The Storm God

Chapter 4181 Holy metaphor protection! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

Seeing the familiar phantom of the angel, Captain Demon's face became extremely gloomy in an instant, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's that nasty little bitch Joan of Arc!"


Hades, the captain of the Reaper team, and Xuan Ming, the captain of the Alliance team, neither looked very good-looking, and their hearts were full of resentment towards Captain Demon.

Depend on!

If it weren't for the fact that you had to babble just now, why would you come up with these moths now? When we meet a pig teammate like you, we will be miserable for eight lifetimes!

But if you are depressed, you should still fight if you should fight.


How to fight?

Now it is completely different from the previous situation.

Although the number of opponents is still the same, there is an extra super protective shield that is unknown. God knows how terrible its defense is?

What's more, everyone didn't think that the token just now was as simple as releasing a "turtle shell", otherwise the devil captain's face would not have become so ugly.

There seems to be some special situation hidden in it.

With that in mind.

The two captains couldn't help looking at Captain Demon, their doubts were palpable: "What is that thing? Explain it to everyone!"

The two captains didn't know much about the means and capabilities of the Bright Order.

So I can only turn to Captain Demon for help.


The captain of the devil said with a gloomy face: "That is [Holy Metaphor], a special method only used by the high-level members of the Guangming Cult. Transmission to the maker of the holy metaphor..."

"Depend on!"

hear this.

The two captains couldn't help but swear.

Hades of the Reaper team was speechless: "You mean, Joan of Arc, the captain of the Order of Light, already knows about our four-team joint plan?"


The demon captain didn't speak, which was equivalent to acquiescing to Hades' words.

Xuanming's face was also ugly, and he said depressedly: "Then what should we do now? Should we continue to implement the previous plan, or...?"


Hades also looked at Captain Demon speechlessly.

Xin said, if it weren't for you, why so many things, if the battle fails this time, you will definitely bear most of the responsibility!


The devil captain was even more depressed and angry.

Seeing that the two captains were full of resentment towards him, their expressions froze immediately, and they said in a deep voice, "It's too late to say anything now."

"The current plan is to smash the tortoise shell as much as possible before Joan arrives, and kill Yi Hehua and the others completely. Otherwise, when Joan arrives, we will have no chance at all!"

As an old enemy.

Captain Devil is still very familiar with the abilities and means of the Order of Light, especially Captain Joan of Arc, who is one of his old opponents.


Without any hesitation.

He directly chose to fight to the end, otherwise he would make all-out achievements, but his side failed, so what will he do in the future?

After making it up several times later, I am afraid that other people will complain when they ask for the infinite stones, so today he must get back his face.

With that in mind.

The demon captain couldn't help looking at the two captains, and said seriously: "The previous plan is useless now. What we have to do now is to join forces to attack and smash the turtle shell as soon as possible!"


It doesn't matter how the two captains react.

It changed directly, and instantly turned into a huge and terrifying dragon-headed demon that was holding up the sky, and took the lead in killing Yi and Hua who were hiding in the protective cover.

People haven't arrived yet.

The terrifying purple-black magic energy has already turned into a raging wave, and it was the first to slap on the protective cover transformed by Shengyu.


The omnipotent devilish energy, in front of the holy metaphor protective shield, is like scratching an itch, except for the waves of ripples on it, which have no practical effect at all.


The two captains looked at each other.

From the attack and the power of the protective shield just now, they also saw some problems, and they also agreed with the decision of Captain Demon.

next moment.

The two of them stopped hesitating and inkblotting.

They all shot.

First of all, Xuanming, who had already been dismantled by Zanpakuto, directly drove the terrifying ice crystal red lotus dragon, swung his knife and rushed to kill it.

Wherever it passed, endless freezing air, freezing space, accumulated attack momentum all the way, and then smashed fiercely on the protective shield of the holy metaphor, causing countless ice crystal debris to fly all over the sky.

This move of his is more powerful than Captain Devil's devilish energy.

But unfortunately...

It still couldn't destroy the protective shield of the holy metaphor, it just made its ripples a little bigger, and then there was no more.

the other side.

Reaper team captain Hades followed closely behind.

Although he has not completely liberated his Zanpakuto, its shape and ability have also undergone great changes. The key is ability, which is extremely terrifying.

The reason is that the death-type ability mastered by Hades is actually the unsolvable power of death-aging!

Wherever it passes, no matter what it is, matter, stars, or even space, as long as the area affected by the ability, the advanced stage quickly decays and decays, turning into nothingness.

Seeing so.

The two captains suddenly widened their eyes in horror, their eyes were full of horror, and then immediately hid away, for fear that they would accidentally be affected by it, and then be corrupted and aged, completely GG!

"Depend on!"

"Such a perverted ability was taken by you? What did you guys do in the world of "Reaper"? This is the ability of the skeleton emperor in the virtual circle!"

"Aren't you afraid that you have taken care of the entire virtual circle?"


While dodging, Xuan Ming said in horror.

Even the more tyrannical captain of the demon is very jealous and fearful of Hades' ability.

no way.

Because this aging power belongs to the strongest time system law.

If one's own ability and background are not enough, it is impossible to contend with this supreme law, and there is almost only one end to be encountered, a complete defeat!

Even he can't take advantage of it.

Even if his strength is stronger!

after all……

That's what ability is.

The first is high and low subordination, the second is restraint, and the last is strength.

When encountering someone who is strictly restrained, he has no temper at all.

This is not.

Even if it is the captain of the Order of Illuminati, the protective cover of holy metaphor made by Joan of Arc will only suffer when it encounters the power of aging and corruption of Hades.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

Visible to the naked eye, the protective cover of the holy metaphor, which was indestructible just now and had not received any damage, instantly corroded a large number of tiny holes after it came into contact with the decaying and aging power of Death Captain Hades.

Then the rest of the protective shields felt bad, and immediately began to provide support.

Following the entire huge protective cover, the change began to shrink rapidly.

at the same time……

Hades also spoke depressedly.

"Depend on!"

"Why are you hiding so far away, why don't you hurry up and help! I can handle this huge 'turtle shell' by myself, let's destroy it together!"

"We are on the same boat now. I won't take action against you until I get rid of the Guangming Cult. Otherwise, wouldn't that be digging my own grave?"


The two people who were hiding aside heard the words and thought it was the same.

However, for the sake of caution, the two of them did not approach completely, but after getting closer, they stopped at Nonglai and directly launched a long-range attack.

Suddenly, Hades was depressed enough.

these guys...

never mind!

Love it so much!

Inside the protective cover of the sacred metaphor, the three angels Yi and Hua were not idle either. Seeing that the protective shield of the holy metaphor of Mrs. Jeanne seemed to be restrained and was rapidly consuming energy, the three of them immediately took action, using their own light power to support it.

At the same time, I secretly prayed in my heart, hoping that Lord Joan of Arc would come over as soon as possible after knowing the situation here, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

After all, it is a combination of four teams!

Even if the Order of Light dare not say that it will definitely win, if Gabriel and Lucica fall unfortunately, the situation will be even worse!


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