The Storm God

Chapter 4170 Quite qualified! (Please subscribe!)

If you want to talk about the people present, who knows the members of the Light Cult and their methods best, and that is definitely the player of the Abyssal Demon Team.

after all

They are old enemies.

Therefore, when it comes to this topic, everyone can't help but look at Captain Demon and his deputy.

"cough cough"

The demon captain coughed lightly, but there was no ink stain.

Smiling slightly, he began to talk to everyone: "It is true that we know the birdmen of the Guangming Cult best, but"

"The leader of the Guangming Cult this time is rumored to be a special genius girl. We really don't know much about her abilities and methods."

"We only know that she is the most competitive candidate for the saintess of the Illuminati Order, not one of them!"

"This team battle mission, the reason why there are so many members of the Light Cult is probably to protect her and avoid any accidents."


Speaking of which.

Everyone couldn't help being a little speechless.

Because everyone has basically seen the abilities and means of the members of the Light Cult, but they don't know the leader's ability.

I thought I could get some important information from the captain of the Abyss Demon team this time, but that's the end?


It's like saying nothing.

Although everyone didn't speak, their eyes and expressions were full of disappointment without exception, which made Captain Demon feel very embarrassed.


His face darkened.

Suddenly, he looked serious, and said seriously: "Everyone, don't you think that what you saw before is the true strength of the members of the Bright Cult?"

"Is not it?"

Someone asked in disbelief.

And the one who spoke was none other than Badr from the Reaper team.

It's not that he didn't fight against the Abyss Demon team, but that in the vector space of "Thanos", Badr and the members of the Order of Light fought a life-and-death battle.

Although he still couldn't kill the angel with good strength in the end, he was confident that he had a sufficient understanding of his abilities and means.


The devil captain came up and said that he had little knowledge.

Anyone got it?


The devil captain seemed to see Baldr's mind, smiled slightly, and explained: "The angel you faced before, although the strength is not bad, but it's just an ordinary member, so it's nothing to be afraid of!"

Badr: ""

He really wanted to refute, but when he thought of Gabriel and other fourteen-winged angels, he didn't know where to start.

after all.

The angel who fought against him was really no match for him.

What's more, as the old enemy of the Guangming Cult, Captain Demon must have had more say than himself in the countless battles with the Guangming Cult.

Thinking of this, Budleton wisely chose to shut up.

The devil captain grinned, satisfied with Baldr's reaction, and immediately said without hesitation, "The elite members of the Order of Light, such as Gabriel, Yi Hehua, and Lucia, are different from ordinary people. a member of."

"Although on the surface, it seems that there is no difference, but in reality it is not. This point, everyone who wants to do it first, also has some feelings."

“It’s just that there is a specific difference, but I can’t tell”

"Am I right?"


As soon as the words came out.

Everyone nodded.

Hades and Xuan Ming frowned even more, their eyes were full of curiosity, and asked: "Yes, when we fought against them before, it felt very wrong, but because the fighting time is not long, both sides still have So I can’t tell exactly what’s wrong with it.”

"What's going on, what's the difference, you should tell everyone quickly, is it interesting to play tricks here?"


In fact, it's not just them.

Even Bai Xiaofei, who has the Primordial Eye, still has some doubts and puzzles in his heart. He always feels that these angels of the Light Cult seem to be covered with an impenetrable layer of frost.

This feeling of being able to see something clearly but not being able to see it clearly really made him very depressed.

Hearing what Captain Demon said at this moment, he immediately became interested.


On the surface, it is a calm look.

As for Captain Devil, he was not ambiguous this time. He immediately broke the news and said, "Okay, since everyone has formed an alliance now, it is one of our own. For the sake of the overall situation, I will tell you something about the Guangming Cult today." secret"

"Actually, the so-called angels of the Illumination Order are all acquired transformations. After all, there are not so many bird people in the world, and more are ordinary people."

"As for ordinary people, if they want to transform into angels, especially elite fourteen-winged angels like Gabriel, they must go through a special sacrifice!"


Everyone suddenly became more curious, the soul of gossip was burning, and everyone pricked up their ears, listening very carefully.


The demon captain continued: "Inside the Light Cult, this special sacrificial ceremony is called sublimation, but in fact, it means giving up one's soul belief and completely selling oneself to the Lord of Light!"

"After obtaining the allegiance and soul power of these people, the Lord of Light will give some people some powerful power that they have mastered."

"As long as these energies are absorbed and refined, the sacrificer will make a breakthrough and become a fourteen-winged angel."

"And some of them have great potential and outstanding talents, and some uncontrollable mutations will occur, becoming special fourteen-winged angels like Gabriel."

"Although the general fourteen-winged angels are powerful, they are not much different from other twelve-winged angels. They are nothing more than stronger and more domineering methods. It can be regarded as a breakthrough on the basis of reason. "

"But the special ones are different, because they all have the power of some special rules bestowed by the Lord of Light. They are stronger than ordinary angels, and their potential is even more terrifying!"

Speaking of which.

The demon captain paused slightly.

He looked at Badr again, and said: "Take that guy you met before, if Gabriel, a special type of fourteen-winged angel, really exerted all his strength and used what he had mastered If you want to kill a guy with his strength, if you want to kill him with the power of the rules, you can't say it's effortless, and it's relatively easy."

"In other words."

"Such a guy can at least match the strength of three or four ordinary fourteen-winged angels, and some more powerful ones may even have more!"

"And there are four such angels following Joan this time. If converted to ordinary fourteen-winged angels, there are at least a dozen!"

"That is."

"Even though the Bright Church has reduced its staff and its strength is far inferior to before, in fact, its overall strength has not weakened much."

"Still pretty scary, even scary!"

"after all"

Speaking of which.

The face of the devil captain also became very serious and dignified, "Their captain, Joan of Arc, is one of the candidates for the saint, a terrifying woman with the level of a sixteen-winged angel!"

"She alone is enough to stand up, at least three special fourteen-winged angel elite masters, plus the assistance of Gabriel and others"

"We are only qualified when we unite!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

Good guy!

The special fourteen-winged angels of the Order of Light are so terrifying! Especially the sixteen-winged angel, one can beat three

Do you want to be so scary?

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