The Storm God

Chapter 4166 Is this how you cooperate with people? (Please subscribe!)

After pondering for a while.

Lord Dragon King felt that Bai Xiaofei's plan seemed to be feasible, so he nodded and said: "Okay! I'll contact the Abyss Demon Team to see if we can cooperate and deal with the Light Cult together."


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "The sooner this matter is decided, the better. After all, the Guangming Cult has not recovered and reacted. It is a good time for us to act. If it is too late, it will not be too good."

"I see!"

The Dragon King said: "What about the Reaper team and the Alliance team? They have no direct hatred or conflict with the Guangming Cult. It is not easy to persuade them."

The Abyssal Demon Team and the Order of Light are like light and darkness, white and black, they are not easy to deal with by nature, so they are very easy to unite.

Not so with the Reapers and the Confederates.

The two sides don't have much quarrel, even if there is, it is because of the task, this kind of relationship, the other party may not be willing to join forces.

More likely to sit on the sidelines.


Lord Dragon King has nothing to do.

However, Bai Xiaofei was confident about this, smiled mysteriously, and said, "My lord, leave this matter to me. I guarantee that the two teams will obediently join us."


Lord Dragon King was surprised immediately, unexpectedly Bai Xiaofei had a solution.

But he also understood that now is not the time to ask more questions, so he smiled and said, "Very good, since that's the case, let's split up."

"If this plan is successful, I will count it as your first achievement!"

"Then thank you."

Bai Xiaofei shrugged.

Then, the two sides hung up the communication.

The Dragon King didn't dare to be negligent, so he found out the contact information of the Abyss Demon Team, and made a "call".

Soldiers are expensive and fast.

Such a good opportunity, but even if there is any hope, the Dragon King does not want to give up.


And the other side.

The captain of the Abyss Demon team was a little puzzled and puzzled when he saw that the Dragon King of the Titan team actually called him.

Originally, he didn't want to accept it.

But in the end, driven by curiosity, I chose to connect.


The Dragon King was not polite to the other party either.

When I came up, I explained my purpose of coming in a concise and concise manner. In a word, I want to be a member of the Guangming Cult. Do you want to join?


The captain of the Abyss Demon team was taken aback when he heard this, and then he laughed: "Don't choose the other two teams, but directly attack the strongest Light Cult?"


"As expected of the brave and meaningless Titans, it really suits my taste. Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"If you can persuade me, why not join!"


The devil captain said with great interest.

The meaning is obvious, if you want to lure me into the gang, why should you draw a big pie for me? Nothing, why should I join?

To this.

The Dragon King had already planned.

Hearing the words, he immediately replied: "It's very simple. The Guangming Cult has just suffered a heavy blow, and they still have two infinity gems in their hands, and they are still the strongest team. If we don't destroy it, we can't completely let go of it." !"

"In addition to you and me, the Reaper Team and the Alliance Team will also join in. At that time, the four teams will unite and form a united front. With the current power of the Light Church, it is impossible to resist!"

"It's good for everyone!"


Speaking of which.

The Dragon King paused for a moment, and then continued: "On the contrary, if you miss this opportunity, once the Light Cult reacts, it will be troublesome for one of our opponents."

"What do you think?"


The demon captain remained silent.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by the Dragon King, he also understands that the strength of the Guangming Cult is too strong, whether it is high-end combat power or the number of people.

Especially the background.

Only those abyssal demons with equally extraordinary backgrounds can compete with them, and they are simply incomparable to other teams.

The previous battle is the best proof.

The Reaper team and the Alliance team, combining the strength of the two teams, failed to win the battle. The Bright Cult that did not have all the people present, if all the opponents were present, I am afraid that the result would be another situation.

Whether it is for their own safety or to snatch the Infinity Stones, the Light Religion is an unavoidable hurdle.

Whether it is the Reaper team, the Titan team, or the Abyss Demon team, it is the same, which makes them have a common enemy.


Although the Light Cult is powerful, it is not invincible.

The Reaper team and the Alliance team can cause serious damage to it. If the four teams combine, it may not be impossible to annihilate the opponent.

And as long as this strongest enemy is killed, the remaining team will be fine.

At least the Abyss Demon team is very confident that they can easily kill the Reaper team and the Alliance team.

The only thing that is more difficult to deal with is the Titans team with all the members.

But it's not difficult.

When dealing with the Guangming Cult, there will inevitably be some casualties. After all, they are not soft persimmons.

If they plan well, they might be able to reduce the number of Titans.

With that in mind.

Captain Devil's mind suddenly became active.

However, his face remained calm, and after thinking about the installation, he nodded very readily and said, "Okay, I agree to this cooperation!"

"When will you do it, who will start first, do you have a plan?"

"not yet."

The Dragon King shook his head and said, "And the Reaper team and the Alliance team are still negotiating. Only when our four teams really unite can we finalize a specific action plan. Otherwise, if it is leaked, it will be troublesome."

"That's right."

Captain Demon expressed his understanding, and then asked: "The person in charge of this matter, who is from the Titans? How confident are you?"

"It's the sword fairy Haotian who just joined."

The Dragon King didn't hide anything, and told the truth: "I don't know the specific situation, I just know that brother Haotian seems to have some magic weapon for victory."

"I believe it won't be long before there will be good news."

"I'll contact you then."


The communication between the two parties ended.

And the other side.

Bai Xiaofei didn't stay idle either, he directly made a "phone call" to the Reaper team, and briefly explained what he meant.


It doesn't matter how the other party reacts.

Without even waiting for the other party to reply, he directly hung up the communication, which immediately made the Reaper team very speechless.

Depend on!

Is this how you work with people?

It's just too arrogant!


Angry is angry.

Bai Xiaofei's words still aroused Hades' interest, obviously he also knew very well what this plan meant.

Join an alliance and act together, they may still have a glimmer of hope.

on the contrary.

You can only ask for luck.

After all, no matter in terms of high-end combat power or numbers, the Light Religion is too powerful, and it is simply not comparable to their teams.

before doing it instead.

Hades, the captain of the Reaper team, might not think so, because he is also very proud, and he thinks that even if he is not as good as the Illuminati, it will not be too far behind.

But after the big battle just now, he suddenly realized that he was wrong, the Light Cult was far more powerful and terrifying than the rumors said.

Just relying on the existing configuration of the Reaper team, I want to strengthen the Light Cult, snatch the infinite gems, and complete the task

It's almost impossible.

Don't you see, before the combined strength of the two teams, couldn't even make up half of the members of the Guangming Cult?

If all the members of the other party were present, they would have already rushed to the street.

With that in mind.

Hades couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, he finally understood why Jianxiu Haotian was so arrogant, because he had the capital to be arrogant.

For now.

The Titans team is definitely the strongest team other than the Light Cult. Even the famous Abyssal Devils team has experienced downsizing, but the Titans team is the only one that is not.

Not only that, they have also increased their staff, and their strength has greatly expanded.

Instead it was him.

Probably even crazier than Bai Xiaofei.

Because, this is not that the other party is begging himself, but telling himself that only by cooperating with others can there be a glimmer of hope and chance of winning.

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