The Storm God

Chapter 4177 You two don't talk about martial arts! (Please subscribe!)

at the same time.

In the resident of the Illuminati Mission.

Joan of Arc and the others have also realized that the situation is wrong, and they seem to have caught it. This is simply a conspiracy against us!

While all expressions changed, they also took action immediately.

"Yi Hehua!"


Joan of Arc ordered: "Now you immediately take people in front of the planet Evra to investigate the situation, and at the same time bring my [Holy Metaphor], if the situation is not good, activate it immediately!"


Yi Hehua didn't dare to neglect.

Immediately lead people to lead and go straight to the planet Evra.

After he leaves.

Another elite angel stepped forward.

"grown ups……"

"I don't think it's that simple. The other party is probably coming after you. Do you want me to wake up that one right now..."

"After all, now is an extraordinary moment!"


Joan of Arc shook her head when she heard the words, and said, "Not for now, isn't there you by my side? And my own strength is not weak."

"Let's look at the specific situation first. If it is not a last resort, never wake up that person. That is our last trump card."

"It can only be used when it is life and death!"

"Don't expose it in advance!"


The elite angel fell silent for a moment.

There's no way, the official rank crushes people to death, adults have their lives, what else can he do as a younger brother?

Of course it's just as you say.


the other side.

On the third battlefield.

The old grandson of the Titans, together with Xiaoxue and Lan Lan from the Alliance team, faced off against the two ordinary fourteen-winged angels of the Guangming Cult.

Although these two angels don't have special powers like the elite angels, they are really tough.

All kinds of holy light skills are even more familiar, and the cooperation is also very tacit. Whenever one is injured, the other will be healed immediately.

You come and go with each other, don't mention how disgusting it is.

On the other hand, Lao Sun's side.

Except for the titan, Old Sun, who is tyrannical, rough-skinned, and forbidden to resist and beat, there is still nothing wrong with him.

The rest of Xiaoxue and Lanlan were a little embarrassed and miserable.

no way.

They are inherently weak.

Even if two people deal with one, it is a bit difficult, but the other party is proficient in healing ability and has a lot of milk, so he finally injured the other party, and he was healed in the end.

Anyone can get it.

After a wave of consumption, the two women immediately showed flaws.

Although he was not injured by the enemy, he directly disrupted the rhythm of the attack and fell into a passive state, attacking less and defending more.


Seeing this, Lao Sun suddenly felt bad.

If something happened to the two girls, he would be in trouble.

With that in mind.

He immediately lost his strength.

Immediately began to transform, inspired by the terrifying power, soon transformed into a giant ape holding a special giant stick, like a god and demon, extremely terrifying.

Those two fourteen-winged angels, in front of the transformed grandson, looked like two little ants, with an exaggerated stature gap.

Not only that.

The strength gap between the two sides was instantly widened.

The contestant who was able to compete with Lao Sun just now was no longer able to do so. All the attacks hit Lao Sun's body, just like scratching an itch, without any effect at all.

on the contrary.

Lao Sun's palm, kick, and even a stick all have the terrifying power of tearing heaven and earth, and the attack range is extremely huge.

Let alone defending, the two angels were exhausted in dodging.

Coupled with Xiaoxue and Lan Lan's assistance from the side, the passive situation was immediately brought back, and they directly gained the upper hand.

As the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.


The two fourteen-winged angels who were only focused on dodging and evading, one of them was not paying attention, and was caught by Xiaoxue and Lan Lan.

Under the attack of the tacit cooperation of the two, one of them stumbled immediately, and failed to return to the other angel companion in time.

As a result, the seriously injured companion was in poor condition and failed to dodge in time, and was directly dropped from the sky by the old grandson and hit the ground heavily.

It's a pity that the whole person is about to be smashed into a photo, almost GG on the spot.

Although he was still breathing, he was surprisingly much more breathless, and he didn't have much time left to live.

Without the help of his companions, another angel who stumbled, the result can be imagined. Facing the joint siege of the three, it was only a matter of time before he fell down.

as expected.

Not long after, this fourteen-winged angel also followed in the footsteps of the other, and was directly slapped on the ground by Lao Sun, seriously injured and dying.

so far.

The two fourteen-winged angels of the Order of Light were completely defeated.

Xiaoxue and Lan Lan were not soft-hearted people, they immediately stepped forward to make up the knife and successfully grabbed two heads.

Lao Sun returned to his normal human appearance, looking at the two heads that were taken away, he was quite upset: "You two don't talk about martial arts!"


"It's all the same, after all, we are all allies now, it doesn't matter if you kill me..."

"Don't worry about the details."


The two girls quickly behaved.

Seeing this, Lao Sun was speechless, as long as he let it go.


Bai Xiaofei here.

Tsundere stand-in is also very powerful.

Within a few minutes, he successfully swallowed up all the special energy substances in Lucica's body, and then threw it out like throwing a sack.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about these.

He immediately chased after him, and when he raised his hand, a burst of sword energy burst out, directly cutting off Lucy's hands and feet, and sealing the opponent's important acupuncture points with sword intent.

In this way.

Losing her arms and legs and her strength sealed off, Lucica became a complete captive.

After the Tsundere Substitute completed the task, he returned to Bai Xiaofei's side, holding a bright ball of light in his hand, glanced at it casually, and threw it to Bai Xiaofei with disgust on his face.


Same as last time, he also didn't like Lucica's ability.

After Bai Xiaofei got the ball of light, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said in surprise, "The power of light? It's interesting!"


Then I began to understand and understand the essence of it.

Not long after, Bai Xiaofei got his wish and successfully transformed it into his own power. Following a look and waiting, the terrifying cross star attack directly bombed a towering and straight mountain.

Fortunately, this planet has been specially reinforced, otherwise Bai Xiaofei's gaze would blow up the entire planet.

And the other side.

As a prisoner, Lucy Jia wished to die immediately, seeing Bai Xiaofei's performance, her eyes widened in disbelief.

She was too familiar with the move just now. It was Lucica's signature ability, but its power was much stronger than her own.

The usual tricks are like this, but what about the strongest power of light?

Wouldn't it be more terrifying?

this moment.

Lucy Jia looked at Bai Xiaofei with fear and apprehension, because in her opinion, Bai Xiaofei was far more terrifying than the abyssal demon.

At least the abyssal demons will not devour their abilities and use them for their own use, but Bai Xiaofei can.

This is very scary!

In time, when Bai Xiaofei has enough devouring and absorbing abilities, and his realm becomes stronger and stronger, who else in this world will be his opponent?

Even if the Lord of Light came in person, I'm afraid he would not be able to subdue this perverted guy. Lucy Jia was full of horror: "How can there be such a bug ability in this world? It just fell into the hands of the enemy..."

If this person is not eliminated, the entire samsara space, and even the primordial world, will be in chaos, setting off endless bloody storms!


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