The Storm God

Chapter 4169 Share information! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that the spearhead turned directly to him, Lord Dragon King suddenly felt a headache, and couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei for help.

Brother, help me find a way!

He is gone.


Alliances are good.

But if you let yourself give up the benefits, or even give up the benefits you have already obtained, this is not in line with the Dragon King's expectations.

But if you don't give everyone a satisfactory answer, this hard-won game may collapse completely.

The Dragon King was also not reconciled.

As a last resort, he could only ask Bai Xiaofei for help.

In the opinion of the Dragon King, Bai Xiaofei is hiding very deeply, and he may have expected this a long time ago, otherwise the expression on his face would not be so calm.

Anyway, the Dragon King couldn't do that.

"I come?"

Bai Xiaofei raised his eyebrows.

Meaning, does what I say count? After all, you are the captain, and I am a newcomer, are you sure you want me to tell?


The Dragon King nodded heavily.

He winked at Bai Xiaofei vigorously, "As long as what you say is reasonable, there's nothing you can't do. In short, let's settle the alliance first!"


Bai Xiaofei instantly understood.

Afterwards, he turned his head, looked at the captain of the Demon team and Hades, the captain of the Death team, and said with a smile: "I probably already know what you mean, don't you mean that as long as we give up an infinite gem, Even if this cooperation is reached?"


Bai Xiaofei's straightforwardness made both of them a little dazed.

Obviously, I didn't expect that this guy didn't play his cards according to the routine. Yes, if the Titans are really willing to give up an infinite gem, what should I do?

Think here.

The two couldn't help but looked at each other, and in an instant, their eyes flickered, as if they had some unknown communication.


Hades, the captain of the Reaper Team, nodded at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Yes, as long as you are willing to show your sincerity, we can talk about everything here, after all, we all have a common enemy!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded to express his understanding.

Then he continued: "Very well, since that's the case, let's move on to the next topic. I can tell you clearly now that our Titan team can give up an Infinity Gem, but it's only limited to the Reality Gem!"

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused for a moment, then turned to look at Lord Dragon King.

But I saw Lord Dragon King staring at Bai Xiaofei with his eyes wide open, with an expression of disbelief, as if he was saying: "Damn! Let you make the decision, you really give it?!"

Bai Xiaofei chuckled, and used his spiritual sense to send a sound transmission to Lord Dragon King, explaining: "My lord, there is no way, if you don't give it, these people will not be able to work hard. If you can't bear the children, you can't catch the wolves!"

"For the sake of the overall situation, we must give this gem of reality, and we must take it out in advance, so that these people know our sincerity and determination"

"This will not only win everyone's trust, but also stimulate other teams who did not get the infinite gems to be more concerned about this mission, because if they don't care, they will not get the benefits they want."

"It can be said to serve multiple purposes."


Bai Xiaofei explained very clearly.

Immediately, Lord Dragon King was stunned for a moment, and after finally digesting it, he still felt something was wrong.

"What if Team Reaper gets the Reality Stone, but still paddling?"

"Don't worry, they won't!"

Bai Xiaofei vowed: "Because they didn't dare. After all, it's our Reality Gem. They took advantage of it but didn't do anything. Do you think they have the ability to deal with our revenge?"

"The Abyss Demon team is about the same, but unfortunately, the Reality Stone will not be given to them, and they probably have little interest in this one."

"If I'm not mistaken, they should have taken a fancy to the mind stone in the hands of the Guangming Cult. After all, they are demons, and the mind gem has a special bonus effect on their abilities."

"Just like the power gem, it will never be given up to you, Lord Dragon King, unless there are special circumstances."

"As the weakest team, the alliance team has no choice now. It is enough to get the space gem from the action."

"I can't make any waves."


Lord Dragon King was stunned.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's confident expression, he couldn't help but secretly admire him, and said in his heart: "Damn! This kid really has already thought about it!"


The Dragon King didn't say much anymore.

Following Chong, he looked at the others and nodded slightly, meaning that what Bai Xiaofei said was my attitude.

And this time.

Everyone else present has also recovered from the surprise just now, especially Captain Hades of the Reaper team.


Hades said with a smile: "We don't choose the infinity gems, no matter which one we give, the final question is, when will we give it?"

Of course he also knows.

What the power gem means to the Titans, just like the soul gem means to their death team, it is impossible to give up easily.


They are already very satisfied if they can get a reality gem.

As for the two stars in the hands of the Illuminati Religion

Love someone!

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you follow yourself.

At least the current situation doesn't have much to do with them, but after the Bright Cult is eliminated, it's hard to say.

"After confirming the alliance and cooperation, and agreeing on the action plan to deal with the Light Cult, we will take out the Reality Gem."

For the Reaper team's inquiry, Bai Xiaofei gave an affirmative answer without any delay.

He believed Hades was smart.

Even if they got the Reality Gem, they wouldn't be reckless, otherwise the Titans' fists wouldn't be vegetarian.


The players of the other two teams would not just sit back and watch the Reaper team, and they would definitely make a move to seek psychological balance after picking up such a big deal for nothing.


Hades couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "In that case, then we'll wait and see."


He glanced at the abyssal demon team calmly.

It means that the problem on my side has been solved, and the rest is for you and the league team, don't get involved with our Reaper team anymore.

Even if it's bullshit, I don't care!


The captain of the demon team frowned suddenly.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei would be so bold that he would give away the Infinity Stones before the battle was fought.


At the same time, he had to admire it.

The Titans really dare to play, whether they want to kill the Light Cult or give up the infinite gems, it's the same.


It is definitely not a fluke for the other party to be able to get to this day.

But there is something real!


He looked at Dragon King and Bai Xiaofei of the Titans, shook his head and said, "Since the Titans have shown such sincerity, then our Abyss Devils will have no problem."

"So do we!"

Xuan Ming of the alliance team followed closely.

He is not stupid.

The Titans have reached this point, if they still find various reasons to refuse, it would be shameless.

The alliance operation is really going to collapse, and I guess the next unlucky person is myself.

Xuan Ming didn't want to do that.

not to mention

They didn't treat him badly, and they were the first to stand up and support their request. They can always love and hate, right?

that's all.

The alliance is finally finalized.

Regarding the distribution of benefits, everyone gets what they want.

The next step is to discuss specific action plans, and before that, the first thing everyone has to do is to share intelligence information.

after all.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles.

As for the personnel information and means of the Light Cult, if the Abyssal Devils dare to be second, no one would dare to be the first.

Who made them enemies.

As the saying goes:

The one who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy!

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