoubtedly the Reaper team. Barbie Luo, who is powerful, suddenly became nervous. The person in charge, Sarkozy, lost his ability and greatly reduced his strength.

It really hurts to think about it.

This moment.

Sarkozy really wanted to tear Barbiero into pieces to vent his hatred, but he had to put everything aside temporarily for the sake of the overall situation.


Lost Barbiero.

The situation of their Reaper team will only get worse.

Although this Barbie Luo has some brain problems now, he is still a powerful master. Even the fourteen-winged angels of the Light Cult can contend against a wave.

This point, it touches greatly beyond the expectations of Sarkozy.

Xin said: "Nimma, no wonder this guy would provoke anyone who dares to provoke him. It turns out that he is really strong enough because of his own strength, and he hides really deep..."

at the same time.

I was also extremely anxious.

Because, on the whole, the situation on their side is still not optimistic. There are two fourteen-winged angels on the side of the Guangming Cult!

Although one of them was restrained by Barbie Luo, they couldn't withstand the attack of Yi Hehua, the fire angel, at all.

How long has it been.

Almost all the Sarkozy and others who fought against them were burned to black charcoal.

At this moment, Sarkozy only hoped that the captain would rush over immediately after knowing the situation here, otherwise he might end up waiting here.


Everyone in the alliance team had similar thoughts.

Only the Guangming Cult is powerful and full of confidence. After being fully activated, there is only one thought in my head now——

Completely kill these guys from the Reaper team!

The Light Cult cannot be humiliated!

the other side.


The Dragon King saw the situation on the scene by switching to him. He was confused and messy, with doubts and puzzles on his face: "My God! This, did it become like this? We haven't even seen it yet. Let's do it!"

no doubt.

If you want to say who will benefit the most from all the teams, it must be the Titans!


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