The Storm God

Chapter 4160 Temporary cooperation! (Please subscribe!)

"Is it finally here?"

Seeing the Reaper team appearing on the stage, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately, and said to himself: "You guys are here, I guess the people from other teams are about the same?"

as expected.

Not waiting for the outcome of the battle here.

The phenomenon reappeared in the sky.


The sky was full of golden light, like a waterfall flying down, wrapped in endless power, and smashed down fiercely. Three members of the Light Cult, with indifferent expressions, appeared on the stage domineeringly.

As soon as he appeared, he glared at Team Reaper.


The person in the lead, with just a flash of his eyes, had the terrifying energy of the cross light, detonating the void, and with terrifying power, he bombarded towards the death team.

"Dare to provoke our Bright Cult?"


Lucia said coldly.

On the opposite side, another member of the Reaper Team, Baldr, who was half bald and half had long hair, stood up decisively.


This contestant did not use his Zanpakutō, but unsealed it with both hands, and chanted a special spell.

next moment.

The terrifying space barrier turned into a thick and transparent wall, lying between the two sides, completely blocking Lucica's star cross.


A terrifying explosion suddenly broke out.

The barrier exploded, the stars disappeared, and the two sides were evenly matched.

But at this moment.


The terrifying black hole formed abruptly out of thin air.

Xuan Ming, the captain of the alliance team, finally arrived at the scene with his team members.

But they are relatively low-key, because their enemies are not other reincarnation teams, at least not now.

But just Thanos.


After debut.

Except for the captain Xuan Ming and one other member, they didn't make a move.

The remaining two members didn't hesitate to step forward, helping Zhang Sheng and the others to deal with Bai Xiaofei.

And come up and zoom in.







Good guy, coming up is all kinds of weakening halos, as if he doesn't want money, he desperately greets Bai Xiaofei, while the other one is the opposite.

All kinds of boosting effects are desperately applied to your teammates.

One ebbs and another, the result is obvious.

almost instantly.

The battle situation at the scene was reversed.

With one against six, Thanos suddenly felt the pressure and couldn't bear it, so he couldn't help but backed away again and again, with a wry smile and depression on his face: "Good guy, this is to bully the few with the more!"

"How about it?"

"Are you all okay?"

The members of the alliance team ignored Thanos at all.

Asked directly about the situation of Zhang Sheng and the other four, the latter shook their heads one after another, saying that they were fine, but if they continued to stay here, it would be impossible.

after all.

This place is still within the range of Bai Xiaofei's God's Poison View-Change domain.

Whoever gets poisoned is outrageous!

it's not...

Just came to support the duo.

Immediately, he was hit, his face instantly turned purple, and his poison resistance was obviously too low, which scared a teammate of the recovery department next to him, and hurriedly used methods to treat him.

But Zhang Sheng shook his head and stopped him: "It's useless, this kind of poison is too overbearing, it's completely at the atomic level, it can't be cured easily, and the more power you use, the deeper the poison will be, the most urgent thing is to leave this area as soon as possible!"


The six of them stopped hesitating immediately.

leave immediately.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't stop him either.

Instead, he looked at the support members of the three teams who had just arrived at the scene with great interest, and thought to himself: "Well, except for the Abyss Demon team and the Titan team, the remaining teams are all here! ..."

"The Light Cult really has a deep foundation. Under such circumstances, they only sent three members to arrive. It seems that it is not enough to call out the candidate for the saint behind the scenes!"

"But that's about it."


The surface is calm.

Secretly, they have already begun to think about how to use these people thoroughly.

And this time.

The three parties present have also stopped their hands.

After all, no one wants to be used by others, so as not to be taken advantage of by the other party. Moreover, the main force of each team has arrived, and even if they want to do something, the success rate is extremely low.

Instead of wasting your energy, do something else.


First solve this Thanos who behaves abnormally and possesses special powers?

If he can unravel the secrets on him, maybe he can help himself, successfully complete the mission of the team battle, and even make himself better.

But here comes the problem.

There is only one Thanos, who will it belong to? This is very troublesome, is it possible to use force to solve it? Didn't it go back again!

At this moment.

Lucia of the Illuminati Cult looked around at the Reaper team and the Alliance team with a cold and proud expression, and said in a deep voice, "Thanos is ours, you all go!"

That's a madman!

She simply didn't pay attention to the other teams at all, not because she was arrogant and domineering, but because of her strength, she had awesome capital.

Take a look.

There are only three of the fourteen-winged angels.

The remaining three, at least the twelve-winged angels, should not be underestimated.

And look at other teams.

Reaper team seven.

The alliance team has eight people.

Although the number of people is larger than that of the Guangming Cult, it does not seem to have an advantage in terms of overall strength. At least the Guangming Cult has people as reserves.

You can send someone over to help out at any time, but that's not the case with the Reaper team and the Alliance team.

They only have these people in front of them, and there are no other players.

How do you compare with others?


Feel the arrogance and arrogance of the Guangming Order.

Both the Reaper team and the Alliance team felt very uncomfortable, but more, they still didn't want to give up just like that. Even if they didn't get any benefits, they couldn't let the Bright Cult succeed so easily.

after all.

The opponent has already gained the upper hand. If they get Thanos again, who knows if there is any hope for themselves in this team battle.

With that in mind.

Hades, the captain of the Reaper team, immediately turned his attention to the alliance team. To be precise, it was Zhang Sheng, the vice-captain.

"Are you interested in collaborating?"


Zhang Sheng's face was full of doubts.


Does this guy have a brain?

You guys robbed my soul gem and my girlfriend. I haven't settled this matter with you yet. You still want to cooperate with me?

What an international joke.


Anger to anger, Zhang Sheng is still relatively calm.

Considering the current special situation, and the fact that he and the girlfriend who killed His Highness are still in the hands of the other party, at this time he could only suppress his anger and asked:

"What's the meaning?"

"It's very simple, let's cooperate temporarily to deal with the Guangming Cult together and snatch Thanos' love, otherwise you and I will have no chance at all!"

"This is almost our only hope!"


Hades isn't shy either.

Directly in front of the Guangming Cult and Thanos, he talked to Zhang Dui of the Alliance Squad about partnering to deal with them.

And the conditions he offered were also very sincere.

"If you agree, I will let you and His Highness's girlfriend go now, and I have a method that can completely cure His Highness's soul-loss disease and restore it to its original state."


Zhang Sheng was moved immediately.

He couldn't help but immediately looked at Xuan Ming, the captain of the alliance team, his eyes were full of hope and pleading for help, and he almost said to him directly: "Captain, please!"


Xuan Ming looked at Zhang Sheng.

He also looked at Hades, the captain of the Reaper team, and the arrogant and domineering Order of Light on the opposite side, who still didn't pay attention to everyone.

Frowning slightly, he nodded and said, "Okay, I agree to this cooperation, as long as you can do what you just said!"

Zhang Sheng was overjoyed immediately.

His gratitude to Captain Xuanming almost broke through the sky.

Immediately looked at Hades, the captain of the Reaper team, meaning, we all agreed, and now you should also fulfill your promise!

the other side.

Thanos frowned, his heart full of displeasure: "Damn! You really don't take me seriously at all, but for the sake of the overall situation, I will bear it first, and I will settle accounts with you later. !"


He looked at the people of the Illumination Order.

Taunting and provoking: "Hey, you bird people, are you going to let them continue like this? As a bystander, I can't stand it!"

The Light Cult suddenly became furious.


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