The Storm God

Chapter 4171 Demonization ability! (Please subscribe!)

The entire meeting site fell into silence at this moment.

Almost audible.


Everyone was a little shocked by the terrifying background and terrifying strength of the Guangming Cult, and said to themselves, it is indeed one of the most prominent organizations in the reincarnation space, and it really is not so easy to mess with!

Some psychological quality is not enough, and even a little discouraged on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei is not the same.

After listening to Captain Devil's explanation, although he was also shocked by the horror and power of the Light Cult, he was not too shocked.

Instead, he became even more curious about the Abyss Demon team.

after all.

These guys come from a lot of backgrounds.

Being able to become the old enemy of the Light Cult is enough to show that these demons in front of them are definitely not easy to bully.

Especially when the number of people is obviously smaller than that of the Guangming Church.


Bai Xiaofei had reason to be suspicious.

The strength of this demon captain should be even more terrifying.

Play pig eat tiger?


He is hiding his clumsiness!

Apart from the demon captain, the remaining four abyssal demons are probably not easy, otherwise, with the four of them, there really is no trick to suppress the bottom of the box. Why should they fight against such a terrifying Guangming Cult?

By dreaming?


There are not a few people who have the same idea as Bai Xiaofei.

For example, the Dragon King of the Titans, he quickly realized that the devil in front of him, did he say that a guy from the Light Cult was too strong?

If this is the case, then how do you demons fight with others?

The key is that your number is still smaller than others.


Doesn't that mean.

You are the ones who hide the deepest? If this is the case, then if we cooperate with you, is it considered to be seeking skin from a tiger?


Dread belongs to dread.

But Lord Dragon King, you may not be afraid of the Light Cult and the Abyssal Demon Team, otherwise you don't need to fight in team battles, it's better to compare who is stronger and has more people.

The same goes for the other two teams.

After experiencing the initial shock, they quickly came back to their senses, and then looked at Captain Demon.

Hades was the first to ask: "Your Excellency, I don't know what level your strength has reached now? Would you like to reveal it?"

Although the others didn't open their mouths, they all meant to ask.

Can't help but secretly praise Hades.


The devil captain grinned when he heard this, shrugged his shoulders and said, "There is nothing to hide, after all, we are all on the same boat now."

"Since you asked, let me explain."

"Under normal conditions, my strength should be slightly stronger than the elite masters of the Light Cult."

"But it's also limited in strength, not enough to resist the siege of two elite masters, so you can count me, and my vice-captain, as 2:5 elite masters."


When everyone heard this, they became even more curious.

Xuan Ming asked: "In the normal state? What do you mean? Does it mean when you maintain your human form?"


The demon captain shook his head.

He smiled and explained: "Normal state refers to the state of not using killer skills and adding other buff effects, not just when it refers to the human form."

"You can understand that the special fourteen-winged angel of the Order of Light is in a state of not having the power of the rules of the Divine Lord of the Order of Light."

With that said, everyone will understand.


Here comes the problem again.

This is the case in the normal state, but what about the unconventional state?

Seeing everyone's eyes widening, as if they were going to break the casserole and ask the end, Captain Demon was not angry, and sighed:

"Forget it!"

"Now that this is all said, there is nothing to hide, let me tell you all, every member of our abyss demons has a magical ability, which can greatly improve their combat power at critical moments. "

"However, the specific improvement depends on the type of demonization and the specific environment at that time. There is no way to measure this."

"for example."

"If it is a demon that has mastered fear and pain, it will undoubtedly get more help in a chaotic battlefield, and the demonization effect will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"Conversely, if the demonic ability mastered by this demon is lust, or appetite or something, it will basically not help much. It can only increase the basic combat power of a demonic ability."

"but me"

When he said this, Captain Demon paused slightly, his eyes swept over everyone one by one, his eyes were full of complacency.

Then he continued: "My demonized ability is anger and hatred. The more negative emotions I have, the stronger my demonized state will be."

"Even without the help of any environmental improvement, just the basic guarantee of the demonization ability is enough to raise my strength to another level."

"If you convert it to the elite masters of the Light Cult, you can almost fight two or more. The other three demon members, although the improvement of demonization ability is not as good as mine, but if you use some other equipment or means to assist in the improvement, basically It can also deal with about 1.5 to 2 on the top."


As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help opening their mouths.

Depend on!

These guys are good too.

No wonder he can become the old enemy of the Guangming Cult. Just this ability to demonize is enough to wrestle with the opponent!

Four demons, all demonized, are basically the combat power of about 10 special fourteen-winged angels!

Even if there is still some gap against the level of the Bright Cult, it is not that big.

not to mention

What Captain Devil told everyone may not be without concealment. If you add some more on this basis, it will be about 15


It is worthy of being an organization with the same name as the Illuminati Cult.

Such background, completely convinced!

With that in mind.

Everyone looked at the Abyss Demon team, and couldn't help but feel a little more fear and vigilance. These guys are hiding too deep!

Only Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, thoughtful.

he guessed

Whether it is the Church of Light.

Or the Abyss Devils.

Their special means of enhancing strength should have certain restrictions and cannot be used lightly.


During the previous battle, these two groups of guys would no longer hide.

If you think so, then there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, everyone present is not an idle person, who hasn't tapped the bottom-of-the-box trick yet.

If you risk your life, even if you can't die together, at least you can get seriously injured or something, right?

At that time, when others seize the opportunity, you will also not be able to run away.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Calculated in this way, the combination of our four teams should have a good chance of winning. The four members of the Abyss Demon team can at least block four special fourteen-winged angels.

Exclude them.

There is only one saintess candidate Joan of Arc left in the Order of Light, and other ordinary fourteen-winged angels, and weaker players.

Even that Captain Joan of Arc, a powerful group, the three captains teamed up, and with Bai Xiaofei's help, they should be able to handle it, right?

The remaining dozen or so members of the alliance, together, can't join forces with the only three or four ordinary angels left in the Bright Cult?


Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it.

It doesn't matter even if they are really useless, at worst, when it's critical, Bai Xiaofei calls himself to come!

In short.

This action can only succeed, not fail!

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