The Storm God

Chapter 4175 Divide the enemy! (Please subscribe!)


"These damned guys are really united, how is it possible? Those greedy and cruel demons are all crazy?"

"Where did they all go?"


Gabriel binocular round stool.

Until now, he still can't believe that those guys from the Abyss Demon team actually teamed up with these people.

Are these guys (Reaper Team and Alliance Team) not afraid of the Abyss Demon's rebellion and destroying them too?

"Prepare for battle!"

Lucica is obviously much more sensible.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately ordered everyone to enter a first-level combat readiness state. Everyone, including himself, instantly transformed into the strongest angel form.

no way.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, they can only go all out. If they still want to retain their strength at this time, there is only one dead end!

If you want to break the game, you can only take the lead and seize the initiative!

"Gabriel, stop thinking about it!"

"Do it directly!"


Seeing her teammates beside her with disbelieving expressions on her face, Lucy Jia was immediately annoyed, and hurriedly reminded her.

at the same time

She wasn't idle either.

Seeing the enemy approaching gradually, Lucia immediately took the lead.

I saw her eyes staring, a bright cross star flashed in her pupils, followed by a terrifying power released from it.

And a hundred kilometers away from Lucica's eyes, there was an extremely strange explosion of photons immediately.

The power of the big bang was extremely terrifying, comparable to an interstellar nuclear bomb.

Moreover, the shape of the explosion is also very in line with the style of the Guangming Church. It is not the usual mushroom cloud shape, but the standard "ten" shape.

It's like setting up a huge tombstone for this planet.

Bright and dazzling.

Dazzling and dangerous!

But it is a pity that even though the power of this move is extremely powerful, it is nothing to Bai Xiaofei.


before the explosion.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei shouted softly, the terrifying and awe-inspiring sword intent came out of his body, slashing furiously in the air, and slashing Lucia's photon attack away from the direction.

Otherwise, even if it doesn't hurt everyone, it will definitely blow everyone up and give the enemy a chance to defeat them one by one.

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not allow such a thing to happen.

So shoot directly.


The sound of the sword being unsheathed sounded.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei transformed into a dazzling sword light, the human sword merged into one, directly passed through the huge "tombstone" with cross starlight, and went straight to Lucica.

Before the person arrived, the terrifying sword intent had already made Lucica feel the terrible pressure of suffocation!

"So strong!"

Lucica's eyes froze.

Her intuition told herself that the other party was coming for her.

If you don't avoid it, the opponent's terrifying sword move will definitely fall on the teammates around you, causing huge casualties.

Even Gabriel.

After all, he is an elite angel just like himself, so he doesn't have to worry about anything, but the other two angels can't do it.

With that in mind.

Without any hesitation.

Lu Xijia spread her cross-shaped wings of light, and immediately complied with Bai Xiaofei's wish, and flew to the other side towards the escape route opened by the sword move.

As for Bai Xiaofei, he smiled slightly, and on the way to charge, with a flick of his sword tip, he changed direction and chased after him.

in the field.

At this moment, Gabriel and two ordinary fourteen-winged angels are left.

And those who greeted them were the vice-captain of the Titans - Gus, and His Royal Highness Kill of the Alliance team.


Except for the two of them.

There are also some other members of the alliance, such as Xiaoxue, Lan Lan, and Lao Sun of the Titans. Their task is to deal with the two ordinary fourteen-winged angels.

The strength of Xiaoxue and Lan Lan is naturally a bit short.

Fortunately, they are not the main force, as long as they can help the old sun of the Titans with peace of mind, the old sun has nothing but high growth potential.

Moreover, his brain is extremely flexible, and he can be good at using all tools and means to fight, so there is no need to worry about strength.

Not to mention an ordinary fourteen-winged angel, even an elite-level angel, he can still compete.

Considering that the Reaper team and the Abyss Demon team had other missions, the battle here fell on Lao Sun.


Regardless of the other side.

Here, Lao Sun's movements are very fast. On the way to kill, he has completed the recovery of his body and turned into a giant ape holding the sky, holding a giant stick of unknown material. Jinshan fell down like a pillar of jade.


In the process of smashing down in anger.

This terrifying giant stick also became bigger and bigger, and halfway through, it had already turned into a huge mountain.

That power, old nima is enough!


Gabriel finally recovered.

Seeing how terrifying the enemy's attack was, he immediately shouted angrily, commanded two ordinary team members, and quickly retreated to the side.

Because he could see that this gang was not simple.

Not only the terrifying bombardment power, but also the inside of the stick seems to be loaded with some kind of suppressive power!

Once hit, or spread, the power of the body will be affected, or even completely locked, unable to be used.

For ordinary angels, the power is extremely terrifying.

Even an elite angel like him can't say that he will be able to withstand it, so the best way is to get out of the way.


It was exactly what Lao Sun wanted.

As soon as the two ordinary angels dispersed, Lao Sun's group directly made a feint, and the thunder and rain quickly shrunk back when Qianjin shot.

Immediately, Gabriel was so angry that he was tricked?


Before he gets angry.

Gus, the deputy team leader of the Titans, blasted in front of him with a terrifying particle breath, forcing Gabriel to fight him with the power of thunder.


Two extremely powerful terrifying energies collided in mid-air, and instantly erupted with unparalleled annihilation power, tearing apart the void and destroying the earth.

If Bai Xiaofei and others hadn't applied special power to this planet in advance to solidify and protect it, this blow would be enough to destroy the entire planet.

But even so, the collision of the two forces still caused huge damage, leaving the planet's land in a mess and full of ruins.


Seeing this, Gabriel frowned immediately.

So strong!

this guy's strength

It's not easy to mess with!

He could feel that the other party's realm didn't seem to be lower than his own. If he wanted to defeat the other party, he would have to use all his strength.

And the other side.

Lao Sun, Xiaoxue, and Lan Lan directly approached the ordinary fourteen-winged angels of the two separated Guangming sects.

at the same time.

In order to prevent the fight from being blocked.

After they surrounded the two of them, they immediately activated the teleportation device arranged in advance, directly teleporting everyone to another specially prepared battlefield.

In this way.

No one can intervene in the battle between them.

In fact.

Not just these two.

Lucy Jia on the other side, under Bai Xiaofei's constant pursuit, was also quickly forced to the pre-set space transfer position.


When Lucy Jia reacted.

He and Bai Xiaofei had come to another special battlefield where space blockade and imprisonment were also applied.

that's all.

The four members of the Guangming Cult were directly separated by Bai Xiaofei and others' calculations, and were sent to different battlefields.

This action plan is simply perfect.

When Lucica realized that the enemy was going to defeat herself and others one by one, it was already too late.

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