The Storm God

Chapter 4173 Set a plan for bitter meat! (Please subscribe!)

After the three known elite angel battle candidates have targets, the remaining problems can be solved easily, because there are only two strong enemies left——

The sixteen-winged angel Joan of Arc, one of the candidates for the Holy Maiden.

as well as……

Another elite angel.

As the captain of the Order of Light and the only sixteen-winged angel, Joan of Arc is extremely powerful and terrifying, so she naturally needs the strongest configuration to fight against.

For example, the dragon king of the Titans, the captain of the devil, and Hades, the captain of the death team.

Even if the three captain-level masters are still insufficient, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to let the deputy captain or other masters support them at that time.

With so many people, no accident, they can be piled up to death.

The point is.

What kind of ability does that fourth elite fourteen-winged angel who has no intelligence information have, and how strong is his level?

And what kind of candidates should the four-team alliance send to face it?

This needs to be studied and analyzed.


One wrong step, and you may lose everything.

Bai Xiaofei's proposal is to ignore this for now, and when the time comes to fight, the other three elite angels will be dealt with to a limited extent.

He didn't believe it.

As soon as she comes up, Joan will take action herself?

As long as the highest combat power doesn't do anything, they will be able to deal with it very well. Even if the most hidden elite angel does something, they can temporarily send captain-level experts to fight against him.

after all.

Changes are worse than plans.

Fighting, what is important is a change.

To this.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

As for the other Angels of the Bright Order, everyone didn't take them seriously at all. It's not that they were arrogant, but besides the elite angels, there were only two or three cats and dogs left in the Bright Order.

The rest of the team members on their side didn't need to discuss at all, and they could kill each other if they just rushed forward.

The preliminary plan for the battle was decided in this way.


The specifics depend on the circumstances at the time.

If there are any accidents and changes, what should be changed or have to be changed. Let’s talk about the specific situation. If there is no change, it will be based on the plan.

at last.

It's time to act.

In this regard, the Dragon King's suggestion is that the more open the better, otherwise, when the Guangming Cult reacts, it will lose the opportunity.

"That's right!"

Xuan Ming supported: "In the previous battle, although they didn't hurt their foundations, they all suffered some injuries. If they all recover, it will be difficult to fight."


"I think it's best for them to separate, otherwise God knows if they have any joint skills, this has to be guarded against!"

"What do you think?"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone agreed.

Death team captain Hades said: "Then the question is, how to separate them? After all, the other party is not a fool."

"Infinite gems!"

Bai Xiaofei immediately gave the answer, saying: "The core of the team battle is the Infinity Gem. If we use the Infinity Gem as a bait, then the Guangming Cult will probably send people to investigate whether they believe it or not."

"That's right!"

The demon captain nodded and said: "If it were me, I would do the same. The question is, who will come up with this bait?"

"And what should I do to convince the other party that this is not a trap?"

"You can't tell the other party directly, I have an infinite gem here, you come and grab it? They are not fools!"

hear this.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei.


The solution is yours.

That being the case, it's up to you to come up with a reasonable plan.

Bai Xiaofei had already made up his mind about this, and immediately said after seeing this: "It's actually very simple, as long as we make a bitter plan."

"Bitter trick?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

And some people with quick brains immediately understood the key point, and said with a bright light: "You mean to create an illusion that the two teams are fighting for the infinite gems?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said with a smile: "After the previous battle, the strength of the Reaper team and the Alliance team has dropped sharply. If someone makes a move at this time and wants to snatch the infinite gems in their hands, is there anything wrong?"


Everyone shook their heads.

It's not just that there's nothing wrong with it, it can't be more reasonable.


If the Titans hadn't summoned everyone to deal with the Light Cult, I'm afraid someone would have already done so by now.

Think here.

The two captains of the Reaper team couldn't help looking at the Abyss Demon team.

No way, who made the Abyssal Demons team demons, and besides the Titans team, the strongest existence.

With their pissing nature, it is perfectly normal to try to snatch the soul gem from the Reaper team.

As for the league team?

Feel sorry!

They're just a bunch of paupers who don't have anything they want.

Even if you want to grab it, you have to have capital. The Titans do have capital, but they have to guard against the threat of the Light Cult...


Only the Abyss Demon team is the most suitable.

With that in mind.

Not just Reapers.

People from the other two teams also looked at Captain Demon.


The devil captain couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Good guys, do you recognize us? But thinking about it, this seems quite reasonable, because without this alliance, they probably would have done so.

The most important thing is that they are abyssal demons.

It is an old enemy with the Guangming Cult.

If the Light Religion heard that the Abyss Demon team was snatching other teams' Infinity Gems, whether it was for the Infinity Gems or to deal with the Abyss Demons, the possibility of making a move would be great.

on the contrary.

If it were the Titans who took the shot, it wouldn't necessarily be the case.

It's not that the Illuminati Cult is cowardly, but that the Titans are notoriously fleshy. Ordinary guys can't beat them at all.

Taking action against the Titans, not to mention the loss outweighs the gain, and the danger of being attacked by the Abyss Devils...


If you were the Light Cult, how would you choose?

Anyway, Captain Demon didn't believe that the Light Cult would make a move. At most, they sent some young men to observe the situation.

That's all.

After pondering for a while, Captain Demon sighed helplessly, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then let us implement this bitter plan!"

Others echoed their approval.

Bai Xiaofei said: "When the time comes, our Titan team will send some powerful players to the scene, and the installation will be on the sidelines, ready to reap the benefits."

"The same goes for our league team!"

Xuan Ming said.

The Dragon King laughed and said: "When the battle becomes so big, no matter how cautious the Bright Cult is, it is impossible not to come."

"As long as they come, don't even think about going back."

"That's right!"

"I thought it was just like the other teams, just a bystander or a fisherman, but I didn't expect that I was the big fish that was dropped."

"At that time, depending on the specific situation, we will decide how many masters will join us to deal with the members of the Guangming Cult. It is best not to expose the joint affairs of our four teams, because we can continue to play bitter tricks in the future!"

"If it's going to be so smooth, it will be easy."


Everyone said something to each other, and immediately started a heated discussion, and the more they talked, the more excited they were, as if they had seen that the Bright Cult was about to be destroyed.

Only Bai Xiaofei was smiling on the surface, but he sneered inwardly: "Hehe, you think you are all winners? Wrong! I am the biggest winner!"


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