The Storm God

Chapter 4174 This slap in the face is too fast! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

In the resident of the Guangming Mission.


A member rushed in from the outside in a hurry, and not long after, almost all the core members of the Illuminati Cult gathered together.

"What do you think about this matter?"

Joan of Arc sat on the throne and asked everyone what to say.

"grown ups!"

Gabriel was the first to stand up and replied: "The demons of the Abyss Demon team are all mercenary, and their methods are cruel, vicious and brutal!"

"In the previous battle, the Death God team and the Alliance team suffered heavy losses, and there were many casualties. This is the weakest time."

"It's reasonable for them to attack the Reaper team and want to snatch the soul gems. It is estimated that other teams will not sit idly by."

"Let's not talk about the Titans. The league doesn't have an Infinity Stone in their hands. With such a good opportunity, they will definitely participate in the wave."

"We can't be indifferent either."


As soon as this statement came out.

The other elite angels also nodded.

However, someone still raised an objection: "Gabriel, the previous teams all had some changes. What if this is their trap?"


Hearing this, Gabriel couldn't help sneering: "If it were someone else, I might agree with you, but the Abyss Demon Team..."

"Feel sorry!"

"Do you think anyone would dare to work with these guys?"

"First, they are notorious, and cooperating with them is equivalent to seeking skin from a tiger. Second, doing so will cause great dissatisfaction with our Guangming Church..."

"The last point, the second phase of the team battle mission, the penalty for failure is obliteration. Under such a benchmark, is there really such a thing as cooperation?"

"To sum up, I think you say, almost impossible!"


And the one who spoke was precisely Lucia.

After listening to Gabriel's analysis, Lucica was also speechless and speechless.

Others who remained neutral and did not speak could not help expressing their support for Gabriel's intentions.


None of what they said was of much use.

In the end, it depends on the meaning of the captain Joan of Arc. She said yes, it is true, otherwise it is useless to say more.

And after a while of pondering and thinking.

After all, Lord Joan chose to follow Gabriel's suggestion, and sent a team to the planet where the Reaper team was stationed to see what was going on.

If conditions permit, it is not impossible to take advantage of the fire and snatch the soul gem.

Doing this is not only for team battle missions, but also for combating and weakening the strength of the Abyss Demon team.

after all……

The two sides are old enemies.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. With the same interests, the Light Religion would not mind helping the Reaper team deal with the Abyss Demon team.


It would be the best if it could not only defeat the Abyss Demon team, but also force back the soul gems.

For this reason, Lord Jeanne of Arc sent Lucia, the most powerful angel of light, together with Gabriel, the seraphim, to lead two team members.

It is worth mentioning that.

With the help of the Mind Gem and the Space Gem, the Light Cult at this moment no longer has the so-called seraphs.

Instead, they have all been upgraded to masters at least at the level of twelve-winged angels.

There is no other reason.

The effect of the Soul Stone on members of the Order of Light is too strong, even stronger than the effect of the Soul Stone on the Death Team.

Coupled with their invasion, they have controlled many planetary civilizations and the beliefs of tens of billions of people. Only in this way can the strength of some small soldiers be raised to this level abruptly in a short period of time.

On the other hand, for the Reaper team, the time for obtaining soul gems is too short, even if the increase effect is significant, it is only limited to a few of them.

And the Titans over there.

The attributes of the power gem are a little too hip.

It is far inferior to the soul gem, so among the many infinite gems, there is no second one that can achieve the promotion effect of the Bright Cult.

This means that the time is a little short. If you give the Bright Order some more time, with the help of the increase of the Mind Gem, maybe the Bright Order can reach the level of all fourteen-winged angels.


The fourteen-winged angels here are worthy of the general standard, not the special elite-level angels like Gabriel and others.

Because that requires the power of the ultimate boss of the Order of Light, the Lord of Light, to obtain sublimation and transformation.

Otherwise, no matter how much power you get, you can only be an ordinary fourteen-winged angel. The combat power is strong, but the homogeneity is serious, and it is easy to be targeted.

For an elite fourteen-winged angel like Gabriel, the effect of the Mind Stone on improving it will be greatly reduced.

after all.

When the level of strength has reached their level, it is not only the improvement of strength, but also the in-depth research and development of the essence of one's own strength.

In this regard, the soul gem cannot help.

Closer to home.

After receiving the order from Lord Joan of Arc.

Gabriel and Lucica, the two elite angels, did not dare to neglect, and immediately took two ordinary players, controlled the holy light, broke through the space, and teleported to the Reaper team's resident.

Just arrived here.

The two elite angels felt huge and terrifying energy fluctuations, and that familiar feeling immediately made them recognize each other's identities——

Abyss Demon!

at the same time……

A palpitating soul coercion also came from afar.

no doubt.

The latter is the Reaper team, and only the Reaper team's special power system can radiate such terrifying soul coercion.

Not only that, in addition to the breath of the Reaper team and the abyssal demon, the two elite angels also felt other breaths.

"The guys from the Titans and the Alliance are all here!"

Gabriel squinted his eyes and said excitedly: "Looking at them, it seems that they are all watching the good show from the sidelines, and they are planning to enjoy the benefits of fishing at the critical moment."


Lucica pouted.

He didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

The meaning seems to be saying, you have guessed that you are good this time, but it may not be the case next time.


There is no next time for them.

After a while.

Just as the battle between the Abyss Demon Team and the Reaper Team was at its most intense, the space around the entire planet suddenly froze.

It was as if the gentle flowing water was suddenly strengthened into extremely hard ten thousand-year-old black ice.

Gabriel and Lucica were horrified to find that their holy light teleportation technique completely failed in this situation!

"what happened?"

Gabriel was a little confused, last time it was Thanos, who did it this time?

There was a flash of inspiration in Lucica's heart, her complexion changed suddenly, she gritted her teeth and said coldly: "Damn it, we got it!"


Poor Gabriel hasn't reacted yet.

And this time.

The Abyssal Devils and Reapers, who were fighting extremely ferociously just now, have already stopped fighting and disappeared.

Several members of the Titans and the Alliance, who were on the sidelines, walked towards the Light Cult.

And the person in the head is the sword fairy Haotian who was once a member of the dream team and now joins the Titan team, that is, Bai Xiaofei.


No matter how slow Gabriel was, he could still react. This was simply a conspiracy against them!

The abyssal demon team snatching the soul gems of the death team is clearly a bitter trick designed to attract them!

With that in mind.

Gabriel's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

This slap in the face is too fast!


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