The Storm God

Chapter 4165 Play big! (Please subscribe!)

The result of the battle in Vector Space was equally tragic.

When the domain disappeared, what appeared in front of everyone was the scarred Badr, Zhang Sheng, and the most powerful angel of the Light Order.

The rest of the people, all hung up.

His death was miserable.

Even the three people who survived were all seriously injured. They looked extremely embarrassed, and some even had missing arms and broken legs, not to mention how miserable they were.


Not without exception.

Just like Thanos, he is intact, just like a normal person.

There is no doubt that Bai Xiaofei is the biggest beneficiary.


See this scene.

The people at the scene were suddenly shocked.

Obviously, no one expected that the result would be like this. What did the purple sweet potato essence do? It didn't hurt at all!

I can't believe it.

"Tsk tsk..."

Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what other people think.

Looking at the battle situation outside, it has also reached a feverish level, both sides have suffered some casualties, and their own goals have basically been achieved.

He couldn't help grinning and said, "Hey, haven't you decided the winner yet? Your efficiency is not good, look at me, it's easy to solve!"

Immediately, everyone was choked with anger.

It also caused the battle between the two sides to stop immediately, and then stared at Thanos with an unfriendly expression, as if if you dare to be arrogant, I will kill you to death.

Some of them came to their teammates in a flash, and used their methods to help heal and recover.

Neither of them blocked each other.


at this time.

They obviously regarded Bai Xiaofei as a common enemy.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care either.

Seeing that the two sides were unlikely to fight, he had no intention of staying any longer, shrugged his shoulders, and left a sentence:

"No fun!"

"Since you guys stop fighting, I should leave here too."

"Remember to notify me next time there is a good show..."


The voice did not fall.

Then he shattered the void with a punch, and rushed into the crack of time and space.

By the time everyone reacted, "Thanos" had already run away, and the only thing left on the scene was the devastated and messy land.

Xuanming, Hades and others were so angry that they were terribly angry.


"This damn purple sweet potato essence! Everything happened because of him, but we didn't get anything, and we lost so many people for nothing..."

"It's simply unreasonable!"


Among the three teams present.

If you want to say who suffered the heaviest loss, it is undoubtedly the Reaper team.

Except for their original team members, the only one who survived was Barbie Luo, who was not normal and was full of anger.

The rest are all hung up.


It's the Allied Squad.

Captain Xuan Ming, deputy captain Zhang Sheng, plus the other three members of the Sanctuary team, and an auxiliary therapist, there are five people in total.

The rest are all hung up.

On the other hand, the most powerful Light Cult, the losses were neither bad nor miserable. Including the Angel who was killed by Barbie Luo before, they also lost four members.

In addition to the main force of the three fourteen-winged angels, only one younger brother was still alive, and he was severely injured, missing arms and legs, and several wings were chopped off.

Just don't mention how miserable it is.

"come back!"

And just when Gabriel and the others wanted to find a place to vent the anger in their hearts, Lord Jeanne's voice suddenly came from the void.


The captain has an order, and Gabriel and the others dare not neglect it.

After glaring at the Reaper team and the Alliance team bitterly, they left through the Holy Light teleportation extremely unwillingly.

The other two teams are no exception.

This unexpected encounter caused everyone a lot of losses, no one benefited, only Thanos became the final winner.


The Titans and the Abyssal Demons, which didn't participate much in this battle, are also the winners of the greatest benefits. This is definitely not a good thing for the three teams.


They are not in the mood to find Thanos now, or continue to find someone to fight with. Their only thought is to go back quickly and recuperate, otherwise, if they really want to be taken advantage of by the two teams, it will be a disaster.

In fact.

The Abyss Devils are not a similar idea.

It's a pity that things backfired. They thought well, but the reality was too cruel. Whether it was Thanos or others, they didn't follow their script.

In the end, the Abyss Devil team just watched a good show, and wanted to take the opportunity to launch a bloody suppression of the Light Cult?

After all, it failed.


Even so, they didn't suffer at all.

On the contrary, after going through this battle, the strength of the Light Cult has been severely damaged. This is also good news for the Abyss Demon team.

As long as it works well in the follow-up, it may not be impossible to take advantage of it. With this in mind, the captain of the Abyss Demon team immediately began to plan.

at the same time.

Lord Dragon King on the Titan team also had a similar idea.

But in comparison, now he wants to know more, where did Jianxian Haotian go? The battle over there is over, so it's time to show up, right?

And this time.

Lord Dragon King's communication was quickly connected.

"Haotian, you..."

"My lord, I'm fine and I'm not in any danger. I'm very clear about the outcome of the matter..."

Before the Dragon King could finish speaking, Bai Xiaofei preemptively said: "In a word, everything before is not important, what matters is now, and in the future..."


The Dragon King immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked in doubt, "What do you mean?"

Bai Xiaofei explained: "After this battle, the Reaper Team, the Alliance Team, and the Light Cult have all suffered losses and heavy injuries to varying degrees, and their strength is not as good as before!"

"But we are different."

"In addition, the Abyss Demon team, which left early, also retains a fairly complete strength. I mean, do you want to play a big one?"

"Like eliminating the strongest team first?"


Bai Xiaofei's words were astonishing.

Rao Lord Dragon King's mental quality is superb, and he was shocked when he heard Bai Xiaofei's words at this moment.

"I rely on it!"

"Are you crazy? Although the Light Cult has lost a lot of people in this wave, most of them are not very important members..."

"Its core combat power has not been damaged at all!"

"This is too risky!"


To be honest, Lord Dragon King was still very moved, but his rationality told himself that this would not work!

The biggest possibility is that everyone will suffer accordingly.

As the captain, the Dragon King didn't want his brothers to stumble with him. He would rather stand firm and fight steadily, anyway, the Titans had the greatest advantage now.

Don't worry at all.

"grown ups!"

Bai Xiaofei did not give up.

Continue to bewitch and suggest: "It is true that what you said is correct, but don't forget, we are not fighting alone..."

"In comparison, the Abyss Demon team is the biggest enemy of the Illumination Order. What do you think if we join forces with them?"

"What will the reaction of the Reapers and the League be then?"

"Anyway, just trust me once!"


This is Bai Xiaofei's next second plan.

Even if the Order of Light cannot be killed, it is necessary to try out its hole cards and the level of strength of that Joan of Arc to the greatest extent.


It was very uncomfortable to have such a thorn stuck in the throat all the time.

Since you want to do it, choose the most difficult one.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe it.

Four teams attack together, still can't deal with a Bright Cult?

What's more, he is an outsider who has been making troubles outside. If he still can't take it down, then the Guangming Church will be too powerful.

"United with other teams?"

The Dragon King instantly understood Bai Xiaofei's plan.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Under the general trend, if you can unite with the rest of the team to deal with the Guangming Cult, you may not have a chance.


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