The Storm God

Chapter 4159 Support arrives! (Please subscribe!)


Everyone in the Titan team was also a little confused.


We haven't done anything yet.

Is this the biggest beneficiary? Do you want to be so outrageous?

Could it be that all of this has been calculated by brother Haotian long ago? That's why he didn't answer the boss's call for a long time, in order to reap the greatest benefits without any effort?

If this is the case, then brother Haotian is too awesome, right?

How did he do it?


And anyway.

Now, all of this has become a reality. Following the Titans, they are faced with a problem, that is, if there is a real fight there, should they send someone to take action?

Should we continue to sit on the sidelines and enjoy the benefits of being a fisherman?

Or take advantage of the fire?

So tangled!


Lord Dragon King thinks more broadly.

No matter what you do so much, let's take one step at a time. Since Brother Haotian has not shown up until now, it means that everything is under his control.

As long as Brother Haotian doesn't make a move, we will keep hiding behind the scenes.

That seems to work fine too.


that's all!


And the other side.

Inside the base camp of the Reaper team.

Captain Hades, watching the live broadcast projected from the battlefield, his whole face was blackened into a pan, and the atmosphere in the room was icy cold and terrifying.

The perceptual god of death, Badr, looked at the captain silently, not daring to breathe.

Only Wise, who was wearing a white beret and a short skirt, completely ignored the damned cold atmosphere, and made a reckless speech:


"Sarkozy and the others are too bad. It was just an investigation mission, but it turned out like this, and even provoked the Illuminati..."

"Then why is Barbie Luo not an undercover agent sent by the enemy?"

"Just kick it out!"


He looked unhappy.

Because of this situation, the Reaper team was directly pushed to the forefront.

The prestige of the Guangming Cult is not in vain.

Who dares to underestimate?


Barbie Luo, that stupid pig, actually killed the opponent's person, and even called the Guangming Cult a bitch...

This fucker is courting death!

But it's fine for him to seek death, and he even hurt the Reaper team, this is unbearable. The Reaper team must be kicked out, so as not to continue cheating!

Wise persuaded again and again.


Hades, the captain of the Reaper team, remained silent.

However, the frown and the increasingly protruding cheeks all indicated an incident, and the captain at the moment was very angry.

The back molars are almost crushed!

until a certain moment.


The captain finally spoke.

There was no nonsense, and at the same time as he spoke, he directly opened up a dark voice, which meant that no matter how stupid Sarkozy and others were, they had to go to save them.

After all, they are their players.

In any case, the guys from the Light Religion cannot be killed, otherwise they will be completely reduced to a second-rate team without any capital at all.


at the same time.

Inside the alliance squad base.

Captain Xuan Ming was also aware of the battle situation at the scene.

Looking at Zhang Sheng and others, who were forced by the purple sweet potato essence, they could only barely defend themselves, and they couldn't even evacuate, but his side was very straightforward.

Immediately organized manpower, used means, tore apart the space, and rushed towards the scene.

And within the Illumination Religion.

Joan of Arc was also watching the scene.

It's just that her face is very cold and indifferent, so that people can't see her thoughts at all, and no one dares to say a word.

The atmosphere is very quiet.

Almost audible.

Until a certain moment, Joan seemed to sense something, and then slowly said: "It seems that other teams have also taken action."

"Since this is the case, we can't stand by and watch, Lucia, you can take the two of you over there to support."


One member emerged from the crowd.

Then, he turned around and took the two team members, wrapped in the holy light, and teleported away.


In a purgatory environment like Mars.

The two members of the Abyss Demon team, the Ape Demon and the Shadow Demon, tore apart the space, returned to the base camp, and immediately started healing themselves.


The captain and another abyssal demon came to the two of them.

"Captain, we..."

"No need to say much!"

The captain of the Abyss Demon team waved his hand and interrupted: "What you're doing is very accurate. Next, let's detoxify and heal your wounds."

"The situation at the scene is whatever you want. We won't suffer anyway, and we may even enjoy the treatment of a fisherman..."

"The key is to look at the Titans."


As he said that, he looked far away, and looked directly in the direction of nothingness.


on site.

The Reaper team finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Yi Hehua is too fierce.

after all……

He is a fourteen-winged angel.

On the other hand, Sarkozy's main force has been taken away. He has all his strength but can't use it. The other players are of average level.

Although relying on the advantage of a large number of people, they have survived until now, but each and every one of them is in a worse state, and their defeat has already been accomplished.

This is also the result of Bai Xiaofei not aggravating the power of God's Poison View-Change, otherwise, no matter if it is the Reaper team, or the Light Cult, or the Alliance team, I am afraid that they will all be defeated.

And the other side.

Bai Xiaofei's incarnation of Thanos is also a crazy group.

Stormblade, slashing non-stop, tortured the alliance team and others to death, powerless to parry, but helpless.

It is worth mentioning that.

As early as a few minutes ago, Zhang Sheng's saving action had already been broken.


If he doesn't make a move, his teammates will die!

For the sake of the overall situation, Zhang Sheng naturally couldn't just leave him alone, so he voluntarily gave up the teleportation technique to evacuate, and resolutely joined the battle.


On the side of the alliance team, it became four against one.

And Zhang Sheng, can be called the absolute main force in the team, the Virgo's unique skill Tianwu Magic Wheel, once released, combined with the tacit assists of his teammates, immediately put a lot of pressure on Bai Xiaofei.


And that's all.

Want to hurt him?

That's almost impossible.

Not to mention Bai Xiaofei's own tyrannical power, just the role of Thanos that Bai Xiaofei is playing now, and there is also a terrifying double who did not participate in the battle.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei is pretending to be forceful or something.


Alliance team here.

The abilities of the members are really average, so Bai Xiaofei has no desire to copy or deprive them at all.


I'm really going to do this.

The outcome will be decided soon, so Bai Xiaofei's fishing in troubled waters will be greatly reduced.

Bai Xiaofei will not cut off his fortune.

He is dragging!

The longer it drags on, the stronger it will be against Bai Xiaofei.

do not forget.

Everyone is still within the scope of his God's Poison View-Change domain, and they are all under the attack and infection of the atomic virus all the time.

Even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't do anything, the situation of these people will get worse and worse, not to mention that he has made everyone have to go to war.

After fierce fighting, the poison of everyone will only be infected faster and deeper!

Get to the end.

Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it, the main members of each team didn't leave the field. And as long as they come, that someone's plan is considered a complete success.

that's all.

Another moment passed.

The people who watched the Reaper team couldn't withstand Yi Hehua's attack, and one of them was about to be killed on the spot.


A hideous black crack was suddenly torn out of the void, like the hideous mouth of a terrifying monster.

The captain of the Reaper team, as well as the other two core team members, finally appeared on the stage.

"Look at my endless flashes!"

"Boom boom boom!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Wise, who was armed with two guns and dressed in a military uniform, immediately made a move. Countless powerful false flashes, like a meteor shower, directly cut through the sky and blasted towards the fire angel Yi Hehua crazily.

"Fire Judgment!"


Yi Hehua showed no sign of weakness.

Ignoring the few members of the Reaper team who were basically no threat, and realizing the danger was approaching, his backhand was a huge fireball comet, which was thrown towards Wise.

The tricks of the two sides collided fiercely in the middle of the air, and an incomparably terrifying explosion impact erupted, making the already messy land even worse.


The whole planet screamed and trembled.


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