The Storm God

Chapter 4176 Double reappears! (Please subscribe!)


Lucy was outraged.

But she is also very clear that anger is useless now, the only thing she can do is to defeat this guy in front of her.

Otherwise everything is useless.

With that in mind.

She stopped hesitating immediately, the cross starlight in her beautiful eyes bloomed instantly, and the terrifying power aura suddenly increased.

at the same time.

Lucia's form also began to change.

The originally small and charming female angel looks like a light, but at this moment, the whole body is illuminated, like a human-shaped light bulb, and the whole body is bathed in bright and dazzling holy light.

Even the cross-shaped wings on her back became bigger and more exaggerated.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei felt that Lucy's strength had at least increased by a small level, and even he felt pressured.


This so-called pressure is worthwhile without borrowing infinite gems, and it is just a pressure.

Not invincible.

not to mention.

Bai Xiaofei didn't plan to be kind to a woman, he waited for the transformation of the other party to complete before attacking him. Seeing that Lucia seemed to be releasing a big move, he squinted his eyes and immediately launched the long-prepared attack.

"Stand-in attack!"

With an angry shout, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the void.

It was the Tsundere double who had appeared before.

"This is?"

Lucy Jia, who was transforming, felt the appearance of Tsundere's substitute, and was stunned at the time. Isn't this thing a substitute for Thanos?

how come

Could it be that the previous Thanos was a fake? !

He did it all!

No wonder!

The people of the Guangming Church thought it strange at the time.

Almost all the teams participated in that battle, but the Titans never showed up, which was very abnormal.

Now the mystery is solved.

Because everything was planned by the Titans, it is only a ghost that the Titans can appear!


Lucica knew it too late.

Just when she was stunned and stunned, the Tsundere Substitute took advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack, rushed forward, and slammed Lucica's head with a palm.

"Holy Light Shield!"

Lucia was not slow to respond.

Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately set up his defenses, and the terrifying energy of the Holy Light turned into a huge eggshell-shaped shield, protecting it airtight.

at the same time.

Her transformation also began to accelerate.

It was about to be completed, but at this time, a scene that made Lucica unbelievable appeared, the attack of the Tsundere Substitute directly penetrated the protection of the Holy Light Shield, and directly pressed it on the on her head.

next moment.

Before Lucica could react.

Her whole body froze completely, and this scene, in the eyes of outsiders, seemed to be a tsundere stand-in who pressed her hand on her head and locked her in place.

Everything happens in an instant.


Lucica was down.

Not only did the transformation stop completely, but the aura of the whole person dropped crazily in an instant, and his body also twitched violently as if being sifted through chaff.

And the palm of the Tsundere Substitute seemed to have magical powers, continuously extracting a certain kind of special energy substance from Lucica's body.

From a distance, it looks like a neon flowing backwards.

As strands of special energy substances were absorbed and absorbed by Tsundere Stand from Lucica's body, the latter's strength plummeted.

The cross-shaped wings on the back have degenerated directly from fourteen wings to twelve wings, a full drop of two levels!


Bai Xiaofei was quite surprised and shocked when he saw this scene: "Is it so cruel? When I absorbed Barbie before, it didn't seem so powerful, right?"

"Could it be that the higher the level of strength, the stronger the absorption?"

"Or is there some other reason?"


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling puzzled.

the other side.

Gus from the Titan team, and His Royal Highness from the Alliance team are fighting fiercely with Gabriel, and the battle between the three is quite brutal.

It's different from Bai Xiaofei's side.

Gus's self-esteem did not allow him to interrupt his opponent's transformation.


Gabriel was given ample opportunity.

It was very easy to complete his ultimate transformation. The whole person turned into an elemental body composed of thunder and lightning. Wherever he passed, the sky was full of thunder, and endless lightning fell from the sky.

It not only provides it with endless energy, but also comes with a certain degree of attack and defense, and is almost completely immune to physical attacks.

The holy sword that killed His Highness struck Gabriel's body, as if the sword had been struck in the water or in the mist.

The opponent squirmed and deformed for a while, and he could return to his original state in a blink of an eye.

on the contrary

Gabriel's Thunder and Lightning are a group of ferocious ones, even if His Highness is protected by the golden holy clothes, it is still difficult to resist a few times.

Not long.

His golden holy garment was covered with darkness and cracked marks, all of which were blasted out by Gabriel's thunder and lightning.

Although the opponent's attack seems to be an elemental attack, in fact, it also has an extremely terrifying physical attack.

This is quite scary.

To this.

Killing His Highness was quite depressed.

While dodging, they complained secretly, Gus of the Titans is an idiot, wouldn't it be nice to join forces to attack just now?

What kind of chivalry has to be done, is this really cheating?

What annoyed him the most was that Gus was powerful, rough-skinned and thick-skinned. He was not afraid of Gabriel's thunder attack after transforming, but he couldn't kill His Highness.

That is.

The only person the opponent cheated on was him, his teammate.


Anyone got it?

After dodging for a while, Gabriel killed His Highness in an extremely embarrassing situation, and immediately couldn't help it, and hurriedly said: "Hey, you should hurry up and use your trick, I can't stand it so fast!"

"It will be ready soon!"

Gus smiled innocently, and said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I have been accumulating energy all the time, and it will be fine when I finish accumulating energy."

"I'm sorry, I let you suffer this time, and I won't do it next time."


Killing His Highness was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Depend on!

Do you want to have a next time?

Go to hell!


Depressed is depressed, the resistance is still to be resisted, otherwise once Gus's energy storage is interrupted, it will still be him who is unlucky at that time.

With that in mind.

Killing His Highness immediately went out.

Immediately, the small universe in the body exploded to the maximum extent, and at the same time, the power of the holy sword was raised to the extreme, and it was a burst of crazy slashing at Gabriel.

"Jie jie jie!"

"Are you in a hurry? The attacks are disorganized and there is no accuracy at all. Are you at the end of your wits? If you really can't do it, just vote."

"I'll consider giving you a whole corpse."


Gabriel laughed jokingly.

At the same time, the attack didn't stop at all, urging thunder and lightning all over the sky, turning into a rain of meteors and fire, and it was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment against His Royal Highness.

But his whole body directly killed Gus.


Although Gabriel was crazy, he didn't lose his mind, and he knew how to destroy Gus's stored energy, which was a typical example of revenge.

But at this moment.


He was surprised to find that he was actually trapped.

After a closer look, it turned out to be the Sword Realm, and he couldn't help but suddenly realized: "So, the attack just now was not released indiscriminately, but to create the Sword Realm and trap me in it?"


Killing His Highness panted heavily, and proudly said: "Have you been fooled? After entering my sword world, even if you are powerful, it will take some time to get out of trouble. As long as I can drag that guy to complete the charge, it will be me." Won!"

Seeing this, Gus at the side couldn't help but cast admiring glances at His Royal Highness, as if saying, "Good job!"

Killing His Highness ignored this, but asked: "How long will it take for you to accumulate energy, I can't last long here."

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