The Storm God

Chapter 4164 Half a catty! (Please subscribe!)


"Ding ding! Boom!"


Melee broke out.

There was a tacit understanding just now, and the angels of the Illuminati Cult, as well as the Reaper Team and the Alliance Team, who were unanimously dealing with Bai Xiaofei, immediately launched an extremely tragic life-and-death fight.

And the culprit who caused all this was Bai Xiaofei.

As for the principle, it is also very simple.


Bai Xiaofei released the god's poison Jian-kai, directly infecting everything around him with his special atomic virus.

Although it didn't directly poison the people present, it also left patients in their bodies, which is equivalent to a Trojan horse program.

As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing, he can control the Trojan horse program at any time, destroy it in various ways, and even control its body movements.

The end is overbearing!

Although the members of the Guangming Cult came later, they also participated in the attack just now. The Star Surrounding cast by Bai Xiaofei was not a decoration.

All the destroyed poisonous balls, the atomic virus contained in them, spread out immediately, and under the special cover of the star ring, no one noticed it.

that's all.

A freshly baked vector space is created.

In this space domain, Bai Xiaofei can manipulate and change all the rules at will according to his own will.


This ability is not only due to Sarkozy's lethal dose, but also the whole set of infinite gems. The combination of the two is invincible.

In addition, Bai Xiaofei has done in-depth research on Zanpakuto before, and his own soul power is abnormally powerful, and he is proficient in countless law powers.

Integrating it into the extended change of the lethal amount, combined with the power of the black infinite gem, completely changing all the rules in a field, it becomes completely feasible.

And Bai Xiaofei's first rule in creating the vector space is to deprive the source of all colors - light, leaving only black and white.

While weakening the strength of the Bright Church, it also created an excellent testing ground for itself, and the dispute between black and white was just Bai Xiaofei's temporary idea.


He can also change it completely, white is stronger than black, black attacks white, has special combat power bonus, and so on.

In short.

Everything here is decided by Bai Xiaofei.

To some extent, this vector space is equivalent to Bai Xiaofei's small world, and he is the only true god here.

In the eyes of outsiders, this vector space is a huge black poisonous ball, and the situation inside cannot be seen at all.

No one dared to approach.


The black poison ball is still expanding.

And the toxicity it exudes is too overbearing. If it gets a little bit contaminated, it will be like a drop of extremely thick ink dripped into clear water. It will be completely infected and cannot be removed. Beach poison water.

How do they know, you ask?


As long as everyone present is not blind, they can see the poor luck, the miserable end, okay?

But even so.

The two sides on the battlefield still haven't stopped fighting each other.

After all, the positions are different, even if you worry about your partner, you still have to earn what you should earn, anyway, it will be a matter of time.

Now that we've met it, it's just right, let's touch it in advance!

Maybe you will win!


But as far as the current situation is concerned.

The combat power between the two sides is still not much different. There are three fourteen-winged angels on the side of the Light Religion, and their high-end combat power is outstanding.

Although the high-end combat power of the cooperation team here is a bit weaker, they are superior in numbers and cooperate with each other wholeheartedly.

The only change lies in the battle situation inside the black ball, which side wins, which side will naturally have the upper hand.


A possibility is not ruled out.

Both sides lost, and Thanos became the fisherman with the biggest profit and a third-party factor affecting the situation on the scene.

after all

This Thanos is not the Thanos that everyone knows.

The strength is unbelievably strong, and the ability is also unimaginable. Although the power is weak, it has extremely terrifying combat power, which cannot be underestimated.

The fight at the scene was extremely fierce.

The entire planet was trembling with sorrow, as if it might collapse and explode at any time.

And outside.

The Titans and the Abyssal Demons, who were bystanders, were stunned and shocked.

"Be good!"

"How did things turn out like this?"

"It's really a fight!"


Lord Dragon King looked beaming and excited.

At the same time, I felt an inexplicable sense of conspiracy in my heart. It seemed that all of this was controlled by an invisible hand.


What he was most curious about was undoubtedly the Sword Immortal Haotian, it's incredible that he hasn't shown his face after all the fights here.

The Lord Dragon King couldn't help but wonder whether all of this was planned by Haotian.

But thinking about it, it seems unlikely.


Thanos will not cooperate.

As an aborigine, no matter whether Thanos is strong or weak, it is impossible to unite with an outsider and put himself in such a dangerous situation.

What if I accompany myself in.

Wouldn't it be a loss?


It is the reaction of the forces of all parties, as well as the accurate assessment of the strength of everyone, but if there is any slightest mistake in any point, it is possible to lose the whole game.

No matter how awesome Haotian is, if no one is on the scene, it's impossible to change and control everything to such an outrageous level by remote control, right?

Anyway, Lord Dragon King absolutely doesn't believe it.

Then came the problem.

If it wasn't what Hao Tian said, where is he now? What are you doing again? Now the battle here is raging, and all the teams are paying attention. It's impossible that you don't know anything, right?

In short.

I was very confused.

His intuition told him that this Haotian was probably planning something.

But this thought is just a flash. What the Dragon King is most concerned about at the moment is undoubtedly the scene, who will have the last laugh.

Is it the cooperation between the Reaper team and the Alliance team, or the Illuminati?

According to his estimate.

The odds of winning for the Guangming Religion are relatively high.

after all

They also have backup.

On the other hand, the Reaper team and the Alliance team are almost all in attendance. If they all lose, then there is really no hope.

Even if you win, I'm afraid you won't be able to take advantage of it.


All of this is based on normal circumstances. According to the current actual situation, it is unlikely that the Order of Light will send out backup.

Because neither the Abyss Devils nor the Titans appeared.

For the sake of the overall situation, the Light Cult must keep some strength to deal with these two powerful teams, otherwise it is very likely that they will be treated as praying mantises.

With that in mind.

Lord Dragon King couldn't help laughing.

He thought to himself: "Hey! No matter what, our Titans team is the most popular. It's cool to gain so many advantages for nothing without doing anything!"

the other side.

The Abyss Devils are also paying attention to this bizarre and outrageous super melee.

However, compared to the Buddhist side of the Titans, this side seems to be much braver. Captain Demon watched as both sides were about to blow their brains out.

At that time, he ordered: "Be prepared, once the result of the battle is out, and the infinite gems are involved, do it immediately!"



They made it clear that they wanted to be fishermen, and they were going to sit back and reap the rewards.

As for the Titans threat?

Feel sorry.

The Abyss Demon team didn't care at all.

In their eyes, the Abyss Demon team has only the Guangming Church from the beginning to the end, and the other teams are not to be feared at all.

Time flies by.


There were casualties on the battlefield.

Whether it was the Illuminati Cult, the Reaper Team, or the Alliance Squad, apart from the main force, the rest of the team members suffered casualties.

Relatively speaking.

The Light Cult had fewer casualties.

After all, they are not superior in terms of numbers. They are outnumbered and rely on the three fourteen-winged angels to turn the tide.

On the other hand, the Reaper team and the Alliance team are at a disadvantage.

Although the main force has nothing to do, the rest of the team members can hardly sustain such a high-intensity and brutal battle for a long time.

Casualties are also inevitable.

In general.

The two sides are almost equal.


The situation in vector space is completely different.

Just when the people outside were fighting fiercely, the black poisonous ball, which swelled to an extremely terrifying range, finally burst and destroyed.


The result of the battle inside was finally presented to everyone.

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