The Storm God

Chapter 4168 Benefit distribution! (Please subscribe!)

at the same time.

In the resident of the Illuminati Mission.

After Gabriel and the others returned, they immediately met Captain Joan of Arc, and expressed that they were willing to bear all the responsibilities for the failure of this mission.

after all……

This time, they lost too much.

It is still rare for several angels to fall. In any case, the three main forces all have unshirkable responsibilities.

"It's not your fault!"

Joan of Arc sits high on the throne.

His face was as calm as ever, even indifferent, as if nothing in this world could move him.

I just heard her say lightly: "This matter is too strange, especially the ability of Thanos, it is really unbelievable..."

"And what you are facing is the combination of two teams. Casualties are inevitable. You don't need to blame yourself."

"Thank you for your understanding!"

The three angels burst into tears of gratitude.

Afterwards, Lucica stood up and said to Joan of Arc: "My lord, what shall we do next? This time, our Guangming Cult has lost troops and generals, and other teams will inevitably have some unruly intentions. We..."

Her meaning is very simple.

You have to make plans early and plan ahead. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The other angels also agreed.

Although the Guangming Cult is powerful and profound, it is not invincible, just like this war.

Team Reaper teamed up with the League team and caused a lot of damage to it.

If the stronger Titans and Abyss Demons also intervene, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although this possibility is not high, it cannot be avoided.

To know.

The current Guangming Cult doesn't have much of an advantage in terms of numbers.

Except for Lord Joan, who is the strongest, who belongs to the four fourteen-winged angels, the rest are their subordinates.

After this war, the number of subordinates has been reduced a lot.

The number of members of the Light Religion has also changed from the original thirteen to eight now, although compared with other individual teams, it still has an absolute advantage.

But if it's a joint team, it's hard to say.

So you have to plan early.


Lady Joan of Arc was silent for a moment upon hearing this.

But in the end, he shook his head and said calmly: "It's okay! Our Guangming Cult has a profound foundation and is extremely powerful. They are just some small people. Even if they unite, they are just a group of ants."

"Don't worry about it at all."


Speaking of which.

Lord Joan changed the subject, and said again: "According to the recent news, those teams are acting strangely, and they seem to be plotting something."

"Although our Guangming Church is not afraid of any threats and challenges, we can't sit idly by and let the other party make trouble!"

"In the recent period, you should not go out, so as not to be seized by the enemy and break down one by one, just stay in the base, study the power of the infinite gems, and improve your strength as much as possible."

"In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger!"


The last sentence is simply domineering.


When the captain spoke, everyone dared not not listen, and responded one after another.

Then, one by one began to follow the orders, shrinking the line of defense, concentrating strength, healing the wounds, closing the closed doors.

Don't hear what's going on outside the window.



The meeting of the Light Extinction Operation has reached a critical stage.

The Dragon King said frankly that he hoped that all the teams would not work without effort and always think about reaping the benefits of fishing, which is not good for everyone.


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was speechless.

We don't want to, but who makes you the strongest, we can't help but not worry, why don't you give us some benefits?

Compared with the benefits, the alliance team is more concerned about their own safety. Whether it is the threat of each team or the reincarnation space, it is a sharp knife on the neck. If you are not careful, you may be completely ruined.

Captain Xuanming said that the requirements of their alliance team are not high. For this operation, as long as they promise to give them an infinite gem, no matter which one it is, they will do their best and use all their skills to fight against Guangming. The order is desperate.

To this.

Everyone is also very understanding.

After all, among the four teams present, only Xuanming's alliance team did not have infinite gems, so it could be said to be the team with the worst cards and chips.

The key core of team battles revolves around infinite gems.

Especially in this second stage, the task is completed only when a complete set of infinite gems is collected, and if it is not completed, it will be wiped out.

This is going to kill me.

If the alliance team holds an Infinity Gem in their hands, it means they have a certain bargaining chip. No matter how bad it is, it can be used as a price once to ask to be merged into the team with the highest chance of winning.


That's really hopeless.


After hearing Xuan Ming's statement, Dragon King and Bai Xiaofei were the first to respond: "This request is not too much, and our Titan team has no objections."


The two looked at the other teams.

Team Reaper and Team Abyss Demon each have an Infinity Gem in their hands, they have cards, and they have decent chips.

in comparison.

The latter is stronger, so the appeal is definitely different from that of the Reaper team. From their point of view, it is obvious that they are more persistent in team battle tasks.

as expected.

The captain of the Abyss Demon team immediately frowned, and said unhappily: "The purpose of our operation, besides eliminating the biggest threat of the Order of Light, is the Infinity Stone!"

"The Light Cult has two infinite gems in their hands. If one of them is given to the alliance team, how will we divide the remaining one among the three teams?"

Speaking of which.

Captain Demon paused for a moment, took a deep look at Dragon King, the captain of Team Titans, and grinned: "Of course, you Team Titans, maybe you don't care about this one Infinity Gem, because you also have two in your hands..."

"But our Abyss Demon team is different from the Reaper team. We only have one Infinity Gem in our hands. The two Infinity Gemstones of the Illuminati Cult were taken away by the Alliance Team, and one is left. How do you tell us to divide it?"

"Is it a life and death contest?"


Hearing this, Hades, the captain of the Reaper team, couldn't help looking at Dragon King and Bai Xiaofei, the captains of the Titan team.

The meaning is obvious. They are also very unhappy with this request. We can't work hard and get nothing, right?


You Titans, are you willing to offer an infinite gem as compensation? If this is the case, then this request is not unacceptable to us.

Because in this way, the death team and the abyss demon team will have two infinite gems at the same time.

Both the League and the Titans have only one.

The former will not be mentioned.

Their appeal for infinite gems is very simple, just to save their lives. Who makes them the weakest? The possibility of winning the team battle mission is very slim.

Can only retreat helplessly.

Not so with the Titans.

Not to mention the fact that all the members have not been reduced, and a super general has been added, whose strength is far superior to other players. If he still has two infinite gems, it will only make the other players even more afraid.

If the Titans are willing to take out an infinite gem as compensation, on the one hand, it can reduce the strength of the entire team to a certain extent.

In addition, it can fully demonstrate its sincerity and convince everyone that the Titans really simply want to kill the Light Cult, rather than using everyone.

As for the subsequent scramble, it's another matter.

In short.

This moment.

The Titans had to give an answer that satisfied everyone, otherwise why would they ask everyone not to play tricks and go all out?

Is it true that everyone is stupid?

To know.

Even if there is no benefit, the Titans will become the biggest beneficiaries after this operation wins, bar none!

Without the threat of the Light Cult, the Titans would become the most powerful team among all the players, none of them!

Others are rather working for them.

If the Titans don't give some benefits to everyone, the rest of them will naturally not be willing to be used as gunmen. Although they will get some benefits more or less in this way, they are very unhappy in their hearts!


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